Trump can't save you from this, the USA is done
Europe stands on a knife edge, anything can happen.
So which is it?
>ALL white couples should have children
>ONLY people who are financially stable and married should have children
>Europe stands on a knife edge
No, it bends over, ass cheeks spread, desperate for big black cock to pound away the whiteness within a few generations.
This is fact. Most white people are leftists, and leftists welcome multiculturalism. Hail Europe, the continent of white guilt.
You can't really talk Mohammed
Whats the difference?
>there is a stable job for every white man that pays enough to support a family
>light brown hair
>light skin
>blue eyes as a baby
>light green eyes as an adult
>considered a PoC by US standards
>white guilt
Places like Portland, SF and Austin have far more white guilt than anywhere in Europe
>implying half of them won't die in gang violence or robberies before they're 18
thanks jews
time's running out, akmed
Americans jealous that we are a century behind them in handing over our nations to brown people.
Good bye jew.
many of the blacks and mexicans will die off from a combination of abuse, gang warfare and justifiable homicides.
What's your obsession with black penises? I'd be embarrassed to even type out what you just typed
what about when he cuts abortion, you're gonna be packed with niglets
Wow, you've mastered the art of describing submissive homosexual encounters with black men, how many times have you written this kind of stuff before?
I would bet everything I own on whites being below 47% by 2050, they are always careful with these estimates to get the most conservative result
they're not counting hispanic whites, so this study is wrong
nice try jew, your tactics won't work here
Honestly as long as the "black" isn't rising, it's not the end of the world.
Blacks may go from 11 to 13 percent, but everyone wants to be black now, so you have Quadrinos identifying as black.. I would imagine the total % of blackness is decreasing as the "blacks" become increasingly diluted.
But will they survive to adulthood?
This said Hillary was winning the election too
This girl is a Mestizo
so what? by your chart, america will have the demographics of texas in 2050, and that's one of the best places to live.
we'll be fine.
selective breeding, genius sperm banks, genes race for human intelligence, health, and talent, is the direction humanity should go.
The sperm from one man could impregnate thousands of people. So there is a way out of this dysgenic nightmare. That's all I'm saying.
I have a question... why can't white people stand the sight of melanin?
Black people are just fine looking at you and treating you equally. So what gives?
You are to blame, not coloured people. This means that:
- people mix on purpose
- whites are too lazy to reproduce
he's cutting welfare too. so i guess they'll revert to cannabalism
>black people treating whites equally
lmao. non white, here blacks are the most racist of all ethnicities
B-But eugenics are evil,goyim!!! It's what the Nazis did!
you guys do realize that texas is 45% white and one of the most prosperous places in the world?
i'm not at all worried about america being non-white, so long as we can preserve constitutional values. you guys fretting over demographics need to get a grip.
by then most hispanics will have assimilated, as will the asians. blacks will always be a problem to some extent, but if we can improve their community through conservative role models, maybe even they can get better.
Ethnostate now. We need to establish the nova europa in madagascar.
America is the home of liberalism and cultural marxism you fucking cretin, you are the one who fucked up europe beyond belief.
Blacks will not always be a problem.
You just have to mix them with chinks.
>Most white people are leftists, and leftists welcome multiculturalism.
Nothing could be further from the truth, most white people are very tolerant and, in a way libertarian, sort of folk. The trouble is is that we're represented by a media and political class that is one and the same who push this idea that we are indeed a very progressive people who have no trouble with merging the world's peoples together.
It can't be shown via elections usually because we get a blue and red of the same kind of politician saying the same kind of things, so there is no change there, but then someone like Trump comes along or a referendum on something like the EU, that is when the real opinion shows, and that opinion being that the majority of the normal white population, particularly in the rural areas, are indeed tribalist.
eugenics is the future. we've selectively bred animals to do work for us, and this revolutionized humanity and set us on the path to greatness. Now the next step is to selectively breed ourselves, voluntarily, of course.
Imagine if everyone was intelligent and law abiding. there would be no crime, no pollution, no war, most work would be automated, no one would go hungry, and humans would have a lot of free time. A eugenic future is the closet thing to utopia we can achieve.
>by then most hispanics will have assimilated, as will the asians. blacks will always be a problem to some extent, but if we can improve their community through conservative role models, maybe even they can get better.
These people will never be productive. Their IQs and their culture limit them to an underclass.
maybe so, but blacks are projected to stay at around 13%
like i said, america will be fine. hell a lot of white mestizo mixes will probably look and identify as white.
>like i said, america will be fine. hell a lot of white mestizo mixes will probably look and identify as white.
It does happen here.
Dude I was already a minority in sf when I was born decades ago. Now all of America can experience what it feels like to be the only white guy in your classroom. Enjoy your lsd pseudo trips to espace not belonging and realizing every girl in the class just wants a guy, as long as he isn't like/looks like you. Because you OBVIOUSLY aren't a hip majority spic blood. Enjoy America ;)
Phenotype matters nigger.
luckily genetic engineering will completely remove the concept of race from the equation
Test tube babies will be built to grow 6'6" with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a 150 iq
>transhumanist fedoras
We live in the now, not then. I'd rather not live life and act according to what futurists say will happen.
it doesn't matter
poor whites will still breed
rich ones will still breed
the middle class will just get cucked to death
>Test tube babies will be built to grow 6'6" with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a 150 iq
Holy shit exactly why would you create such a person to live in Latin America where the weather is so fucking hot.
Also why 6'6? Shouldn't we be aiming to cut costs?
There's no stopping the negro hoardes from overtaking us without active genocide
They breed like fucking rabbits and society refuses to sterilize them
Meanwhile whites breed sensibly; at or just above replacement levels
White babies are still the largest minority. I'd say the US still needs more open borders because of its past involving slavery.
if what is projected to happen actually occurs you're going to look pretty stupid.
>but muh muh constitution
not anymore :^)
pick one
From all these nigger babies I should see if listing myself as a father would give me minority benefits
>implying nigger genetics can reach an IQ of 150
That's because you're from reddit and you have to go back
some hispanics are spanish or predominately spanish, they're a minority but they do exist.
Jokes on you dummy, I could easily kill about 30 million babies with my hands tied behind my back.... the trick is just having a lot of patience and dedication, cardio training helps too!
>maybe so, but blacks are projected to stay at around 13%
Whites drop and blacks stay the same..
You realize that means there are more blacks born than whites? A lot more actually, since the black demographic can keep steady against the gains of the hispanics.
>teleports behind baby
>"Nothing Personal Kid"
Most don't live past 18 though
>how many will die from gang violence?
>how many will die from drugs?
>how many will be in jail
>how many will end up being retards that watch TV and never bother to vote?
>how many of those colored babies will ever hold any power?
stop with your cuck fantasies.
whites have good couple of century to bleach this planet.
Upper class hispanics are largely southern european.
Every third cuban girl I see here in south florida is blone and/or green eyed aside from being just pale.
Non-white hispanics have brown nipples, black hair, typically curly hair, brown eyes. This is of course if they happen to be graced with pale skin anyway.
>southern european
pick one
>pure southern european
you can thank white women for this. supporting unchecked immigration, not wanting to have kids in order to focus on career, and breeding with shitskins. all common ideals among white american women.
Yes Texas is pretty based.
Also why all the hate against Latinos? They are overwhelmingly God fearing, family oriented, good Catholics.
The department of labor and statistics was forcefully made an arm of the government by Obama's administration
Obama's administration is quite clearly anti-white
Trusting the Census Bureau is ignorance at its peak
Remember, these are the same people who said there have only been 10 million illegals in the US and has continued to use that same number since the year 2000
Kill yourself if you take them seriously
>ONLY people who are financially stable and married should have children
The irony is most of the financially successful people I know are childless
We need more Jews and Asians.They are much smarter than white people.
>National Geographic wasright
>This will be true in our lifetimes
>mfw i already look like this
>"it's time to go to sleep little girl, OHHH YEAAAH.... lights out"
The last white on earth can still nuke it all.
>He actually believes this
But... how will they cry racism if they are the majority? What will they change the definition of "racism" to?
>(((D'Vera Cohn)))
No we need Jews in Israel, Asians in Asia, Africans in Africa, and Europeans in Europe.
European descendants get American clay because they were the first to build cities here. Never fall for the Asian/ Jew meme. They are smart but amoral and will stab you in the back when they get the chance.
Texas is a shithole
Guaranteed replies
Poor whites are still smarter than rich blacks.
So it seems whites should reproduce no matter what and it would be an improvement.
And of course white people aren't going to do anything about it.
I guess I have to look forward to reincarnating as a low iq shitskin
I'm going to leave for europe by then
hispanics are just as bad
live in LA and tell me you want the whole country to look like that
Texas is filled with white texans, who are more conservative than most american whites, and even then, Texas will be lost within a generation.
what went wrong?
That is mostly dangerous in Texas and Arizona.
>As of the 2010 US Census, the racial distribution in Texas was as follows: 70.4% of the population of Texas was White American; 11.8% African American; 3.8%, Asian American; 0.7%, American Indian; 0.1%, native Hawaiian or Pacific islander only; 10.5% of the population were of some other race only; and 2.7% were of two or more races. Hispanics (of any race) were 37.6% of the population of the state, while Non-Hispanic Whites composed 45.3%.
>filled with white texans
Conservative whites should breed but not white liberals. Having a 100% conservative block with a 40% white population is better than having a 90% white state with 60% liberals.
Stop paying colored people welfare for their kids.
Problem solved.
I don't know m8, with Trump's wall and the massively decrease of Hispanic birth rate it could easily go that way.
Come home, kinsman.
Im sure of that Akhmed
Fake news.
have to enforce laws which require being fixed to get handouts
Im 6/1 blonde with greenish blue eyes and don t speak a lick of the language of poverty. Just because my last name happens to be of Spanish descent doesn't mean I'm not a god damn hard working american. There's millions of us that haven't fallen for the Chicano meme. Stay salty mud blood. I'd rather have native DNA than nigger like you.
Where did everything go so horribly wrong ?
Que lastima, gringos!
>70.4% of the population of Texas was White American
>11.8% African American
>3.8%, Asian American
> 0.7%, American Indian
>0.1%, native Hawaiian or Pacific islander only
>10.5% of the population were of some other race only
>2.7% were of two or more races
> Hispanics (of any race) were 37.6% of the population of the state
>Non-Hispanic Whites composed 45.3%