>tfw people voted for trump because they thought he will rid them of the globalist menace
>tfw he turned out the biggest globalist shill around, and picked underqualified globalist millionaire donors in his cabinets
do you feel betrayed?
>tfw people voted for trump because they thought he will rid them of the globalist menace
>tfw he turned out the biggest globalist shill around, and picked underqualified globalist millionaire donors in his cabinets
do you feel betrayed?
drain the swamp just means getting rid of the pool of corruption
if you put a bunch of billionaires in charge they're less likely to take bribes and be corrupt because they already have everything anyway.
>billionaires are less likely to take bribes
1.wrong, they're likely to take bribes as smuch as anyone else
2.these billionaires have shady ties
3.they're underqualified and inexperienced in the political world
4.they are generally really shit people to pick for their respective cabinets
meh you're probably right
still better than hilary though.
equally as bad as hillary
>muh evil ruling class
>no evidence provided for assertion 1
What shady ties?
>James Mattis-a five star General-is unqualified to be Secretary of Defence
>Rex Tiilerson-a man who's been doing foreign deals his whole life-is unqualified to be Secretary of State
>Carl Icahn-a billionaire businessman-is unqualified to be Admin for Regulatory Affairs
>Steve Bannon-chief executive of Breitbart-is unqualified to counsel a Conservative President
>Steven Mnuchin-a banker in one of the top banks in the world-is unqualified to be in charge of the Treasury
>Mick Mulvaney-a fiscal Conservative-isn't qualified to be Budget Director
Do you realise how stupid you sound right now?
fuck your concern trolling
Hahah holy shit this guy.
>can't be influenced or corrupt because they already have everything
Trumpets really are as stupid as they come. Which poorly educated red state do you come from? How much do you even make a year? Lmao baka senpai desu.
come on man be real
nobody likes new money.
and I don't like workin for them.
I weep for you.
thank you for correcting the record
no you don't. you don't care about poor people. you don't care about the disenfranchised middle class.
>>no evidence provided for assertion 1
can't prove a negative fucktard
>What shady ties?
oh gee i don't know maybe it has something to do with the fact that most of them are tied to goldman fucking sachs, the CIA and rothschilds and other big ass companies that've been called out on corruption
totally not shady amirite
on top of that, they're globalist shills which is a big "FUCK YOU" to his voters
>if you put a bunch of billionaires in charge they're less likely to take bribes and be corrupt because they already have everything anyway.
That's true, but when it was the billionaires who were doing the bribing in the first place, and you put them in power... you've merely cut out the middle man.
>post legit facts that trump's cabinets are globalist shills which is the opposite of what they're supposed to be
>legit facts
Where? You haven't posted shit but a graph and your opinion.
Then you can't assert number 1.
There's one major Goldman Sachs dude in there, and he's tied to a financial role.
> the CIA and rothschilds and other big ass companies that've been called out on corruption
totally not shady amirite
>on top of that, they're globalist shills which is a big "FUCK YOU" to his voters
Considering the fact that most of his cabinet are Far-Right Conservatives...no, that's not true.
>drain the swamp just means getting rid of the pool of corruption
So it means the opposite of what Trump was saying when running.
>Considering the fact that most of his cabinet are Far-Right Conservatives
How you enjoying Exon Mobile cock up your ass?
what else is it supposed to mean?
>Almost all of his cabinets are filrhty rich people with alot of foreign ties
>Then you can't assert number 1.
like canadanon said, the richer you are the more likely you'll be the guy handing out bribes.
>Considering the fact that most of his cabinet are Far-Right Conservatives...no, that's not true.
oh it is true fucknut the more right wing you are the more you support freee markets and globalism
politics 101, left wants more government control on markets, and the right wants less control on markets and eventually globalism
10 fucking seconds in google, can't you google "CIA corruption" or ""rothschilds corruption"?
>oh it is true fucknut the more right wing you are the more you support freee markets and globalism
>Implying Globalism is the same as free trade
>foreign deals
>Secretary of State
rez ipsa loquitur.
foreign business deals =/= diplomacy
i doubt hillary would've picked a CEO to the run the State Department
>globalism is not free trade
globalism is just foreign business deals, and that's free trade.
Meanwhile Obama BTFO of Israel
Hillary's picks would have been more similar to Obama's. i.e. highly educated people in the fields pertinent to their cabinet positions.
I'm not saying she's an angel but I can't even fathom the biggest neocons assembling their cabinet like Trump's. Was Bush this retarded?
trump didn't hire washington insiders, he hired corporate elitists. How is that any better? Hillary wouldn't have been this bad
how is this gonna fight corruption? The corporatists are gonna hand out contracts to the highest bidder or for favors. All these people are corrupt, including Trump
trump is playing the long con
>Hillary wouldn't have been this bad
i agree with the other part of your posts but let's not kid ourselves
hillary's an anti-gun pro-NSA tyrant who also wants war with both Iran and russia, and also wants to keep the petrodollar deal with gulf states + imperial wars running
and she's also extremely corrupt and a liar
that's a big nono