Where were you when 40k triggered the sjws?

Where were you when 40k triggered the sjws?

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Suffer not the SJW to live.

These people on here literally think this a Nazi page. The 40k theme is completely unnoticed. They cannot grasp that this is a sci-fi game fan page. They genuinely think this individual is advocating real world facism.

That image is funny because he probably has no idea that the Emperor was hardline anti-religion.

"Humanity fuck yeah."





"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane"

The Emperor protects, heretic.

So now it is being claimed that the Imperial Eagle, regardless of context, is a Nazi symbol. If the eagle is used it is purely for Nazi purposes. Disregard the history of both the Roman and Holy Roman Empires.


Oh sweet, l live in Tulsa

"Walk softly and carry a big Multi-melta."

For an entire article about people not getting satire, it's amazing how it's only written because the author himself doesn't.

On holy Terra shit-posting with my battle brothers

preach it brotha

>That image is funny because he probably has no idea that the Emperor was hardline anti-religion.

This post is funny because the Emperor requires worship to sustain his strength and life-force besides also needing the souls of a thousand psykers everyday.

"Venerate the Immortal Emperor: He gave His life to protect us from the Great Enemy and protects us to this day."

excellent choice bruva

but I shall suggest a thread theme that will uplift the hearts of any true servant of the Emperor and break the minds of those who oppose him

1st theme: youtube.com/watch?v=bzPuK1vib_c

2nd theme: youtube.com/watch?v=Czpve_uNiLM

absolute truth also checked

The symbol the sign the icon of the eagle will always mean truth,strength,honor and ability to overcome any obstacle, as if an eagle flying over lakes,mountains,seas, and entire continents. Is the symbol of the mightiest and bravest conquers of the human race.

It is a symbol of absolute power.

Come child, lay your sins before Klovis

I was praying to the Emperor when I first heard the news.

Is there a reason one eye is covered and the other isn't?


>a thousand psykers everyday

The psykers are for the astronomicon.

The golden throne takes care of life support, worship not required.

40k is actually a pretty big satire on religion, given especially that the Emperor came to be worshipped by telling people not to worship him constantly. Like Lorgar, the filthy traitor.


...Where did you say your planet was again?

Only explanation I have heard is that the right eagle's eye is supposed to be open and they are said to not be looking to the past but only forward to the future. Dunno if the eagle is wrong or the explanation is.


atheists? FUCK YOU IMPERIUM GOYIM. Chaos gods will rule.

What's the context?

read Emperor of Mankind to see how wrong YOU are. Religon faith and hope also fuel the chaos gods...the emperor banned religion and superstition when he called the shots

*Aggressive clanking*


The Aquila represented the union between Terra and Mars following the Treaty of Mars, replacing the Emperor's earlier symbol of a thunderbolt. During the times before the Horus Heresy, the two headed eagle was blind-folded on one side, and the other had eyes. The backward facing sighted side represented looking back into the past, while the forward facing blinded eagle was looking into the future. The blinded side also looks more armoured than the sighted one, representing that, although the future is unforeseen, the blinded side is better prepared learning from the mistakes of the past.

The LEXICANUM is your friend brother

The true cucks

"Knowledge is power. Hide it well."


Fun note....the Emperor was totally going to kill all the Space Marines if he was not betrayed....so Horus actually is the savior of ALL space marines.


>Exterminatus prepped.



epic dude

>Fun note....the Emperor was totally going to kill all the Space Marines if he was not betrayed
No, there is no indication of that outside outside of daemon-babble. That's what chaos wanted Whorus to believe.
Well, he might have gotten rid of the World Eaters, but that would have been for the best.

f u

"There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty."

I stopped caring about 40k after matt ward destroyed everything I ever loved and made my grey knights weeboos. Is it still shit?

Chaos Cultists rioting in the old part of Vienna after being told that there will never be Anschluss 2 Elektrischer Boogaloo

Warhammer good, da.

>year of god emperor 40.000
>being a chaosfag

Meant for;


Piece of shit.

How did GK become weeaboo?

Down with chaos!



The emperor will purge all greenskins and brownskins.

The Aquilla is based off the Emperor's meeting with Kairos Fateweaver. One of Kairo's heads lies, the other tells the truth.

Heretic. oh wow


Fuck you heretic

i hate U, ; 3

Should have said Mary Sues instead. They were given gundams and kaldor draigo


The black field needs a field of stars. And maybe a Gold band on 1-2 sides.




What warp devilry is this?!

goddamn it


tfw no qt eldar gf

Warhammer 40k and it´s fractions are what you think them to be. For example there are so many different stories on what happened at the Vengeful Spirit with the Emperor and Horus fighting. I dont think there is a "real" canon, despite what Games Workshops wants you to believe. Decide for yourself what is canon.

Thats how Warhammer lore works for a majority of fans. Dont take any of GW word on what is canon and what not seriously. It´s up to you, for so much has been forgotten to never be known.

Why is no one raiding her facebook?

facebook com/jetzige/posts/10155523336358345?comment_id=10155670221238345&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D

Every time

Kaldor Draigo was the best thing for the memes though.


Fuck you

things changed when magnus and horus fucked shit up

>you have no idea what the astronomicon is

We request space marines for the future battles kek.


>wanting a xenos murder fuck whore who's lust literally created a dildo collecting chaos god
>not wanting a QT Sister of battle instead

pretty close to actual history in that respect.




There isn't any true canon. It's constantly changing. (mainly because of bad writing and multiple authors but whatever).

The fiction is usually written from the Imperium's perspective. Sometimes the codices from their point of view. It's all in-universe propaganda. Heroic tales to inspire.

>Wanting sex of any form


I want /tg/ to stay


Literally this.

>Not wanting to ensure the IoM's future by breeding
>lowing birthrates
I sense chaos trickery.



Orkz da best.


fucking hell


By the emperor, what heresy is this.

>>you have no idea what the astronomicon is

You've fallen for my trap.

The Astronomican is indeed powered by the psykers consumed upon Holy Terra in its resonant chamber.

But really though, look upon the history of Lorgar's treachery. A sad sight indeed to deny the Imperial Truth.

I'd honestly betray Imperium for Slaanesh. I want to reach the final domain of his/her castle and die there. Fuck chaos gifts, though I don't mind a cute daemonette raping my boipucci.