>He earns less then $15 per hour
Explain yourself Sup Forums, do you enjoy being a poorfag?
He earns less then $15 per hour
I make 15.81 as a lifeguard in PBC. Guess im not a poor fag
I'm lazy, unmotivated, and passed up several life opportunities like a fucking moron.
I'm alive though so there's that.
>PhD in Mathematics
>any job I want
>$300k starting
I make 17$ an hour installing sprinklers, I'm also applying for disability for my schizophrenia, can't wait to be raking in 3200 a month
Why wouldn't you want to have no job and live off grid in Alaska?
>he's a wagecuck
explain yourself
Was getting 24 for the last 4 years but lost my job after I shot myself on accident. Just turned down 18$ cuz if you can't tell, I'm white.
>He isnt salaried
I make under 15 an hour and get by just fine. Im building up a nice little savings too. Get fucked fag momey isnt everything
I make $20/hr and I'm still poor.
Reallys? Good for you bro.
May I ask your specialty? Even in Europe you can earn this much?
I am finishing up my Stats PHD, will hopefully be able to get a good job scrubbing an english school's floor.
Q: What is the difference between a PhD in mathematics and a large pizza?
A: A large pizza can feed a family of four.
>after I shot myself on accident
>checks flag
seems about right
Better to work per hour than for a salary m8 for 99% of jobs.
Your move, faggot.
>make 11.50 an hour
>enjoy a good quality of life, eat organic food and have hundreds left over every month to save or do other things for fun
>have 3 day weekends
>friend makes 16.50 an hour
>he can barely afford to live in a studio
>has no money left over at the end of the month
>can only afford cheap food
Location, location, location.
The amount you make doesn't always matter in the face of how expensive your area is.
It's a really popular Wendy's.
I stopped living paycheck-to-paycheck once I finally broke $23/hour.
I live in the fourth most expensive state in the US (Connecticut).
>organic food
For jump hunting or what?
>He isnt salaried
under rated post.
Hourly wage is bullshit. Salary is a life changing paradigm shifting bucket of awesome.
Be me: engineer making 62K annual salary plus full benefits and awesome annual bonus.
Well I live in California. I'm also self-employed so I have to pay payroll taxes on top of my regular taxes. About 25% total.
The fuck?? That's insanely good salary for that. But I imagine it's probably stressful as fuck.
I know, it feels so fucking good.
>Haha, I make so much money per hour "working"
>This means that I am a valuable contributor to society
Newsflash: A beggar in germany earns 50+€/hour. If you don't make that much, you are literally human trash.
>He earns less then $50 per hour
Explain yourself Sup Forums, do you enjoy being a poorfag?
Organic food is a meme ya dip. It tastes like ass and is more expensive. You probably vape too ya faggot.
>not being a NEET and living off the government
>being a nigger
>just did the math
>i make 170 shekels per hour
>Computer Engineering degree
>160k starting
But I actually don't. Doesn't mean I don't spend it all on weed and vinyl though. Fuck off, Dad, Im trying my best.
l make 8$/h
But it's in the most affordable state to live in so it kinda works
I'm still in college anyway
>make 34€ at a forklift factory
>don't even have a degree
also fuck you OP this is Sup Forums we're PRO working class you disgusting kike
>Make $15 per day
>having to work to be able to live
Lmao proles are so funny
do you by any chance have 9 inch dick?
>not salary with non exempt status
>guaranteed salary
>still get paid over time for all extra work you do
Salary exempt is maximum cuck
>we're PRO working class
You Jews/ Jew elves are pro Jewish dick suckers and that's it
I make 51$/hour and make over 100k a year plus my wife makes decent money and we are still constantly broke and behind on our bills
Oh shit, I left that out, thanks user
im p*lish
It's a meme, you dip!
Also known as how to get cucked.
High hourly is the master race. Every minute over 40 hours I work in a week is instant time and a half.
>Project manager / construction
>Wife makes $80k/yr
>X-Ray tech.
>9hour days
>2-3hours total commute time (due to shitty CA traffic.
>Live in 1,700 sf condo with no yard.
I make 15 an hour and I would say I'm poor
If only Cali was a little more liberal then you would live in a mansion, don't give up, keep pushing
Pls be joking, pls tell me your not this new
Lol retard
You have a serious spending problem
>Homeless village near my house. 15 tents set up at the on ramp by my house.
>different homeless person asking for free money every day at on ramp.
>different homeless person going through my trash every trash day.
>Neighbor on one side is a pot smoking black guy who yells at his son for smoking pot. He never goes to work.
>Neighbor on other side is a guy who does construction on his condo at 8:00 in the evening, and listens to Fox news at maximum decibels right next to my bedroom.
shut the fuck up or I'll suck your dick faggot
>Fell for stem meme
>Making 13.50 an hour as a lab tech
>9th Grade dropout
>16.50 an hour
Too poor to start a family
>$11/h in Baltimore working with nigs
>soon to be paid $250 a day with free food and rent, travel the world
Feels ok man
Truthfully? My lifestyle is comfortable, I have enough extra to get what I need and want when I want, and I have the time to study things that actually interest me, instead of solely what will earn me better standing as a wage-slave. Grow your own food, get your finances together, and reduce your monthly expenses, faggot, and you'll be surprised how much money you actually have.
>soon to be paid $250 a day with free food and rent, travel the world
I make $11 as an EMT. Firefighters make $14 and paramedics make $18. I think I'm gonna say fuck this and go to nursing school. $37 for a BSN at the VA.
Commercial sailor (engine department). I start in a few months
Muh nigga
>he works for hourly pay
Are you even trying?
Only niggers and kikes need money to make themselves happy.
Either work harder to deserve more or adjust yourself to be happy with less.
It depends on what job field you're in. If you get off on time and have a steady schedule salary is great. If you constantly get off late or work more than 40 hours, per hour is better.
Your white card has been revoked, trigger-fiddling fuckwad.
>Tfw you make 19.50 an hour at a stable 40 - 45 hours a week.
>he works extra hours for mr.shekelstein for free
Hourly wage= task has market value set by employer
Salary= Market value set by employee
I pay myself and the wife hourly because it's easiest to deal with on paper. I could pay us in all sorts of alternative methods but this is working, so why change shit?
One more soul to the call.
I am an actuarial assistant and I make $80k a year.
How is salaried better?
I'm paid by the hour, but at a steady 40 hours per week. My yearly haul from that with no overtime is 67k CAN. With volentary overtime I can hit 80 or 90 if I feel like it. Also full benefits and pension plan.
ITT: Wageslaves
hahaha enjoy your long weekend cucks
The new f150 are selling like shit... I used to get 60 a week...
You know that Salary means "You work a set amount of hours for a set amount of pay", right?
Unless you signed a retard contract then you'll never work more or less than the agree number.
Which also means often you're charging 40 hours for 20 hours of actual work.
I make $12 an hour but pay no taxes.
Make $27 as an intern.
Where? I'm in actuarial science too, but I make significantly less than that as an intern in Canada.
I work around half the days a year and not a single minute more than salaried for.
Not everywhere in the world exploits workers like the US
Are you me?
>9th Grade dropout (finished diploma from a home school "academy")
>$16.55 an hour in IT Support
Which Wendy's?
You negotiate your market value as an asset instead of having your task's market value dictated by the employer.
Cleaning toilets can be done by anyone, so that task has a market value based.
A salaried person negotiates a contract based on their market asset value as a person.
Salaried people bring experience, connections, networks, and exclusivity as an asset to a company.
I will work here for $xxxxxxx
You will pay me to do this task for $xxxx
Gotta start somewhere, faggot. Some of us don't get everything handed to them by mommy and daddy. Some of us have to work our way up from the bottom.
I'm proud of it, too. I'm not making much now, but I have a damn good work ethic, and I'm smart. I know what I'm capable of. I won't be here for long.
Ayy buddy any tips for someone taking exam p in 4 weeks?
>24 hours a day job, don't see anyone you know ever
>$10.41 an hour
Even at 16 hour days you are making $15.62 an hour
I heard the Canadian market is pretty bad.
The girl I work with is also from Canada (graduated from waterloo).
Lots of Canadians are looking to move to the US based on the people I met at ASNY.
Goodpost. Also, 1488 get and your ID looks like "Drumpf" if I cross my eyes.
Yeah. I also want to move. Advice on moving to the States?
>prolonging the torture
>not working +50 hours a week
Making 19.55 an hour
This is unfortunately true.
In CO? can afford ~4000 sq. ft on 2 acres.
In TX? Can Afford ~10,000 Sq Ft. on 10 - 15 acres.
I fucking hate watching house hunters.
What a load of shit. You will not make that starting. Come back when you get a job and post your pay stub
>he doesn't get paid for overtime
Tfw I won't have to work, because I will be busy managing my inherited wealth.
>tfw took a meme degree in college that was a total waste of money(history)
>tfw $24/hr+bonuses in a comfy forklift driver job
>it didn't require any school at all
Could've been worse
>tfw get paid $15 an hour to make office furniture models in 3dsmax, in 1998, when I was a kid
that was my peak
What was your first job out of college and how much did you make?
>analyst in chemistry lab
>19.50 per hour
No idea, DESU.
Are you me?