How come Sup Forums hates redpilled trannies?

How come Sup Forums hates redpilled trannies?

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>Sup Forums is one person


Who honestly wouldn't pic related

Go to Hell, faggot

people who get laid on a routine basis

>How come Sup Forums hates redpilled degenerates?
They don't mix well together.

So are the trannies trying to do a raid or something now?

You should be gassed for your mental illness.

fem benis is best

Most of them look like monsters. a few (less than a handful) are hot out of possibly millions of them globally. Society doesn't need that. Not to mention the fact that all of them are mentally ill in one way or another.

What's with the Michael Jackson face


>no one notices nose



You don't believe in population-control?

>implying you wouldn't

90% don't pass. 90% of the 10% that do pass are insane.

Redpill me on feminine trannies like Blaire.

Do they seek a certain man, or are they like most women, and just seek normal alpha males?

I've fucked many decent looking girls in the past, plus I'm even married. But fuck, I wouldn't mind rimming Blaire.

No homo though.

I believe you make up shit to justify your fetish for men pretending to be women

i wanna drive a truck into your face
>wants to fuck trannies

you stupid gay bitch

she's already engaged lel

>has a penis


>redpilled trannies

I once fucked a swedish trap while visiting stokholm. she was feminine as fuck (like most swedish men). My wife knows that I basically fucked a man, but she's okey with it. Although she thinks it's weird.

fuck, trans marriages are legal in usa?

they're illigal here thanks to muslims. plus, the muslims are in the process of removing women's vote

blaire acts and looks feminine desu

Wait until artificial wombs are implantable and we'll reconsider.

I fucked a tranny too during my days of being a democrat before I woke up, its super degenerate

>giving away my powers to a dude with a wig

Do we not have any before pictures on this xir after all xirs been posted?

anti SJW=/=red pill

Fuck off with this meme


>dat nose
fucking freak

Jesus, wtf is this thing. Krillin post-tranny opp?

dont u dare speak for /pol shill

obvious photoshop

Feminine penis.

trannies are 200% degenerate, son

the hivemind is singular, 3rd person, you fucktard

Can't cut off your dick and/or take hormones and be redpilled. You'll always be a faggot in a dress, your only choice is to be a healthy one or one who will die young and depressed.

Just be a faggot in a dress and jerk it to 2D fetish porn. Don't ruin your health just to become some ugly abomination.

>How come Sup Forums hates redpilled trannies?
We don't, just divide and conquer shills disguised as one of us by using Entryism,
their goal is to push us toward to extreme.
Not even stormfront(cant go further right that that), isnt stupid to not recognize that such individuals can be very useful to our fight against cutural marxism.

More about those individuals

Are trannies even humans?

If most people on here are against circumcision, why would they be okay with people who cut off the whole thing?

>How come Sup Forums hates mentally ill fagets in denial

Trannies are just sex objects only useful for gargling on alpha male cum and getting pounded in the boipucci on a daily basis.
they can't be redpilled 2bh

There's literally no point in fucking "anything" that would do that. Dicks are much more aesthetic than whatever garbage the doc sculpts into a dude's perineum. This butchery needs to end.

Traps >>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally shit > trannies


>tfw she has a bigger dick then me

>and getting pounded in the boipucci on a daily basis

But that's the question Sup Forums, what if they were all hardline Nazis?

Nazis would gas trannies.

another Sup Forums fag trying to normalize their fapping to traps... not gonna happen

>cut my dick of senpai

Why must normies and degernates abuse all memes?

>Muslims removing women's vote

Where do I convert?

maybe its a red suppository

>you hate trannies? lol, stop purity spiraling bro
I want TRS to leave.


people who aren't repulsed by that ridiculous nose.