I am woke. My third eye is open. Based Pajeet here, and White People are Bro's. AMA
>inb4 POO
>inb4 are you Brahmin
I am woke. My third eye is open. Based Pajeet here, and White People are Bro's. AMA
>inb4 POO
>inb4 are you Brahmin
How long did it take you to get used to shitting in American toilets instead of pooing on your neighbor's driveway?
you don't call yourself based
no one will believe you
based is a compliment
you don't compliment yourself
you dumb fucking poo
Go back
third eye is used to locate designated shitting streets in foreign lands
If by third you mean, your anus... please dont shit us with this shitty thread
I have always poo'd in loo
Hello, Shart.
I'm based. Also, I have a winning temperament.
>inb4 Indians are the new Jews
>reads Siddhartha for the first time.
>literally WHO ARE YOU
more niggas should read Siddhartha for the first time
get your asshole of our flag
I was fucking right.
Do you have "hard" Indian accent?
Do you work in IT, like customer support?
Do you eat cow meat?
It's not an asshole, silly Shart.
It's a wagon wheel, or the Ashoka Chakra, or a depiction of the Buddhist Dharmachakra (Dharma = Life, or the cosmic order; Chakra = Wheel. Essentially, the wheel of the cosmic order)
You guys are pretty cool. I rank you above Muslims, Blacks, Chinese, Native Americans, and the French. Sort of in the middle of Hispanics (Better than the darker more native types, below whiter and more high class types).
Looks like a total Bro desu
Do you have "hard" Indian accent?
Not at all. I had a Croatian friend once named Yuri. I speak English better than him, both in terms of accent and intellect.
>Do you work in IT, like customer support?
>Do you eat cow meat?
>be in land of burger
>don't eat burger
Pick 1
You can't rank me bro because I see you.
Hindpoos are cucks for the white race and need to be enslaved
He's right, moron.
No thanks. Just set up proper immigration laws and leave India alone.
Australia is a beautiful country, btw. New Zealand is better.
India should be nuked and any Indian left over should be hunted and shot.
Hahaha do it pussy. You won't do it.
Btw, did you know they have loos in marts now, my friend. You can in fact poo in loo while in mart. No need to shart in mart. Hell, the mart even has loos for sale!