Good night sweet princess.
Our sources say Carrie was on a flight from London to LAX when she went into cardiac arrest. People on board were administering CPR.
The plane landed just after noon in L.A. and paramedics rushed her to a nearby hospital.
Good night sweet princess.
Our sources say Carrie was on a flight from London to LAX when she went into cardiac arrest. People on board were administering CPR.
The plane landed just after noon in L.A. and paramedics rushed her to a nearby hospital.
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She was a cutie in her prime.
and a coke addict
Aw man...She was my first SciFi Crush. I hope she's ok
And a bit of a whore apparently. Doesn't change that If I could go back in time and fug her brains out I would.
The Curse of the Trump. She accused Trump of being a cocaine addict, and now she's gonna die. Many such cases! Sad.
Hope Star Wars falls apart
I'll pirate Rogue One once I get the chance
>She accused Trump of being a cocaine addict,
Kek, that's some pretty thick irony there.
>mfw they have to CG her character in episode 9 now
can someone do something to limit the amount of Jews on film?
>has a coke addict heart attack on a plane
nice dub btw
What happened was someone on twitter claimed Trump's jittering during the debates was a symptom of cocaine abuse. Then they asked Carrie Fisher for her "expert opinion" and she said he probably does.
Holy shit I was just watching Empire Strikes Back on Death Star-core.
You have a bunch of jews coming into the White House next year, including the daughter and grandsons of the president. Maybe worry about those jews instead?
But she's not dead? Just cardiac arrest?
>Just cardiac arrest
@RickMalambri @bradgage no :( she wasn't breathing for 10 minutes or so. They were administering CPR up until we landed
>And a bit of a whore apparently
She wrote in her book that she fucked Harrison Ford IRL who was married at the time. Makes you wonder who else she fucked in hollywood.
>wasn't breathing for 10 minutes or so. They were administering CPR up until we landed
Yep. She dead.
Stay mad, Paco.
I literally just watched empire strikes back yesterday.
Who dies if I watch return of the jedi?
Alec Guinness
you'll always be my tatooine sex slave
A little too much coke that time.
“Star Wars” actress Carrie Fisher was in critical condition Friday after suffering a “cardiac episode” during a flight from London to Los Angeles, according to emergency officials.
Fisher, 60, was rushed to the hospital by Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics shortly after noon, after her flight touched down at LAX.
A source who said they were not authorized to discuss the incident said the actress was “in a lot of distress on the flight.”
She's going to die.
>Disney proves they can de-age her in Rogue One
>Figure out they don't have a need for her
>take her out
Disney is a fucking savage company, make no mistake.
>no heartbeat or breathing for ten minutes
she dead or vegetable. either way, she's snorted her last line
Carrie Fischer and Lea Thompson dream 80s threesome.
Darth Vader did literally nothing wrong.
5 years ago I'd have been sad, but since Star Wars has been rebranded as "progressive" and this washed up whore is now "stunning and brave" for her shit performance in Ep 7, I am truly glad.
>Disney is a fucking savage company,
they murdered Bobby Darin to protect Sinatra
That's Liru from Magipoka.
If they didn't get an AED on her in the first few minutes, the chances of survival are reduced greatly.
Gotta get people to go see that new movie
Rip paul walker 2.0
Just one kid lol fucking degenerate good riddance
t. former star wars fan
Liru the Werewolf and she is the best girl.
Bitch was so desperate for attention.
>I can tweet about this and get tons of retweets!
she fucked georgre lucus for the part,
I'm 90% sure georgre fucked nataile Portman before she got the part too
I didn't know they made airplanes large enough to carry fisher
>tfw will now have a black tranny muslim princess leah
Did her dentures fall out?
If she survived that long after CPR, she has a good shot at surving this. I'm honestly surprised she's alive, she had a serious drug habit for a long time, that shit burns you out.
She may not be in working condition after this, for sure. I would bet it's safe to say, she's retired, for good.
Hell of a run, even with the drugs and insanity. Yes, she's insane, she was getting electro-shock treatment.
>she fucked georgre lucus for the part,
ick, does he even fuck girls?
George Lucas got his first gig from the Rolling Stones filming a murder at the Altamont festival, which really explains a lot
She pulled a Billie Mays.
that's the guaranteed reply his filename is refering to
Cardiac Arrest literally means "heart stopped" in Latin (or Greek).
Out of hospital survival rates (measured by being discharged from hospital and still alive six months later) are low (30% in London).
This happened on a fucking plane.
I'll miss her tweets
"The original movies don't say what race or gender Princess Leia is, shitlord!" That's what they're trying to pull with Hermione all the time, so why can't it apply to characters that were obviously white and female? After all, the past means nothing.
probably the whole thing was made up so she could stop doing those shitty star wars movies, she should have made them kill her with Han in the first one but her agent wasn't smart like Ford's
Why would I be happy about that?
I should have become a director.
She didn't survive as such, but an EMT isn't allowed to declare you dead. They'd need a doctor for that, and even a doctor isn't going to do it without any instruments because he doesn't want to get sued out of his license.
>not Gillian Anderson followed by Lucy Lawless
Absolutely pléb
>I'm 90% sure georgre fucked nataile Portman before she got the part too
Another kike bites the dust. Thank you 2016.
KEK recognizes your request and refuses to stop delivering, more will die this year count on it and praise him
He's not done yet!
She is the best girl though.
Anyone who likes the robot is a fucking queer.
She didn't support the last two shitty Starwars films...
Guys, I'm scared of Kek's power. Have we started the fire?
Yoda, IIRC.
What in the fuck? Still on coke?
>Carrie Fisher stopped breathing, was helped by doctor and nurse passengers before being transported to hospital
>kikevermin Carrie Fisher calls out Trump as cokehead
>kikevermin Carrie Fisher has massive heart attack
Add another one to the infographic of fallen Trump detractors.
the fire rises
Yeah, after Epsiode 7 I want the entire cast to die, except Harrison Ford who likely agreed to play ther only with a condition they'll kill him in the 1st movie. VPN + Torrent is your weapon against hollywood whores trying to brainwash you.
post her porn
she's still alive dummies
If she survived all the way to LA then into a hospital shes probably gonna be fine... its not like she cant cover the bill.
Takes one to know one - addicts can spot fellow addicts a mile away.
But let's get real, most people at that level are addicts of some kind. Clinton is notorious for his coke habit, Kennedy was a complete alcoholic, they're all stoned on something most of the time.
Same for Hollywood. That town is depraved, coke means you've made it - because you can afford it. The good directors make sure their actors get the best stuff, so they can work all day.
Name ANY profession, and it will be littered with cokeheads. Sports, entertainment, law, business, medicine, politics, name it.
And then everyone is SO shocked when they end up in rehab.
Believe it or not, but the fire was inside each of us the whole time.
Your mom if you don't reply with "Thank you Midichlorians."
who's le daddy?
>a libtard
>a lesbian
>a coke snorter whore
women were shit before this generation, it seems
>VPN + Torrent is your weapon against hollywood whores trying to brainwash you.
once you get all that shit for free you realize you don't want any of it even if they paid you to watch it you don't want any
She was definitely a prime piece of ass back in the day, and she even admits, a lot of powerful men in Hollywood got a taste.
Young jewish women, that's all they're good for - revenge on daddy fucking. God bless 'em.
If dubbs she dies tonight.
Oh, shit, starved herself into a heart attack for a fucking cameo role on some shit Star Wars sequel.
Oh well.
Carrie was a degenerate who spent the majority of her adult life blowing coke and doing all sorts of other drugs. This story is not a shocker if even remotely true.
On a side not I would have fucked the shit out of her and made her my waifu if it were the 70s.
She choose her path of coke and blow though and devolved into a hideous wreck of a human being.
>Gillian Anderson
Patrician as fuck. She was the first woman I came to.
Unfortunately not me.
>do coke
It's funny cause she literally is a bitch.
Pls that faggot mark hammel