"According to the federal affidavit against Canete, the brothers waited outside of the bank in an SUV for the Garda armored truck to arrive.

The messenger went inside the bank and when he exited “Canete and Morales exited their SUV. Fonseca was armed with a handgun and Morales was armed with a shotgun.”

They fired back and forth and “the messenger was shot in the hip area. Fonseca Canete was shot in the area of the right thigh and Morales was shot in the chest and the head.”

Morales died at the scene."

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you film a guy who just got shot and not even try to give him some kind of first aid. Shit blows my mind.

Why would you help someone when..
1) Paramedics are most certainly on the way
2) In america helping people get's you sued.

Probably doesn't know any first aid dumbass.
No, he'd probably make it worse.

If only there was a wall to protect these bean enriched gentlemen

It doesn't get you sued unless you're an actual medical professional.

why are they all talking in fucking spic english?? so annoying.

Welcome to Miami, home to all the Puerto Ricans and Cubans looking to escape their shit holes.

Why is the bitch in the parked position? Sheeeiit nigga can't resist see in that

>2) In america helping people get's you sued.
Good samaritan law. Literally not possible unless they explicitly say 'do not help me'

What could he do?

It's this whole generation of idiots who don't know what to do in the real world.

What would you do?
Rip off your sleeve and tie it around the wound like in a fucking anime?

>try and help him
>because you're an expert in the field of medicine you gauge the broken bones from the shot/make him bleed out
>he dies
>you're now in trial for murder

Sure thing senpai

>2) In america helping people get's you sued.
It's this sort of Canadian education that causes people to think that "poop themed restaurants" are normal.

Stop the bleeding.
Start the breathing.
Treat for shock (cover up and be warm)

Holy shit.

Fucking basic info.


Just fucking no.

Google "Good Samaritan Laws".

stop talking. you obviously dont know what you are talking about.

>Morales died at the scene."

Cozy as fuck.


good samaritan laws aren't a magical pass that lets you do whatever you want to people if they're hurt.

>A serb being an expert on U.S. laws

Experts on war crime trials

Why would I save this fucker isn't this the robber let the man bleed out

>put pressure one wound
>comfort him, and let him know help is on the way
>keep him talking to keep his mind occupied

Very least someone could do is talk to the fucking guy. Everyone is becoming autistic nowadays.

Murder is a stretch but if you don't think people have been sued for trying to help another person, you are retarded.

Holy fuck, this made it here? Crew leader was just telling me about this.