Why are nordic girls so damn liberal ?
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because it benefits them
Brainwashing from an early age.
Dunno but I'd still dick it
no challenges
because they live isolated from sandniggers etc. and that way they think they are just normal people and not rape machines that disrespect all non islamic women
this answer is right
They've had it easier than anyone ever.
Fuck Sweden, they are destroyed for generations now, the shame of the Europe.
They have never dealt with these mongrels like the Southerns have for millenia. They are endagered species now.
Pretty much this. I know a Swedish girl that got molested on a train in a full carriage, no-one did anything. I was expecting her to have changed her mind on migrants, but nope. Not at all. You can lead a horse to water but you can't stop them being fucking retarded.
>isolated from sandniggers
you must be new here
Becuse girls know nothing. They won't take the time to develop a real political belief and will just turn to mainstream. There was a graph published about facebook search terms, girls never searched anything political meanwhile men searched alot on political topics. The best way forward is to take away girls voting rights.
Because society tells them to be, and it's so incredibly easy to be a liberal.
This plus being extremely sheltered.
They had never had anything bad happen to them, or even seen anything like that happen to someone they know, and they're far, far away from any country where something like that happens
Couple that with western brainwashing and there you have the average nordic woman
because they live in a pink bubble where everything is nice and they are princesses
Good and rich times, jewish brainwashing, sexual female liberalism, feminism, cultural marxism. The list goes on and on. Just watch at the swedish males, they are hypercucks. More female than male, they barely even understand what a man has to do, they got castrated like our whole western society, lets just embrace the fall of the West and the upcoming civil war, it will enable the rise of you know who
every time
It's not as bad as you might think; every girlfriend I've had has "admitted" to disliking mass immigration in private without me even bringing up the topic.
Because their fathers were liberals
Plus virtue signaling
every time I go to sleep I hope I will wake up from this hell next day
women love cucking their men, even though it leads to the downfall of their attraction to their man. the overwhelming relief of seeing their man show his inner hidden beta core and be conquered is soothing to them since they know they just dodged a bullet and will not be getting impregnated by a inferior specimen.
We should all be liberal.
The question should be why they're socialist/authoritarian, and it's because women are oversenstive and are only concerned with muh feels.
Because their lives lack any real, meaningful struggles or issues. Helping the "poor refugees" makes them think they're doing something good and important, all for the sake of self-validation. Women lack any kind of tribe-loyalty, they "feel" rather than think, unable to see how their actions are slowly ruining their people and country. By the time they will- It will be too late.
Blonde women have a natural attraction for big black cocks !
Because whites are degenerate by nature
>The best way forward is to take away girls voting rights.
I have become seriously in favor in this. Absolutely. The majority of women have proven themselves to be unfit for politics. Lots of men are fucktards aswell, but the level of ignorance and susceptibillity with women is insane. And on the other hand they are the worst when it comes to guilt tripping and public shaming in favor of open borders, multi culturalism and SJW culture. And they are irreedeemably bluepilled. The alternative is the manipulative, downright evil feminazi cunt that is destined to fuck up your life and everyone around you. And then you have the exceptions like Frauke Petry and Alice Weidel. But the ones fucking it up for them will not be the patriarchy or the glass ceiling, but other cunts voting!
Femal suffrage was a mistake.
>Waaah i hate women
virgin spotted.
Life on tutorial mode
Day of the rake soon!
this is my exact type, assuming she is thicc
>ever doing anything besides getting run over and fucked
Liberalism is easy. Consequences are HARD.
Liberalism is a beneficial instinct, when you're not surrounded by fecally obsessed death cult barbarians who want to kill you for not mutilating your daughter's genitals
>dirty leaf
>ever being anything else than a shitty subhuman worthy of genocide
Tnx for the flag
Why are women easily tricked into fallowing the rest of the sheep?
>hint: they are all fucking stupid and lack their own ideas
first post best post
It literally doesn't tho
They have a higher ammount of estrogen in their bodies rendering their decision making abilities sub standard.
>Swedish "music"
>ll rights and credit go to the amazing artists "Cupid Kidz"
>amazing artists
>tutorial mode
There are many reasons. More of them go to college than men so they get brainwashed there. Women are also more into popular trend trends, mass media and communication, and progressive ideas are more prevalent there. I also thiink they are probably less intelligent as a whole.
Less processing power, more absoverd knowledge= parrot what the system (media and universities) tell you
Also, the ones who aren't liberals aren't usually the ones you'll meet in clubs/bars or see posting stupid shit on facebook. Libtards are always the loudest and most obnoxious people when it comes to their virtue signalling on social media.
I can also add that life iis easier for them than for Nordic men, siince they are idealizied everywhere as the standard of beatuy, they have a lot of suitors from everywhere whereas the native men have to compete against people from all over the world for a woman.
They have it much, much easier to find a partner for dating, sex or whatever.
>They have it much, much easier to find a partner for dating, sex
Yes, but most scandinavian men have it really easy too on the international stage. Go to east asia and see... go to Brazil or whatever. Women want Scandinavian men all over the world.
I like strong independent women that are also qts
Why should a Scandinavian man settle for an Asian? It doesn't matter how it is in the international scene. What matters is how hard it is to get a partner of your own race.
>Women want Scandinavian men
you really know nothing about womens
Lol, I'm just telling the truth here.
Women want Scandinavian men ALL OVER THE FUCKING WORLD. This is NOT a lie. It's a FACT (and you probably know it).
Sheltered as fuck, and like they need to shut the fuck up.
storytime about scandicucks
>have swedish exchange student
>seems nice, pretty smart but shy as fuck
>was sick the whole week after that day
>come back to my 4th period class to see her kissing a nigger in the halls
>with a friend "hahaha her father must be proud"
>ape hears him
>"ayo nigguh da fuck you say homie"
>me and friend keep walking because we already got suspended that year for fighting
>nigger runs up to us full out sprinting
>"Listen you fucking nigger if you touch me i'm going to beat the shit out you"
>Swedish girls mouth opens in disbelief goes insasne straight up screeching at what a racist bastard he is
>nigger swings
>my friend is a huge greek dude 6'5 football player completely beats the shit out of him
>just watch and tell the swedish girl to shut the fuck up
Only time I saw a white person beat the shit out of a nigger, the Swedish girl told on us and I got suspended and my friend got worse with a week of suspension.
>talking with friends going to mcdicks
>"wow what a fucking fag"
>blonde hair blue eyed girl with a thick accent comes up to me and tell me how fucked up that word is and how her friend killed himself cause people called him a faggot
>just laugh
Scandicucks it has to be in their genes, God what a pathetic people.
Women in general are typically liberal, because they're entirely emotionally based. Makes them incredibly susceptible to the emotional manipulation from the left.
>Women want Scandinavian men ALL OVER THE FUCKING WORLD
Hahahaha.. sure, you think all womens are like your scandinavian drunk dumbasses bitches...
No. You suffer until your last fucking breath Sven. Your misery pleases me
They have become that way through evolution. It was the best way for them to survive (keep a low profile, try to make friends with everyone etc.) - while for men it was the opposite (wouldn't get a partner if you didn't stick out).
What's the blonde porn actress suppose to be?
He's not wrong though.
Most women in countries where people aren't naturally blond-haired (maybe except for like Subsahran Arica, women tend to go crazy for guys who have it blond hair.
Remember visiting a Turkish high school during one of our high school. There was this really blond-haired guy, blue-eyed guy (who wasn't even that attractive by nordic standards) and all the girls there completely flocked him and begged him for his facebook account etc.
>tfw dark-blond ;_;
during one of our high school trips*
because all those countries don't have to deal with all the human trash we do, I would imagine
This would explain why they're so arrogant, though. Every 7/10 blonde girl I know thinks of herself as a supermodel, genius, and saint simultaneously
Even a black guy can get girls in those places. Shit test senpai
asians only marry you for the easy money. there was even a tv program about fat americans that go there and pay thousands $ to get a asian woman.
because they're a drying breed?
Because it's easy as fuck to be them
a) they can defend themselves against most sub-humans due to their larger size and berzerker genes
b) they know that if any sub-humans get out of line a Nordic male will quickly kill the assailant
why do u have niggers in Canada, also you should have beat the shit out of her to.
fucking kill her in a hunting accident
also what retard would go to canada for exchange studies, the whole point is to go to some warm place like Australia or California.
also story time
>hot slim 8/10 blonde swede i know goes on exchange studies in USA
>starts becoming this journalist hyper liberal, she posted it all kikebook
>comes back fat as fuck with green hair
>nobody wants her anymore
>she reverts to normie girl again
Apparently doing porn automatically makes you an exploited and oppressed slave to Western society
بګ بلک کک
K here's my story
> befriend girl on Facebook is of actual Swedish descent (actually white)
> we mainly talked about metal
> eventually stopped messaging her because of her wierd shit
> she's always posting edgy communist nihilist shit
> apparently she was on the streets for awhile trying to smoke rocks
> always talking about strange sexual stuff
> dyes her hair
Ok so next I befriend another guy of actuall significant Swedish descent (actually white too)
> he's always posting shit about how much he hates humans
> posts similar shit like the girl does
> dyes his hair n shit
> always posting satanic stuff
I mean they are both cool people it seems like but the stereotype of swedes is so livid in their genetics good thing I have based Norwegian genetics.
Why do you have sandniggers/niggers?
Same people.
There will be a day I will fear the same will happen with slav girls too. They are already getting brainwashed with (((western values))) and get called most beautiful girls, just like nordic girls and then just like that, all pure white girls are all a lost cause.