
>Is it socially acceptable to say "Nigger"?


My mum says it all the time when reffering to her attraction towards blacks

Not really but people say variations like "nigga"


In the rough parts yes


Always. Liberals even say it on news casts.

>Absolutely fucking no
Unless you want to get shot/arrested/both


Kurwa brudasom się zasiłków zachciało. Jebany czarnuch. Wypierdalaj mudżynie do Afryki.

:^ )))))))))))))))))))))

you're in texas not chile

W sumie to dziwnie bym się czuł słysząc coś takiego. Zachowanie czarnych jest wkurzające, i na 4chanie sam regularnie 'nigger' używam, ale kurde, z jakiegoś powodu brzmi to dla mnie źle po naszemu.

W głębi duszy chyba dalej liberałem jestem :') Nawet jeśli ci ludzie nieczęsto tak bardzo na to nawet zasługują.

Nie każdy Polak musi brzmieć jak dresiarz.

Cual es la traduccion de nigger? Negro culiao? Curiche? Chimpalombiano?

>My mum says it all the time when reffering to her attraction towards blacks
??? we hate niggers you from colombia amigo?


Yes, it is encouraged

No creo que tenga una traduccion, pero puedes decir cualquier variacion de negro (grone, negro culia, etc) y a nadie le importa

Only in private. cuz muh racism

>attraction towards niggers

Con todos los colombianos y haitianos hay que crear una

My boyfriend likes beign degraded and called a nigger during sex ;)

My mother had to work with a jew, after that she said Hitler was right.

It's allowed say negro, but preto (black) is racist
Amd we have derivatives for negro like:

yes its also acceptable here
you know the jew is always called el judio
the fat one is called el gordo
the ginger is called el colo
the nigger is called el negro
but if someone steals you or does something bad to you the response is always
that shit nigger

Yea, around your trusted friends and coworkers. I work manual labor though so I'm not around too many faggots. I say it in public sometimes and people look away in shock.

Depends on the location

Guaranteed replies.

Nigger is fine, but saying Jew instead of Jewish person carries a mandatory 5 year sentence over here.