What got yall into the alt-right
>start collage in late 2k15
>be surrounded by shitskin/pooslims
>terrrorists attacks happen in france (bataclan)
>friends post stuff on FB like "not all muslims"
>people are more concerned about how this will affect Muslims rather than france.
>See through this bullshit, find Sup Forums
>it awakens me, i cant go back to normiehood anymore
Pic not related
What got yall into the alt-right
Other urls found in this thread:
Seeing every town in catalonia geting blacked in less than 5 years.
Oh boy, wait until you swallow the JQ pill.
Same as you, OP, except I started college in 2k13.
The conduct and the cowardice of leftists.
for real?
This is making me hate the jews even more..
I don't consider myself altright but 2005 riots, the left making up excuses for the new French chimping out and the right cashing in on their electorate being fed up with it but actually doing nothing at all
What the fuck is alt right? Why would you want to lump yourself under some label?
Yes totally we were 6 million and then in 5 or 10 years they added 1 and half milion without no one asking or voting.
Senegalese, bengals, pakis, chinks, moors, romanian gypsies...
It was so fast, so cordinated, so planned
And no one does shit.
Cause apparently wanting to preserve catalonia catalan is fascist, then fascist means anticalan cause that one fascist dictator was anticatalan.
This is how people think.
We are so gone m8
Our regional tv is refugee shilling all the time and the only other channel wich is private is basically CNN
Because Franco baned catalan, people here were against him and because he was "right wing" you have to be "left wing" and that means you have to be promuslim.
Spain send us here all the nigs and commies here love it.
Keep in mind half the nation is andalusian cause the migration wave of the 60's
Shit's fucked.
We catalans are a minority already.
Cologne and Jared Taylor
Jewish extortionists are on the defensive.
>> start college in late 2k15
>> find Sup Forums
> What the fuck is alt right?
Jesus christ, newfags. Get the FUCK out.
When my father died and I no longer felt I had to rebel against his conservative beliefs. Was younger then. Adopted everything he believed after he died.
This was not a conciuos decision. Just telling the truth about how I interpret things now.
When I started looking into Trump's policy proposals and why they should be implemented. I thought the idea of a wall was ridiculous and unfeasible.
Eventually I learned why we should want to limit immigration.
The refugee crisis worsened and a video that Sup Forums made found its way to me. It went viral and was dismissed as racist propaganda by shitlib journos. It depicted Muslims and Africans pouring into Europe in massive lines, making all sorts of threats of violence and talking about waging demographic jihad. I don't remember which video this was exactly but it really woke me up.
educate me senpai
>alt right
Start here: youtube.com
Parents were Cuban so I started out as "muh conservative values" type, liking Ted Cruz and whatnot. After listening to Based Bill Whittle and PragerU videos, I found Stefan Molyneux and then Sup Forums.
how dare you disrepect Napoleon like this you absolute shit
He accomplished more than your entire ancestral line
Basically your story, but I've had a racialist/race realist streak going back to my teenage years. I was always in constant conflict with myself about whether I should be tolerant of other races.
fucking this
Mine started in highschool. My dad introduced intellectual honesty to me at an early age, which was honestly the most important thing anyone has ever done or will ever do to me. Since he did I've always had a passion for accepting only the truth and weeding out the bullshit, whether it agrees with how I'f like to see the world or not. It hasn't made me happier, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
>Was a total liberal bitch back in high school
>"White people really do bully minorities around, we should fix that"
>Spent multiple years working at a K-Mart in the ghetto
>Niggers scream and chimp at you for no fucking reason
>Got spit on a lot
>Dumb bitch tries to bring back the shirt her son got shot in
>Another dumb bitch brings (I'm sorry, BRUNGS) back panties full of shit because "dis pair too derty fo me tuh wash, gonna grabs me a new one"
>Couldn't get approved for food stamps despite making minimum wage and only working 25 hours a week while Shenigganiqua and her 17 kids get thousands a month
>Spoiled white friends telling me I deserve it
>Any time I try to tell nightmare stories about niggers they just go "nope you're lying / it's because of how they live etc"
>They both refuse to come where I work, hmmm wonder why
>One does show up, gets the shit kicked out of him by niggers
>"N-n-n-n-n-not all people of color! Isolated case!"
>Every time mudshits blow up a part of Europe my normiebook lights up with "Not all Muslims!"
>All of my female friends suddenly becoming "Muslim" or just wearing the fucking scarf while still eating bacon and drinking
>Currently trying to get my degree while liberal teachers want to bitch that us icky white males are the cause of everything terrible while I'm trying to make an honest life in borderline poverty
And they wonder how Trump got elected
>be me, bluepill socialist
>go to college
>terror attacks start ramping up
>SJW rhetoric starts ramping up
>grow to hate my peers
>grow to hate everything that stand for
Ets catalĂ ?
>All of my female friends suddenly becoming "Muslim" or just wearing the fucking scarf while still eating bacon and drinking
the fuck
I literally I just started going on Sup Forums as opposed to Facepunch and it brought all my prejudices to surface which I now embrace
>mfw after Sup Forums
I feel like I've missed out. I was one of those slimy little shits always asking why so there's a lot of propaganda I never bought into. The biggest change I've made since I started getting interested in politics and frequenting here is I'm actually starting to accept the virtues of democracy. Benching with a retard who couldn't grasp addition even by grade 6, as I didn't fall behind even if he distracted me sperging out all day, I never thought the idea made any sense when they in fourth grade or so started hammering into our heads that democracy is the greatest thing ever.
This pic in a nutshell, user
Being Muslim is now the "hip" thing to do, even if you aren't the slightest bit Muslim
>mfw every time I see this fat fucking bitch waddling from class to class in a full Muslim outfit but her fucking rainbow hair and piercings stick out
When I was 10 my grandpa was moving and I went to help him. He had hired 4 (3 whites and 1 nigger) men to help him. During the move my grandpa sat me down and said "watch this bub, I'm going to show you the difference between white men and black men."
He went over to the 4 men and told them that the worker he thought did the hardest work would get an extra 50 dollars.
Immediately the 3 white guys started working faster. The nigger just kept on at the same pace, not even trying.
That changed my perspective know shitskins. From then on everytime I heard a darky complain I would analyze the situation and everytime they where unjust in their bitching.
love that image
>get interested in guns
>spend time on /k/
>decided to check out Sup Forums due to everybody on /k/ hating them
>slowly submerge myself in stuff that I used to find objectionable
I eventually realized that Europe is a degenerate shithole and that I need to pack my shit as soon as possible.
That's a thing in Spain?
Reconquista 2.0 required.
I got pegged by a muslim girl in high school
Trayvon Martin/Gamergate.
no it's not other than some lefties wearinf the palestinian scarf
that's a fuckin shame. i met a pretty cute catalan girl when i was visiting europe. she still snaps me. she is white and adorable. good luck over there.
>Old school Sup Forumstard.
>Left Sup Forums for many years and did other shit.
>I always hated Muslims since 9/11.
>Read the Quran and hated them more after refugee crisis started.
>Friend who still goes to Sup Forums for /tg/ and other autistic shit says "you should check out Sup Forums"
Now I'm here forever.
This user gets it
>Hey so we have proof that devs collude with game blogs
>Here's a list of female protagonists
>Here's a list of female protagonists who aren't "anime"
>etc etc
>Hey did you know that Trayvon Martin was high on drugs and had no reason to be where he was in that neighborhood
>Wow user I didn't know you were a fucking RACIST
you fucking faggot
think for yourself and don't try to "identify" with some group; that's what fags and tumblrinas do
be an individual
On and unrelated note, the DC police lied about investigating Pizzagate. But I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason for doing so.
if this doesnt redpill us nothing will
maybe we have to get to usa levels to create more identitarian movements
USA levels are high, yet still >50% are libs. you guys are closer together, maybe that'll help. god speed
when I talk to people, everyone kind of agrees with pretty much all I say but then there's no party available and all journalists are thin childless baldies or dykes.
They really did a number on us.
The other day they anounce a number to call if someone discriminates you for being pansexual.
Americn ivy shit leaks fast.
>what got y'all into the alt-right
Please don't identify yourself as alt right, it is a term made up by lefties to justify trumps win. Think: What exactly characterises the alt right, and who decided what those charactistics are?
>the redditor takes the alt-right meme seriously
Top heh.
With open gates.
I miss Chris-chan. what ever happened to him after blue spike?
I've been a conservative all my life, but it wasn't until Trump announced his presidency that I began to feel alienated from the Republican Party and identified more with the alt-right.
I supported Ted Cruz up until about March 2016, at which point I couldn't stomach his scummy behavior any further. I vowed that I wouldn't vote for Cruz (or any other establishment hack) if they were to become the GOP nominee, and from that point on gave my full support to Trump.
I'm still not sure if I'd really consider myself 'alt-right'. I'm just a conservative who's largely fed up with what the Republican Party has become.
He is now a tranny, he accidentally burned his house down, and he got into legal trouble for pepper spraying a GameStop employee because he didn't like Sonic's blue arms in the Sonic Boom spinoff
Millions of muslim mongrels entering iilegally with boats into our territorial waters and the Jewish funded NGO's and blue pilled idiots that help them out.
nothing because its retarded shit for newfags/ Sup Forumstards
get out of here tudd
FP is leddit lite
i'm sorry m8, catalonia is one of my fave places to vacay. Beautiful art laden boardwalks, quiet beaches, amazing buildings and mountains too. It was like a non degenerate california to me. I miss clara limon.
>be white male in current year
>see the demographic replacement in the country your ancestors built be celebrated
>see even Europe was under threat of white genocide during the refugee crisis
>stopped denying reality and accepted white nationalism as healthy and normal
>Browsing /mlp/
>Regular visitor of the aryanne thread.
>See pol mentioned.
>Decide to check it out.
>Actually liked it.
And now I'm here.
What state?
>Be me
>basic bitch shitlib, not particularly liberal, just normie-tier
>move to Baltimore for signally job
>part of job is training niggers
>niggers cannot into work
>job can be done by white teenagers, but adult blacks cannot comprehend
>everything is racist, showing up on time, not stealing
>fire black for nodding out on heroin in customer restroom, still tied off when I found him
>mfw have to go to court when he files wrongful termination suit, calls me racist
>Freddie Grey happens
>national guard is mobilized, stay with friends in the county
>can't go home for 3 days, national guard is removing burned out cars from my block
>move to Baltimore to help blacks, get called racist, get taken to court, live through race riot, get your car set on fire
>"You know what? Fuck these people."
>be Jew
>be with liberal Jews
>Get white gf
>be mocked for it relentlessly
>grow to hate Jews
>identify as white instead
>discover pol
>hate of Jews justified
>be regular conservative leaning person
>see the fap leaks, and hacks, and gamergate anti feminists talk about Sup Forums
>say it's the disgusting corner of the internet
>check it out
>go college
>libtard philosophy professor is biased as fuck against religion
>vietnam history class taught by draft dodger
>"20th century american wars" was all about muh feelz
>uh maybe we should discuss causes of the conflicts?
>no user, only peoples feelz r important
>these people are fucking idiots
and thus my journey to truth began
>>All of my female friends suddenly becoming "Muslim" or just wearing the fucking scarf while still eating bacon and drinking
literally WTF?
hang in there, femanon. we're pulling for you
>Move back to the US in January
>Haven't living there for 10 years
>Only traveled to Vegas and FL to fuck around
>Get a job in marketing
>Work per usual, begin to have interaction with people on workspace
>Most male are NUMales, faggots, beaners.
>Most woman have rainbowed colores hair, Bernie2016, lesbians,
>Go to a party and they only had poor people drugs bleh.
>Couldn't speak my mind because people got offended? WTF is this not even here
>Get a $100 fine for it.
>Begin to hate the US for being such pussy controlled shitards
>Long story short, either you are army brainwashed or a faggot
>berlin happens
>muslim from university randomly sends me solution to a scientific problem i asked about weeks ago
already solved it myself in the meantime, but if that's how it's gonna go they can blow shit up erry day for all i care.
anyone who calls themselves alt right is a newfag from reddit
the alt right has never existed on Sup Forums. it's just some alt right niggers trying to latch onto Sup Forums's accomplishments
mfw this story is very relatable.
What feelz did they talk about?
They did the same to quebec ethnic minorities will never vote for independence
I have lived around nigs my entire life.
>came here for the satire
>turns out it' all true
Not much to it.
A black man fucked my gf and then she broke up with me.
How dare you vandalize a portrait of the Emperor.
Your head will be mounted on a pike and skullfucked, you nigger-tier leftist.
>(((alt-right))) forced meme again.
The alt-right is a marketing term for selling water filters and chotchkies. It doesn't exist except for maybe on stormfornt.
>am a 3 year old poor immigrant living in san francisco
>lived with niggers and beaners my whole life
>experience gay pride parade
>literally degenerate as fuck
>be white boy
>nobody gives a fuck about you
>no positive reinforcement
>no role models
>just completely check the fuck out and just logic and reason by myself to figure things out
Nothing really big happening, nothing tragic. My life was empty and I realized that there used to be a promise that is no longer made today.