How did you get red pilled?
How did you get red pilled?
lurk more newfag
Some crazy black guy named Morpheus fed me a few, don't remember much after that.
Information gathering, abandon thread
lurking and paying attention to global politics and trends. A true "redpilled" person IMO sees the government feeding propaganda to both sides of the political spectrum, the liberalwashing of mainstream media, etc. and they're not afraid of being called racist, sexist, or bigot because they either know it's dismissive and has been weaponized to stop a persons argument or because under the logic currently being presented by the left, everyone is actually racist so it doesn't matter anyways.
Living in Southern California
Came out of a nigger vagina.
>Sup Forums
Pick one
I converted to Judaism
German doesn't know how to swallow
By paying attention.
surprisingly accurate however all reactionaries I see have high IQs and the stupid, lazy people usually are leftists
by reading books. do the same and leave bump in
>(((englightened elite)))
bootiful b8 m8
Its called a RED pill for a reason. You cant imagine how dumb i think you people are with da joows conspiracies.
99% of people here aren't even redpilled. They claim they are but they act like retarded bluepilled libtards.
Implying communists aren't peasants working as tools for bankers. Leftism/Communism is for retards
Go be dumb somewhere else please, thank you.
I love civic nationalism, based Jews, and based blacks!
Racists who know what 'reactionary' means will not be part of the prole; they will be in the higher category
I watched the news on 9/10/01 when Rumsfeld said the DoD was missing $2.3 trillion. Then on 9/11/01 I made a connection when I found out that the "plane" that hit the pentagon happened to destroy the financial office which was responsible for the investigation. Also, I remember seeing building 7 coming down (pic related) and I knew it hadn't been hit by any planes.
I was like 17yo when I understood that the society basically wants people to live unhealthy and die away fast enough (fast food, tobacco and alcohol).
That was the Step 1.
Shut the fuck up, the_donald is a valuable colony in the hostile lands of plebbit
Only the people who sell fast food alcohol and tobacco though.
You freaks speak like you really believe there are forces other than greed at play here.
>spotted a fellow /r/the_donald citizen
Greetings, redditor! Does the narwhal bacon at midnight? *holds up spork*
Who lets them those things? The society.
This isn't redpilled, this is Michael Moore tier blue pill retardation
Don't take it personally, but you only have 2 parents
Not believing the inside job is the most blue pilled retardion ever
My parents decided it would be a good lesson to have me work my way through college. Ended up working in a grocery store where 90 percent of the people were on snap or wic. Mostly blacks and mexicans, some whites but they were either night tier or very old. I never would have imagined how many of those fuckers would offer to sell their bodies so openly outside the front door, or how many of them would overdose and die in the bathroom most of the time if they didn't die I had to clean it up, theft and fights were also common. The worst thing however was how someone so low had no humility, they thought they were better than anyone and everyone. It amazes me that they have the audacity to look down on anyone. It was a good lesson as it turned out and I thank my parents for teaching me how the real world works.
No, you're literally Bernie trash if you believe any conspiracy theories about 9/11. Literally ANY of them.
The snackbars did what snackbars do, just like they did last week and last year and every year since their pedo leader founded their cult
I started to follow global politics with an open mind, constantly asking myself if this information is true or if I'm being in retrospect lots of 'red pills' are blatant. I feel like we've been conditioned to ignore them
OR if I'm being lied to*
So sorry for phoneposting
I guess you don't believe ANY conspiracy theories, do you?
>ridding the world of ideology
>unironically communist
>also thinks people literally don't need something to "believe" in
As usual, communism will fail due to not understanding human nature
Made it of my shithole country, poor as fuck (SA), getting mechanical engineering degree, some fucker comes up to me:
>you don't understand the plight of latinos because you're white.
I've had it on people passing judgement on tohers because of the color of their skin.
When I was a leftist and realised that I constantly had to find excuses for my opinions, that and my main responses to arguments were 'smirking in my own self-righteousness' and 'that's racist though'.
I am not sure if you are retarded or
>merely pretending
also when I first started to pay tax.
I am also fed up with the concept of safe spaces that don't allow conflicting opinions or foster intelligent discussion a topic because a small group deserves special treatment and might be offended. Having a discussion in my university is subjecting oneself to agonizing pain.
Considering he's blue pilled as fuck, I highly doubt it.
After reading the bible
What you faggots describe as 'red pill' is called 'maturity'.
You're the fucking dupe if you seriously think there is nothing strange about that little (((coincidence)))
>TFW 170 IQ racist
>TFW too intelligent to believe in equality
by reading this:
and then reading this:
and then finally reading this:
I started reading about GamerGate and it took me down a hole to be completely honest.
From unethical media, then to SJW hilarity, then Milo, onto Trump and then Sup Forums.
Now I'm more interested in why the normies are happy to pretend that leftie politics work perfectly or openly declare to be proud of being a sheep.
Went from a hard but poorly informed liberal and I'm probably now in the strictest sense of the word a national socialist minus any ethnic concerns.
How do i make the letters green?
Sad to say but none are truly awake until they are able to accept the truth about the Jews and their dirty hands behind everything throughout history, controlling and guiding it all to the "end times". The Jewish liars will never tell us the truth, for to do so, would only shed the light of truth on Jewish lies, perpetuated across the many centuries of this planet by the one group that benefits from the lies. No one who is truly awake believes their lies, and yet they continue to lie to the world with impunity and yet the not so awaken world of dumbed down people, continue to believe their fabricated lies of deception and of their fabricated world history of events. There is no real justice in anything considered Jewish Justice. IT is but a game of historical lies that one needs a program to keep up with all the lies and tall tales. People that refuse to accept it are either ignorant, apathetic, shills, disinfo agents, shabbot goy, or worse. Wake the hell up.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge,"
Those of us who name Jews as the prime mover behind the New World Order... which we have dubbed the “Jew World Order”... are ruthlessly suppressed, censored, harassed, terrorized, arrested, imprisoned, and in some extreme cases even killed.
when my pa had to go to jail for killing an iraqi terrorist
Gtfo fag.
Was a Bernie supporter. Saw the race get stolen from him, saw that the entire party was okay with it, saw that Bernie was okay with and said fuck that.
The progress left has become weak. I will make them strong again.
Welcome to pol
Leftist are weak people and will never stop being weak.
critical thinking and asking the questions that make people reflect their ignorance/lack of research or help me to understand their point of view
charlie hebdo, when many on the left were almost explaining away the attacks by saying the cartoons were offensive/raycis. thats when I had to turn my back on them and started searching for alternative viewpoints
In Iraq in 2003.