Oi vey
Oi vey
I urge you to suck my dick
Does anyone even know what this is referring too?
fuck the muds and the jews
The UN has been anti-Israel since the UN created Israel.
not to sound like an utter newfag but what is the context of this gif? some fancy washington party and trump told a risque joke?
someone explain?
it's referring to jews bulldozing Palestinians homes and building jew homes over theirs in an area not within jew borders. ..obviously they will then say that it's their land in a few years
it's like me building a home in Canada then the US comes and says since I live there now it's part of the U.S.
it's how the jews expand their borders (stealing and killing)
Holy fucking newfag
Lurk moar
Holy fucking shit. Read the tweet
here's the full context
it was event where the presidential candidates go and joke around after the last debate (Trump just went into btfo mode lmao)
Yes, you huge blithering faggot. What is the TWEET reffering too.
the gif is of a guy laughing at a starter joke Trump did at the event .. then Trump says "Hillary is so corrupt " .. that's when everyone's faces changed .. including the gif guy lol
I told you already user
The Kikes can have their shit in the land that was given to them; no more
6 million keks. We'll just ignore it as we have been doing so.
So from the Nile to the Euphrates, then? Then we're missing out.
The tweet is referring to a resolution, which was passed by the UN, that urged Israelis to stop settling further into Palestine.
The US (likely) abstained (i.e. didn't use their veto power to kill the resolution).
You really need to read up on your history before posting here. This board may be the stomping ground for some of the brightest intellectuals on the internet, but we didn't get here by not understand and analyzing world history.
what did he mean by this?
>jew punching a kike
What's bad about this again?
Unlike prepping your bull, Sven, it means we'll do fuck-all about it.
you've ignored other signs in the past .. probably not a good idea ;)
Bad idea to provoke a nuclear power. You should know better.
This guy gets it
Israel was nice to Trump so Obama is doing this.
Really? Whatever you think this is fucking childish.
a jew getting punched .. that's all that matters (also don't use that evil word)
oy vey .. you should consider the same jew boy
Obongo's shitting in everyone's pie and trying to cause as much damage before he's thrown out.
Forgetting the 38 billion you owe us, shartmart?
>Stomping ground for the brightest >intellectuals ...
Ignore the Islamosphere shills... They did this at the last possible second because they cannot sustain criticism for an extended period of time. Biggest pussies in history.
Dude, we KNOW sand niggers are pussies.
All this because some fairy tale "holy" land. Tell ya, religion is the root of all problems.
keep talking shit schlomo.. the Saudis can't protect your pussy asses forever
The Israelis have continuously fucked over the locals at their own game (might = right), the West Bank and Gaza wouldn't even exist right now if Israel wasn't "kind" enough to give them their own plots of land to fuck around on after they lost it via war. The Israelis pretty much have the right to do what they want because they've earned it over the last 70 years.
>m-muh feels though!
Hm. Okay. No.
agree ..
Nobody except Europeans cares what UN says.
>Israeli sandnigger calling others sandniggers
Good one, Shlomo. There's not a bit of difference in race between an Arab and a Jew
When you go into battle, you will be praying to YHWH for protection... So, keep talking garbage if you wish.
The UN fucking gave Palestine to Jews because the Zionists payed 6 gorrilion dollars you fuck face shut up idiot.
If Obama stops the 40 billion payment to Israel, then he's based.
and even fewer care what a fucking canacuck says
You obviously didn't read my post. Nor do you know anything about history: en.wikipedia.org
I pray to Mars .. God of War and Vengeance :)
And nobody cared
I'm rich bitch; that's for the common folk.
Lindsay Graham told people to vote for Hillary and doom America, but when Israel gets a slap on the wrist he's ready to defund UN lmfao
a fucking amerijew .. they sure liked sucking the UNs dicks for that land in 1948 and when they needed to stop muh Iran
Most arms for the Zionist fighters came from Western powers, dumbshit. Without our support, Israel wouldn't exist.
Lindsey Graham is a cocking sucking pedophile (the jews have files on him so he toes rhe line like a good goy)
care to explain?
Netanyahu's Christmas Greeting to the Filthy Goyim
At the start of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, the Israeli forces were nothing more than a bunch of paramilitary forces, facing hostile neighbours and partisans.
Western support didn't become prominent until the 70's, after the Soviet Union began having closer ties to the Arab states and Israel threatened to fuck shit up if the Arabs managed to annex them, a la Golda Meir.
Regardless, it's not too relevant as in most occasions Israel was completely circled by invading armies who could zerg rush them.
Israeli soldier punching you utter moron.
Don't worry, Trump will SHUT IT DOWN on january 21st.
Their faces tell it all straight. What a shame
What war has Mars won? Show me.
What does this mean?
I mean knowing how much influence and corruption Hillary had in DC. I too would be afraid for my life if anyone mocked her greatness. Dude probably had a run in with her earlier in life and has been afraid he would be taken out since.
This. Refraining to veto a strongly worded suggestion from the UN - which is basically an impotent organization - is hardly noteworthy.
You lucky bastards :)
it's a jew getting punch cocksucker (wtf does it matter who punched the jew)
The one on the right is fake
Oh look out gais, the UN is URGING
They should call this a lack of resolution. Israelis are gonna keep on building, and so they should
every Roman and Greek war .. they still have Temples dedicated to the victorious Mars / Ares
How underaged are you? You write like an edgy 14 year old desu.
>No mention of Christian Lebanon
>No mention of Israel antagonizing Christians in the West Bank...
He sounds a bit like Arnold.
their fake laughs were so awful up to that point .. they stopped trying to even fake it (the tension was glorious lol)
shouldn't you be getting groomed ?!
lame ass "edgy" meme
It urges an end there are no real consequences if Israel chooses to ignore it. Passing resolutions without any binding action is pointless except for they get to pat themselves on the back apppease the proles without touching the jews
Rome and Greece are pretty influential right now, huh?
I'm not denying that America has Greek/Roman influences, but the societies built around those gods are no longer there. So, have fun with all that...
I always wonder how some people lack the self-awareness of their own cringe
Also, I hope this time the new Rome stays out of Israel once we get the Third Temple in.. Then there will not be a need for the Priests and the new Romans to take shit to each other.
muh democracy and sheeit nigga
all your architectural buildings in the
capital are Greeko Roman dumbass
can't do anything but copy
we'll see where the fuck the US is 20 years mr 60%
You're just talking shit about your own flag and nation, you idiot.
The two state solution is a joke, there is no way in a million years that the arabs could live peacefully this close to israel, and when they'd start shooting "rockets" we would just rape them and take the territories back.
what you think is talking shit is really speaking facts .. argue against my facts
The third temple shall be rebuilt soon and the pope will declare himself God inside of it.
You guys are the same race.. 1 state solution makes way more sense for a place so small
we'll see what happens when your american proxies stop supporting you
it hurts them too much to admit that simple fact .. but we wuz "chosen"
It's your country too, shitlord pagan polytheist. It's your architecture. It's your system.
I don't have to say anything, you just proved yourself. What an idiot. I love my country, but polytheist pagans are so fucking disloyal.
If the Arabs know one thing, it's how to get the shit kicked out of them by Jews.
for real?!?!
Mars is where we came from, it's not a god
I'd argue that there's no way you guys could live peacefully near Arabs, either. I mean, there are 2 sides to this coin unless you believe everything your government has told you about the muzzies always being the ones who start the shit. Anyone who takes honest look at your 2 states can see that both of you are pretty trigger happy.
We don't go around stabbing arabs randomly.
t.stabbed by an arab last year
a christcuck talking about loyalty gtfo out of here (you'd suck a jew's dick just so you can signal your worthiness to the pastor)
"we must stand with Israel goys"
don't talk to me about loyalty when you slaughtered your genetic brothers for some shekels and muh pride
I don't give a fuck anymore .. it's always been blood over dirty and some paper
you picked a piece of paper over people .. and talk about loyalty?!
All Israelis are Jews. Some Palestinians are Christians (like myself). Choice is yours, kick out Jews? Or kick out Muslims so they can swarm to europe?
wew... again, you are an idiot.
Not to mention when you enfranchise Arabs, you'll lose your special status.. which Jews will claim being annudah shoah
Who cares?
Fucking Obama and his Israeli-down agenda.
When Trump gets into office this will all be cleaned up and we're going to be Israel's BFF again.
Will get overturned when Trump, a true ally, enters the white house instead of a Muslim nigger..
great arguments
here's proof of your christcuckedness (pic)
American vets are dying and not getting treatment but you great "loyal" Americans sent 40 billion dollars to another people in a time real Americans need it .. then you have the audacity to question my loyalty gtfo