"Spanish people have a history of fighting muslims. Nordics have a history of welcoming them"

Is that true?

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The Muslims that violently entered Spain, claiming it as part of their caliphate.

Mediterranean *




Mudslimes BTFO by based Alberto Barbosa


Well how did the muslims mysteriously took over that much of spain?
With peace?

>muslims invade Spain
>muslims get removed
>whitey is evil

>invaders take your land
>you take it back

makes my neurons vibrate.

>muslims just spawned in spain
>they were there for ever

Deus Vult OP

Are you being American on purpose?

Damn, I like Spaniards now.

kinda, but Spain has been more conquered by Muslims than the Nordic countries, which were 'only' raided

Yes, look up the Moores. They conquered a lot of Europe.

Ever heard the Term black Irish? It means dark haired Irish men. White people in Europe only get dark hair and eyes because of the Muslim DNA in them.

Of course the superior muslims didn't kill anyone to end up in Spain, they're the religion of peace.

They left or converted there was no genocide

Nobody was evil back then. Fucking medieval times. You kill, you get killed. You kick a culture out of your land, another culture kick you out of your own. So why is this a thing still? My country is so fucked up.

Actually it wasn't violent at all because they were welcomed by the Visigoths (who were from Sweden) as mercenaries in their civil war. Tariq ibn Ziyad simply crossed the Strait, saw how utterly weak and incompetent the Visigoths were, and he, along with Musa bin Nusayr, quickly decided that the land was now theirs and not only had no resistance from the Visigoths but received their full cooperation and conversion to Islam in exchange for grants of land and privileges.

So, yes, Nordics have a history of welcoming "them" and no one knows this better than Portuguese and Spaniards.

Jews opened the doors to the invaders

Reminder that the christian crusades were fought explicitly to protect the Byzantine empire that was under attack by Turkish Muslims.

>Well how did the muslims mysteriously took over that much of spain?

Sometimes I wonder if americans even are anglosphere since you cant even speak english.

>mfw I eradicated Grenata as Castile in EU4 last night and btfo of Tunis as well

Morroco's next.

>Anglos will never know the feeling of removing kebab

The germanic tribes living in Spain allowed it to happen. Bunch of cucks. Then the Catholics from the 7th century to 15th century removed kebab.

Nevermind the story about how Spain got it's Muslims

with weapons. The (mainly Gothic) population didn't have nothing to fight them with when they 1st came. Ibn Khaldun talks about that when pondering why the fuck did Muslims conquered so much terriotory (protip: it was weapons against defenceless populations)

Plus, Muslim rule apparently wasn't that bad compared with the Gothic, apparently, and the Caliphate grew rich and constructed many a beautiful building that still stands today

But after a few centuries of Muslim rule it was the Muslims who were disarmed, and the Reconquista ensued

>Ever heard the Term black Irish? It means dark haired Irish men. White people in Europe only get dark hair and eyes because of the Muslim DNA in them.

The Black Irish have more in common with the Cro-Magnon ancestors who were in Ireland before the classic La Tene type people arrived. It has nothing to do with Muslims.

>In 1000, Spain had over 5 million Muslism

And just how the fuck did previously Christian, native Hispanic, Spain become fucking Muslim Arab?

SPOILER: The same fucking way the rest of the Muslim world became Muslim having previously been Christian/Zoroastrian/Hindu/Buddhist - via violent invasion by fucking Muslims.

>White people in Europe only get dark hair and eyes because of the Muslim DNA in them.

Anglo education

Spain was conquered and the people there killed or forcibly converted by the Umayyids from 711 - 788. There's a reason it's called the Reconquista.

How do you think the muslims got there?
Also, all of europe helped with getting rid of them

The part where the muslim first invade spain is missing.


Not really. Every European group fought mudslimes in the middle ages. Now spain and the nords both welcome them.

Original Kebab Removers
god bless 'em

Lol, no. Irish are naturally Blonde and Ginger.

Germanic tribe with dark hair

>Actually it wasn't violent

No, it literally says
which means that Spain allowed the Muslims to stay.
Meaning Spanish people are not white, they have been breeding with arabs for hundreds of years.

They got there cause Visigoths gave no fucks between worshipping a kike on a stick or a pedo warlord as long as they got to keep their gibs me feuds

There's a 50/50 chance every American you talk to on here is a nigger so..

would you rather have Muslims building this or raping European women?


Aryans came from India and Asia amd Bred with Germans to create the Germanic tribes.

Only Anglo-Saxons are pure.

So 44% of your country is non White?

Lmao what a fucking bunch of losers you are burgers, or should I say, hombres.

>All of Europe
No, only a few Countries tookbpart in the Crusades.

>Only Anglo-Saxons are pure.

>they have been breeding with arabs for hundreds of years.
As said on National Geographic and History Channel.

Irish have naturally brown hair. The black Irish thing has many theories, one of which is that it came from survivors of the Spanish Armada that settled in Ireland. Others suggest it may not have much to do with genetics and is a basic descriptor. There doesn't seem to be a real nailed on theory.

kind of, but do you even finish reading history?

they invaded Spain with about 12,000 men, and fought a battle with the Visigoths, along with many after that.

You are right though that the conquest of the whole of Iberia was not planned. The Berbers were used to raiding Spain, and were on another raid.

Then they killed Roderic the king, and the Yuros acted like a bunch of fucking tribesmen without their chief, and everything went to shit.


Your country is Founded By Anglo-Saxons, your country uses Anglo culuture, your country speaks English. You are a product of Anglo-Saxonism.

I'd rather have another crusade.

It wasn't. The most violent and infamous case was the Battle of Guadalete which was not, as it's often claimed, a separate war nor so black and white as "Christians vs Muslims" but was the climax of the Visigothic civil war between the Rodrigans and the Witizans in which Tariq ibn Ziyad was a mercenary, hired via Julian, the Count of Septem, to serve under the Witizans. Most of the dirty work was accomplished by the Witizans themselves, who committed wholesale slaughter against the supporters of Roderic in Toledo, effectively exterminating them, before opening the gates to the Moors.

The Muslims love to imagine the taking of Iberia as a miraculous conquest and I am denying them the right and luxury of such a lie. They conquered very little in actual fact.

Clean my toilet Slavshit.

Yes, Spaniards were very aggresive against muslims and jews.

Since when is pornographic material allowed on Sup Forums?

Muslim architecture always looks weird. It's like it was built by ants or some non-human species.

See Quit reading Wikipedia articles and acting like they're Gospel. The Wiki article on Guadalete is so full of shit it's mindboggling.


I wonder if my bloodlust for killing Syrian children comes from my med blood

5 million muslim? Sounds like bs. Maybe 5 million inhabitants, which doesn't equate to muslims. Many dhimmis: non-converts paying tax for not being muslim

The only reason america is better than UK is because we have Irish and German culture mixed. If we had only anglo culture USA would be a shit hole like London.

Didn't they take the Pennisula but got chased out amd then held a small city until like the 16th Century.?

Bour to start reading on the Crusades.
You have to go back


Ye mean te say....

Me mum's a bloody Muslim?



they just have a fetish for mathematics and geometry


>t. Ahmed.

Immigration act of 1924 was to exclude all foreign erican races, the Irish were restricted. Because they aren't American.

Only Anglo-Saxons are American amd Nordics are also considered to be partly erican.

You have to leave, Seamus.

your country now has roads, isn't filled with shitty Britons anymore which are basically sheep fucking Welsh people, and use the Latin alphabet.

You are a product or Roman and Viking rape-babies.

looks like they did their best to rip off hagia sophia's dome

Muslim niggers can fuck off


Spaniards are pretty based. God speed.

The eternal anglo.

reminder that the jews literally helped Moors get in Iberia

They held Granada until 1492.

>The Muslims love to imagine the taking of Iberia as a miraculous conquest and I am denying them the right and luxury of such a lie.

No, what you're doing is indulging every leftists delusion that the peace-loving tolerant enlightened Muslims of Spain were genocided and exiled by the evil xenophobic Christians, you fag.

forgot to add this very important pic

>White Nationalism
Is for Jew Globalists

>Ethnic Nationalism
England for the English

Is that an Aryan I smell?

You have to prep the bull, Nigel.

Thank God!

there were cities with gold as money and lots of freedoms, prosperity grew a lot with mudslimes, yet this wasnt the trend obv they lost

>5 million muslims


Deus Vult!

Is that why the modern spaniard looks like a european mixed with an arab?




Do Muslims even build like that anymore? Seems like everyone has gone degenerate even one of the most fucking conservative cultures.

At least my Nation has a race, you have been Ethically cleansed by Irish, Italians and Slavs. That's not happening here.

I currently live in Norn Iron for work. 99% White and Christian Government.

Santa Cruz, you have to go back, Mia Moolrey.

yes it's true, muslims should get out of europe before you reawaken the monster

whatever you say paki

No, I'm absolutely not. I am staunchly opposed to the fiction of la convivencia as propagated by Castro. But it is an absolute fact that the Moors had the full cooperation of the Witizans and that it is the latter who bears the responsibility for the centuries of warfare which followed the "conquest".

Yes, a fact which they like to cover up. They helped the Witizans because they were Arians and tended to treat the Jews better than the Catholic Rodrigans. It was Jewish funding which paid for Tariq's mercenaries in the first place. Higueruela is another thing the Jews conveniently overlook while whining about the Inquisitions and Iberian antisemitism.

We look like the young black African multikulti men we are

Flags were a mistake.

Moot literally destroyed Sup Forums that fucking piece of weebo shit

>Is that why the modern spaniard looks like a european mixed with an arab?

im sure it helps, but we aint that much different than italians, which werent colonized that much at all

plus, when muslims 1st came they began breeding with the women they preferred (hint: not nigresses) & most prominent muslims families were blonde and fair after a few generations



So is Spain the hero we need?

Anglo-Saxons are Germanic.

This is true, but it was the Greeks who fought them hardest and for the longest.