Why are blue states so wealthy compared to red states?
Why are blue states so wealthy compared to red states?
Density of population. Jews tend to take their defense force with them.
Believe it or not but workers rights where leople get paid enough to buy shit really improves the economy. Who would of thunk it. The south is asian tier in that they are slaves and cucks to the rich.
Less niggers. However, as you can plainly see, when we whites aren't exposed to niggers our sympathy gets the better of us and we vote blue
The South does some seriously voter rights violations if the North despite less blacks always votes Dem while the south with more blacks votes GOP.
Hebrews pay you for being a good Goy idk.
Blue states have limousine liberals, government employees, and their (illegal immigrant) servants (who may not be tabulated).
Red states have lower cost of living, lower crime, and non-failing public schools to make up for it.
Why is that bitch such a gross slut compared to cute girls?
the north raped the southern economy with tariffs and policies
(((Blue States)))
Huge government contracts and even bigger business loans.
>Red states have lower cost of living, lower crime, and non-failing public schools to make up for it.
Who is she?
no innocence left at young age and thoughtless niggerity look in eyes
Because we are educated and have an economy that isn't based on 1700 necessities. Boon county and Jim bob need to step to up
I don't want to say because fuck that bitch. Use Google if you want to know.
She's one of those "dance" whores tasteless retards like.
You know what they say about those earrings, the bigger the hoop...
MK Ultra sex slave. Property of Illuminati, NOT YOU.
Why are you bullying states with high minority populations?
Jews manipulating the stock market make more $$ than the farmers feeding the world.
Leftism is a result of decadence. It is an epiphenomenon.
feels good to live in iowa man.
I assure you those blue states are being financed by red voters as is the case in my state. A large negro populated city is being financed by whites.
Service economies are more prevalent because of the bigger cities.
lol at all the mental gymnastics and asinine excuses here.
You guys are pathetic. It's too bad you can't acknowledge or realize this since you live in a false reality. You're like schizophrenics but without a real excuse for being delusional.
More people
>muh farmers
The people who work those fields are the illegals you trash on about.
I like how the flyover states all have higher IQ than your liberal states. Even southern rednecks and niggers are on par with CA.
You just BTFO'd yourself.
>the closer you get to the border, the dumber you get
rlly mks u fink
Nigger I tried reverse searching it and got fucking "shoulder" please tell me I am in love
What? The blue states pay more taxes to the feds than recieve while the opposite is for the red states.
Money makes money.
Blacks just don't vote.
adjusted for CPI they are not
in other words: 60k average salary in California won't do you much good when you cna't purchase a home under a million dollars.
foreign investment
>forcing businesses to pay employees more than theyre worth is good
>inflation isnt a concern, goy
If you want to make more money, increase the worth of your labor.
New England has some smart motherfuckers.
Fick off, Sven. She is already owned and has had miles of cock plus torture. You can never please her.
Dense populations offer more chances for he spread of good ideas. That's why all the densest populations are liberal and the spread-out people are all fucked in the head and dimwitted, slow, quick to anger and become offended and illiterate. Like Texas.
It's Patsy Kline u idiot
This is how it works VVVV
>Be a red state, enact tax cuts and help businesses
>Poor non-whites immigrate en masse for a better life (and because capitalists want this, a poor shit wage working class)
>Whites get outnumbered by poor minorities, and outvoted
Im from CA, we used to be a white, red, state. Not anymore, now it's rare to see a true white in any city.
It hasn't been mentioned that the coastal states became wealthy BEFORE they turned blue.
Urbanization attracted the poor hoping to make it rich there, they didn't, stayed, and many believe liberals are going to help them fulfill that dream of wealth. The liberals don't, and use them for votes.
Not even any nudes what kind of bs is this. Thank you anyways
So Jews make a population wealthy. Or at least they skew the average.
Remind me why we don't want to earn our way as high as we can into the NWE? Even without being at the top, I imagine it'd be a comfortable life with fulfilling work
>actually rich
PFFFFT hahahaha
That depends on how do you count "wealth".
If you count business running from and to, then blue take the lead in runners and red take the lead in new home for businesses.
If you count big businesses, then of course anglo sits together where they have protection from their loyal (((servants))) in government. But what good comes from this?
If you count incomes, please count and show debts and prices too.
>non-failing public schools
Kansas and Alabama have okay graduation rates but shit standards.
Some southern states do very well for public education like Iowa, others are creationist-run garbage
> So Jews make a population wealthy
In fact "germans" (prussians, bavarians and schwabs) produce wealth. But then anglo dominates them trough a (((proxy))).
Boy, nobody gives a fuck about this.
This just in! Nobody cares!
Blue comes before red alphabetically, so they get picked first for free money.
If they weren't wealthy, they wouldn't have degenerated.
And, also, wealth leads to big cities, big cities lead to more wealth, big cities lead to degeneracy and dependency on immigration.
cool map
>increases in workplace efficiency means each worker produces more than in the past
>to further increase profits and appease stockholders they consolidate and eliminate positions
>this causes the workload to increase for those remaining employees as they are now expected to do the job of two, three, or more
>despite taking on more responsibility they don't see an increase in pay
>they are made to be thankful for their scraps because at least they still have a job
get fucked
Dont import millions of third world shitskins with an abhorrent standard of living and the worth of your labor will naturally rise. Until then, try learning a skill that cant be mastered in a week by mexican dirt farmers or highschoolers
Bs map most americlaps have British heritage and they say their Irish or some shit.
>red states take more money
We have all of the blacks superconcentrated and we have all of the military bases.
I would love to see CA's spending with a massive increase in black population and a few massive naval ports and shit