Trumpcucks BTFO

And you losers say that democrats are the ones who are unemployed

Get a job you fucking loser Trumpcucks and stop sponging off disability benefits.

Other urls found in this thread:

>large cities output larger gdp

really fires my neurons

Maybe the reason why they voted for him is because of that, seeing how they're much, much worse off, financially, than they were 30-40 years ago, cuck.

>>large cities output larger gdp
Not an argument.

>can't get meaningful employment because you're too dumb, literally the white version of niggers
>calling anyone else a cuck

If my state stopped selling california water, they would literally all die in a week.

>Maybe the reason why they voted for him is because of that
Maybe they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps instead of waiting for them gibs :^) Not my fucking fault they have no marketable skills.

Yes, we know the 1% voted Hillary

>If my state stopped selling california water, they would literally all die in a week.

Well, it's a good thing they don't let 95-IQ NEET losers with large anime girl picture collections run states then, isn't it?

>success is bad meme
It's like you have two separate assholes out of which to shit.

>liberals generate all the wealth
>dumb redneck trump supporters are poor and lazy as fuck so don't contribute to gdp

why am i not surprised? ;)

Never stated that, just pointing out the fact, you seem upset

>calicucks crawl out of the woodwork
Like clockwork, fuck that shithole state

Do they let you buy a scooter with your disability check Cletus? Must be really nice for getting around Walmart at your weight.

>counties economically neglected voted for change
Maybe if you libcucks invested in them they wouldn't vote against you

Stay envious , flyover inbred faggot

Most niggers are unemployed and vote democrat. An entire unemployed population voting democrat.

..fuckit, talking the bait
It's called confirmation bias.

Argument invalid.
Trump is still your PRESIDENT.

Why? They're harming themselves more than they're harming any of the 1%

Can't wait until Trump cucks social security and all the losers in the red state start to starve, LOL

It's so funny when libs both hate the 1% and brag about them at the same time.

But it's good, it's just payback

GDP growth is concentrated in the (((1%)))

it's like Liberals don't even realize what the fuck kind of places those small counties are. Newsflash: those worthless tiny counties are all the ones that grow your fucking food and mine your resources. The nature of agrarian communities REQUIRES that they be small because no one else will do the fucking job. It makes perfect sense that their interests should be served on a non-popular-vote basis because then they would be drowned out by the masses living in cities who comparatively produce nothing of value. FUCK

The fact that southern California is suffering a drought and that they built their cities in the middle of the fucking desert.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

When it supports their viewpoints they love rich people, then do their stupid fake communism bollocks. Capitalism's own version of useless idiots desu.

>democlaps earn more than republicans
pay your fair share you fascists

>Trump cucks social security

and welfare also, so i can grab pop corn watching massive chimp out in those cities.

>who comparatively produce nothing of value
I like how you argue against the facts and figures (i.e. real data like GDP) and use your feelings instead.

And you say liberals are the emotional ones.

We will slaughter you all

HAHAHAHAHAHA are you fantasizing again cletus?

Most of the people doing actual work in cities live in the suburbs and vote in the suburbs. Sorry leaf.

This isn't an argument unless you can provide data to back up your assertion.

Sorry retard.

without the people who grow your food and mine your resources, the city would die like a little retard babby crying out for mommy's milk

>citing a science fiction author as proof
Not an argument bud.

Let's see how all that GDP works out for you when you have no land for farms and you have no water.

>t. inbred redneck from irrelevant flyover county

Califag on vacation here. Nobody cares about your existence, midwesterner. I produce more wealth in a day working at my advertising firm than you do in a year harvesting corn. There's a good reason that all the intelligence, creativity and ingenuity of the USA is concentrated in cities like NYC and LA, whilst low IQ hillbilly trash such as yourself live on wastelands plowing dirt all day. If all the central states were nuked tomorrow, nobody would notice until the food shortages came, and then we'd just buy food from south america and asia. You should be grateful for wealth producers like me, because without us you'd be nothing more than a farmer in a 3rd world country.

the argument was made within the context of a science fiction novel but the argument still stands. are you intentionally being retarded or

Done. Trump voters make significantly more income than Clinton voters.

It really is an argument
Nobody's gonna build stores, coffee shops, malls, cinemas, factories, research centers, giant office buildings, banks etc in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
And the city numbers are inflated anyways since companies are usually registered in the cities even if most of their economic activity is located elsewhere

Cite some real evidence or fuck off. Your "argument" holds about as much weight as me citing womens studies literature about how you're a cishet guilty of othering me.

Present some real evidence of your claim or fuck right off with your faggot bullshit non-argument

So Trump voters make more while producing less in terms of real GDP?

Not really helping your case bud.

it's so very simple and intuitive of a claim that you'd have to be a complete imbecile to reject it. THINK ABOUT IT

Just because a business is registered in a city doesn't mean it makes all its money there, and it definitely doesn't mean that all of the people working at said business live there.

Do you think that our capitalist system doesn't pay people in proportion to the value they generate? If so then we can toss you in with the feminists who think that there is a world-wide conspiracy not to hire all-women workers when they could pay them 20% less for the same work.

Citing fiction isn't an argument. Try again.

OP's image has a source

Yours doesn't, trumpshit

>Just because a business is registered in a city doesn't mean it makes all its money there, and it definitely doesn't mean that all of the people working at said business live there.
Do you have a single shred of proof for this assertion or are you just baselessly speculating because the facts hurt your feelings?

The fact is that the counties responsible for the majority of US GDP voted for Clinton.

i'm not citing the whole goddamn book, retard. i don't know if you know this but arguments can be embedded within fiction. think about the fucking scenario and you will find it to an analytic statement of verified truth. i go to harvard btw.

>advertising firm
all of you marketing faggots are leaches on society. people in the midwest grow food to sustain this nation while no one would bat an eye if you got raped in the uk

>on Sup Forums
>doesn't know the la times poll.

Do you have some proof for your assertion that the US isn't a capitalist country?

> think about the fucking scenario
Right, I thought about it, citing fictional scenarios still isn't an argument.

>i go to harvard btw.
Post time-stamped student ID or I will not respond to your next post.

You still haven't presented any proof of your claim that the majority of a county's GDP is produced outside of that county. Try again when you have an argument.

>i go to harvard btw.
Post time-stamped student ID or I will not respond to your next post.


I said produced by people who live outside of it. Dumbfuck.

Average Clinton voter is a lower class person who produces little and is actually a net drain on the country, getting more back from taxes than they pay. Average Trump voter is the reverse.

>saving pictures of cocks on your computer
I bet you think you're "straight" too.

Mass unemployment is going to happen, it's going to happen and it's going to suck for Americans especially. Technological change isn't just smashing low-skilled, low-wage jobs it's eating away at the top of the ladder, too. Who owns the robots, owns the world.

>I said produced by people who live outside of it.
Prove it.

Ad hominem. Good to know that you know you've lost the argument.

OP's image also lists Cook County in NY when it's actually in Illinois.

Have you ever spend considerable time in a large American city? Most professionals working white-collar jobs commute into the cities during the day and go back to the suburbs after work.

Also, there's a trend of large employers moving out of places like CA and NY and setting up shop in states that actually welcome business. Just give it another 20 years.

I'm not

I thought we already went over this leaf.

>there's a trend
>just give it another 20 years, then i'll be right!
not an argument

transferring there from Stanford next year, fag

too bad so much of that is going into social welfare programs

gdp is a fucking retarded measure of material prosperity
i give you $100 to give me a high five
you give me $100 to pat you on the back
we just created $200 of gdp
nobody is richer and nothing was produced
and you think gdp fucking means anything


800 square foot studio apartment built in 1980's in california costs $3000/ month
3000 square foot house built in 2016 in midwest costs $2000/ month
>but hey paying retarded high prices for shitty old things makes your gdp look bigger
>omg midwest ur so poor because gdp
>numbers are more important than concrete material reality
>hurr durr we liberals are so smart

How many how the GDP generated in big cities is actually due to republicans voters living in the outer ring of the cities ? My guess is a lot

I'm from New York City and can't wait to move South cuck

Flyover states keep you pussies alive

Flyover states didn't end up in the condition they are now by accident. Administration after administration telling stupid rednecks that small government is the way to go and we need to gibe dem jerb creatars more tax cuts left these states defunded and incapable of offering both a skilled workforce and an actual place for industries to settle with the infrastructure they need.

Trump said he was going to bring the good jobs back. That was a lie. There's no economic justification for post industrial shitholes in America to exist anymore. The narrative that Democrats lost the election because they didn't pay enough attention to the working poor is only partly true. The problem is that nothing can be done for them, except for handouts like Obamacare which the republicans are now vowing to repeal. Looking forward to see how long it takes for it to sink in to these dumb yokels

Do you have a single shred of evidence to back up your assertion or are you just talking based on your feelings?


>highest GDP counties

>but highest welfare counties
>due to Democrat rulership

Prove that the amount of income someone makes is not paralleled by the amount that they produce.

Are you a communist who believes that the middle and upper class are leeches that produce nothing?

You said you went to Harvard, I asked for photo ID proof and told you that if you didn't post Harvard photo ID I wouldn't respond to you, you didn't post Harvard photo ID so why do you expect me to respond to you?

Go away now, I won't be responding to you again

>cities have industry
>nigs and effete cucks live in cities
>both groups vote democrat


>Prove that the amount of income someone makes is not paralleled by the amount that they produce.
That's not how burden of proof works retard.

idek why i would even bother arguing with a canadian idiot. i've been accepted into the two greatest universities in the world and even i can't make you see how retarded you are

What else do you do for $100? Those are kind of lame at that price range.

You have to prove that my evidence is invalid or else it stands, leaf.

>clinton voters are better educated
>trump voters make more money

Gee I wonder what kind of degrees those clinton voters have

Oh for goodness sake leaf, I hope you're trolling.
The trend has been going on for years and to ignore it is not an argument.

Since you can't post any sources, I'll post something from Pew:

Americans over the past decade have been moving south and west. Several southern states have gained population, while the liberal Northeast has lost population (or in some cases only gained because of (((foreign immigration))). Much of this is due to the high cost of living in those population areas, and due to jobs moving elsewhere in the country.

Hello, Leaf

You've been accepted to a no-name school in California and you're attempting to transfer to Harvard (and will probably be denied given how you see citing fiction is an argument)

That's not how evidence works. And you haven't even presented any evidence at all. Can you prove the connection between income and effect on GDP?

>poor white trash elected Donald Trump

No shit.

Whose fault is current state of earth? Dumb city people.

Whose fault is letting EU to make most countries lose their democracy? Dumb city people by voting yes when joining EU.

Who did let rapefugees in? Dumb city people.

Who are those people that call those who are trying to save this earth from niggerfugee, terroristfugee and crimefugee invasion as "facist", "racist" "biggots". Dumb cit...
Wait a minute good goyim, I think there might be a pattern :^)

Post the acceptance letter and correspondence

Just wait, the world market for gender studies majors will boom any day now.

how DARE you insult young educated CLINTON voters that have SUPERIOR human ARTS degrees? After all, these require the highest IQs! I mean, you need an IQ of. like . 95-100 to get such a degree! that's like maximum IQ lol lmao hehe im not butthurt because clinton lost xd

high IQ people voted trump, low IQ poorfags voted clinton

>no-name school in California
>#1 school in the world according to every list inculding Forbes

Are you even trying, leaf? You prolly have nothing going for you, huh? What are you doing with your life?

btw, I'm transferring there for graduate school. Gonna be your boss someday, bitch :^)

I don't see any evidence that high IQ people voted for Trump. You should try looking at the graphs instead of arguing with your feelings next time.

>23 posts by this ID

that's the Obama leaf, and his shitposting is pretty stale - I bet he bawled his eyes out when madam president lost :(((

We're interested in running a nation. Not filling coffers of globalist multinational Jew cock sucker inc.

Go starve in your mega city meatgrinders.

You will work at McDonalds

GDP = gross domestic production.

You get income when you produce something and then go on to sell it.

Therefore those with the most income are producing and selling the most.

The alternative is a massive world-wide conspiracy of theft that is somehow unnoticed by everyone but us Trump voters.


>transferring for graduate school
Nice roleplaying bud!

This is what happens when youre opponents include Jeff fucking Bezos and all the other "1%"ers

Fuck you Marxists cant even math or statistics, stop embarassing yourself

not an argument