Support for Germany's AfD party soars to one-year high after Berlin truck attack

Support for Germany's anti-migration AfD party soared to a one-year high of more than 15 percent in the wake of the Berlin truck attack.
With a general election expected next September, the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany recorded a 2.5-point boost to 15.5 percent compared to last week, according to the survey for the Bild newspaper by the Insa institute which will be released Saturday.
Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats lost 1.5 points to hit 31.5 percent while the Social Democrats, junior partners in the ruling coalition, ceded one point to 20.5 percent.

The poll was carried out between Wednesday and Friday among 2,083 eligible voters.
The prime suspect in the assault on the Berlin Christmas market which killed 12 people was a failed Tunisian asylum seeker.
The suspect, Anis Amri, who had been under surveillance as recently as September for suspected ties to the jihadist scene, was shot dead by Italian police in a gunfight in Milan earlier today.
In the immediate aftermath of the Berlin attack, the AfD blamed Merkel's liberal border policy, under which more than one million asylum seekers entered the country since 2015, for posing a serious security threat to the country.
One party official, Marcus Pretzell, even called the victims 'Merkel's dead', in a tweet later criticised by the AfD leadership.

Other urls found in this thread:;art1173,412734

>Support for Germany's anti-migration AfD party soared to a one-year high of more than 15 percent in the wake of the Berlin truck attack.
Seriously? Fucking retarded German cucks.

>inb4 Merkel regime seriously starts to protect us from more "diversity" attacks but only because she is afraid more attacks will promote the AfD before Muslims have outbred the German voter base and not because she actually cares about Germans

>Widespread mugging, assault, and rape of native Germans by migrants
>Multiple terrorist attacks
>Authorities actively ignore and even help cover-up attacks.
>Current government refuses to do anything, and even persecutes citizens who voice concerns
>Opposition barely makes 15%
Germany is a lost cause.

Woah, looks like 15% of people in germany is redeemable. Yup, its a lost cause.

>Seriously? Fucking retarded German cucks.

Polls are typically 2-3% below the real AfD numbers. And this is just the initial reaction. The AfD might get to 20%, especially if another attack happens in the next months which is very likely.

That would make the AfD the second strongest German political party. For a party which was at 3% and thus irrelevant in June 2015, that is pretty good. Especially considering the AfD is infighting constantly and is spouting numerous conspiracy theories which irritate normies in Germany massively - normies who seek an anti-immigrant alternative.

Großdeutsches Reich wann?

15.5% actually


>current year


Germany's choice will decide the future of Europe... No pressure germanbros

Reminder that Merkel's CDU and the left-wing parties are still supported by a combined 75% of the German electorate.

Germany is a lost cause.


Germany is not a two-party system you double retard
15% is fine

Literally this.

Don't be so sure, we can always separate them and make huge mental asylum out of Germany.
They're already full of lunatics anyway,

Independence for Sachsen would be better. Let the rest burn.


How do Germans see what is happening in the world and their own country and still vote the way they do?

Eurabian caliphate is almost a certainty within our lifetimes now

A real life S.T.A.L.K.E.R quarantine zone? :D

Bavaria needs to stay too.

>Reminder that Merkel's CDU
Reminder that a signifiant part of the Union is CSU who is anti-immigrant just as the AfD.

Reminder that even the commies (Linke) are to a large extent anti-immigrant and anti-globalist.

Reminder tha 80% of Germans say Islam is not part of Germany.

Reminder that 92% of Germans say the migrant crisis is the biggest problem Germany is facing.

>Marcus Pretzell

Do not belive the (((polls)))

sind zufällig bernds anwesend? kann ich zu kc verlinken ohne panniert zu werden?

To which extent is Die Linke anti-immigrant ?

>Reminder tha 80% of Germans say Islam is not part of Germany.
>Reminder that 92% of Germans say the migrant crisis is the biggest problem Germany is facing.

So they are think that they need less muslims yet reliably vote for more muslims every time
Gets my noggin joggin

15% means they get a lot more seats than UKIP you retard (which isn't exactly difficult to begin with) and can actively influencing politics even in the opposition

You can find the answer in the video.

Sad thing is half of their voters have are migrants themself.

What the people think is irrelevant if the politicians they vote for don't agree

Merkel startet to import the Muslimes only after the 2013 election. Before that she was not the best leader, but still a better choice than the socialists.

>Reminder that a signifiant part of the Union is CSU who is anti-immigrant just as the AfD.
Yet, the Union imported a million muslims in a single year.

>Reminder that even the commies (Linke) are to a large extent anti-immigrant and anti-globalist.
How are they anti-Islam and anti-shitskin?

>Reminder tha 80% of Germans say Islam is not part of Germany.
>Reminder that 92% of Germans say the migrant crisis is the biggest problem Germany is facing.
But they vote for people who will make sure that Islam becomes an integral part of Germany.

So take to the streets and do something about it cuck :^) go bash some migrants my dude. If everyone agrees, then no one should be stopping you.


When are German elections?

not soon enough

You live in Switzerland, you have to know it better than just the bad Sup Forums memes.

Just need to nuke it.

September 2017

fickt euch, ich pfostiere es einfach.


Und was soll das bitte ?

>Menschen, die vor Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Kriegen und politischer Verfolgung geflohen sind, dürfen nicht abgewiesen oder abgeschoben werden. Wir fordern die Wiederherstellung des Grundrechts auf Asyl und kämpfen gegen die Illegalisierung von Flüchtlingen, gegen Abschiebungen, gegen jede Form von Sondergesetzen wie die Residenzpflicht sowie gegen Sammellager. Die Abschottungspolitik der EU ist unmenschlich - wir wollen keine Festung Europa. DIE LINKE richtet ihre Flüchtlingspolitik nach Humanität und Menschenrechten, so dass der Schutz von Menschen in Not im Vordergrund steht und nicht ordnungspolitische oder ökonomische Überlegungen. Deshalb setzt sich DIE LINKE für die Abschaffung der Grenzschutzagentur FRONTEX ein, die das wichtigste Abschottungsinstrument der EU darstellt.


Reality is though they're still going to be a minority against cucked leftists of all descriptions. It's the same as if UKIP got 60 or 70 seats. Sounds great but in reality it means fuck all.

Federal in fall 2017, but if I remember correctly, two state elections are due in spring

>believing polls after Trump won

Wew lad. The AfD should be happy if they get more than 10 % in NRW in May. They are disastrousin my home land.

In September they will be more lucky and get 15 % in the general election.

Sahra Wagenknecht got a cake in her face by Antifa after talking critically about Merkel's immigration policy. So: The Left is not actually anti-immigration.


everyone in germany knows that NRW is a lost cause.

The federal polls were correct. Hillary won by +2,1 %.

Our federal polls are not much worse, more than 17 % for AfD is completely irrealistic.

Sadly 17 million of the 80 million Germans live here. They have as much influence as the people in Commiefornia in the USA.

Niemand außer Ausländer Sup Forumsacken glaubt daran das die AfD 2017 die Bundestagswahl gewinnt. Es gilt erst einmal eine Alternative zu den bestehenden Parteien aufzubauen. Momentan koaliert ja jeder mit jedem da jetzt sogar schon über Schwarz/Grün spekuliert wird. Wenn die AfD genug % bekommt um Koalitionsverhandlungen schwierig zu machen so wie in Sachsen dann ist das schon ein großer Erfolg. Ich gebe Deutschland noch nicht auf.

You're clearly not familiar with the demography in NRW. There is absolutely hope for rural parts of West Germany, it's all about the run-down former industrial regions like the whole Rhein-Ruhr complex.

Ja, wie Gauland schon gesagt hat, die AfD wird die Altparteien vor sich hertreiben. Vom Gefühl her wird es ziemlich sicher sogar Schwarz-Grün auf Bundesebene geben, da sie nicht die große Koalition wiederholen wollen, insb. mit (wahrscheinlich) Martin Schulz als Kanzlerkandidaten der SPD.

Sonst gibt es ja keine realistische Koalitions-Option, evtl. wird die FDP noch mit ins Boot geholt wie in Rheinland-Pfalz. In NRW wird es ziemlich sicher ne große Koalition geben, weil Lindner keine Dreierbündnisse will. Immerhin besser als das jetzige Rot-Grün, aber immer noch schrecklich.

Let's do this.

AfD Berlin: 14,2% this year and also before the latest individual cases of peaceful religious lunatics.

Whatever. Merkel will most likely win again. She will change again the political view in favor of the the so called public opinion. Example: Fukushima accident = bye bye nuclear power plants, or not..., ah fuck, lets do it (fuck u plebs!)

Oy vey!

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

The AfD would get here possibly more votes if they present a Trump-like protectionist policy. But with Pretzell as a leader here it is not really realistic.


I wonder if Sahra is actually Jewish.

>...among 2,083 eligible voters.

Sounds like the same kind of reliable polling that predicted a Hillary win.

It may as well be, you have afd and a bunch of parties who join together to keep the ''''''nazis'''''' out if they don't get over 50%.

checked. i hope i'm wrong but even if you have a bunch of shitskins who aren't allowed to vote there's still a shit ton of progressive libshits voting for anyone as long as it's not AfD

Martin Schulz ist ein Meme. Niemand in der SPD glaubt an einen Sieg man will nur die fette Missgeburt Gabriel nicht zu sehr blamieren weil er sich als gutes Schoßhündchen erwiesen hat und sich so die Koalitionsoption mit der CDU offenhalten will. Martin Schulz wird geopfert und wird sich dann aus der Politik zurückziehen Bildschirmschieße dies. Denke auch das die Grünen auf Bundesebene massiv überschätzt werden nur weil man in BW mit Kretschmann mal einen hatte der nicht 100% retardiert war (für Grüne verhältnisse) FDP sind Huren und kann man vergessen. Bin kein Fan der Linken aber man sollte abwarten wie sie sich im Wahlkampf verhalten. Rot/Rot auf Landesebene ist noch die Ausnahme, glaube nicht das Mergl die mit ins Boot holen würde.

2017 wird interessant.

Hillary did win the popular vote.

>Truck driver leaves his immigration papers on truck
>Just like the Charlie Hebdo attackers leaver their drivers licence on the vehicle

Why are terrorists so fucking lenient with their papers? One could come to the conclusion that the whole thing was staged.

Kommst Du aus NRW, user? Ich habe mich schon so häufig gefragt, warum sich das Land nicht als westdeutsche AfD-Hochburg etabliert hat. Ist es wirklich nur die sozialdemokratische Tradition? Ich kann mir das kaum vorstellen, eigentlich ist Nordrhein-Westfalen mit seinem industriellen Verfall und der wachsenden Armut für eine Rechtspartei prädestiniert.

Wie Du schreibst; mit einem Trump an der Spitze der NRW-Fraktion könnte die AfD einen Erdrutschsieg einholen - davon bin ich überzeugt. Die Deutschen hier im Lande sind richtig angefressen!

>Seriously? Fucking retarded German cucks.
for not supportin incompetent populists?
Brexiddd :DDDDDD

>BREAKING! Merkel's coalition only polls at 52%
Impressive dude

support Your local AfD , hunt down isis & their bolchewist supporters from and (((antifa)))

Schulz muss ja dann eigentlich ziemlich dumm sein, um sich darauf einzulassen. Dann würde er jetzt ein paar Monate lang Außenminister und ab September dann nur noch einfacher Parlamentarier, weil es ja offensichtlich nie für Rot-Rot-Grün reichen wird.

Effektiv bleiben dann ja nur noch eine erneute große Koalition, schwarz-grün oder schwarz-grün-gelb. Und alles mit Merkel als Führerin.

>Merkel will most likely win again. She will change again the political view in favor of the the so called public opinion.

see this voiced often but how can she 180 on welcome culture when she invited the attackers to Germany? is she just depending on low information voters?

>inb4 staged by PEGIDA

Good. Happenings are the only thing that will make you erwache.

Our game is not to get a majority but to force Merkel and Gabriel to massively pander to us in order to not make coalitions impossible for the normie parties.

>all of them overweight
>except that one qt 3.14
why are muslims so fat and nasty looking

Ja, aus einem Düsseldorfer Vorort.

Ich denke, es hängt auch sehr stark von der Demographie ab. Die ehemaligen Arbeiter sowie die eingewanderten Moslems aus der Türkei und aus dem Libanon wählen größtenteils SPD. Und leider wären immer noch viele der Konservativen, insbesondere in Westfalen (Paderborn, Münster), lieber die CDU als die AfD, weil das ja die Kirchen sagen.

Außerdem ist der Landesverband ziemlich zerstritten, Pretzell wurde mit nur 53% zum Spitzenkandidaten gewählt. Es gibt auch hier den Petry-Flügel (mit Pretzell) und den Gauland/Höcke-Flügel.

Schwarz-Grün ist an diesem Punkt was aussichtslos ohne die FDP. Je stärker die AfD wird, desto unwahrscheinlicher werden Schwarz-Grün, Schwarz-Rot oder gar Rot-Rot-Grün.

>SPD at 20%
Projekt 18. It's happening.

Were memeing for you germany

This poll could not have included the effects of the terrorist attack, it's been only a few days

We still have a great propaganda. (A government cannot exist without good propaganda. (Goebbels))

Merkel is just an incompetent politician who doesn't mean bad but wants to stay in power no matter what. When she let the fugees in she had 42% of the popular support already and thought she could get up to 46-47, which is effectively a majority thanks to our system. Instead, she fucked up and fell 10%.

any of you guys from Osnabrück?

i spent 1 week there in 2006 as an exchange student when i was in 5th grade

everyone was white back then? is the city still white'

Schulz hat jahrelang fette Diäten im Europaparlament abgegriffen, er wird sich danach komplett zurückziehen und ein Amt als "Berater" irgendwo in der Wirtschaft annehmen so wie es Schröder gemacht hat. Glaube nicht das es ihm noch um Prestige oder Posten geht sondern nur noch darum Gabriel zu halten. Ansonsten könnten sie ja auch direkt Steinmaier schicken aber der ist merkwürdigerweise ja ziemlich beliebt unter den Deutschen also versuchen sie ihn auch zu schonen.

Should be 80%

You need to spread assclowns united to the clubs of germany

Polling was done between 21 and 23 December.

Trumps "hidden vote" was 4-6% depending on state.

AfD have gone from 5% to 15% in the polls in the last 18 months.
If they can pick up a little pace AND have around 5% hidden vote, its going to be very close next year.

>pieing an unreconstructed Stalinist
Good way to get gulaged

Steinmeier ist mittlerweile Bundespräsident, auch bekannt als das nutzloseste Amt in ganz Deutschland.
Believe me, that won't work. The AfD has a potential voter base of about 25% (mainly consisting of young and middle-aged men and some middle-aged working class women).
Every single oldfag, young women and most middle-aged women does vote for one of the other parties.

Last time I visited Osnabrück it was quite white in comparison to Cologne or Düsseldorf. But that was before Merkel opened the doors.

The AfD, on average, performed about 2% better than predicted by polling institutes. Let's stretch it and say they get 18% of the vote. As they are mostly stealing from the CDU and the SPD, both parties will fall to about 48-49%, enough for a majority.

there is definitely still a lot more potential
the typical CDU voter is almost indistinguishable from the typical AfD voter (against multiculturalism, for more deportation, "leitkultur", mandatory conscription, against the gender madness and so on..), it's just that a lot of them keep voting CDU either out of tradition or because they think Merkel will eventually stop her turn towards the left.

The social democratic party also has a very significant conservative wing which isn't at all happy with the refugee crisis and the way the SPD is turning into a migrant rather than a workers party.


> so much tolerance
> so much diversity

Das war ja wieder ein geschickter Schachzug von Merkel, Steinmeier ins Präsidentenamt weg zu loben.

Man muss wissen, Schulz war früher Alkoholiker und depressiv, sprich, er hat jetzt einen riesigen Minderwertigkeitskomplex.

>Steinmeier ist mittlerweile Bundespräsident

Oh man, das hatte ich mittlerweile schon wieder komplett verdrängt.

>Anti-migrant party support soared to 15.5 per cent
>Merkel: still 31.5 per cent

Germany is fucked

Believe it or not, the biggest foreigner party right now is the AfD due to their massive support among Eastern European refugees and Erdogan Turks.
Keine Sorge, in der Position ist er am harmlosesten.

Osnabrück was very comfy in 2006. That town hall and that big church next to it were something else.

At least our leading party is a cuckservative one that needs to pander to right-wingers in order to keep a majority. What does Canada have?

>One party official, Marcus Pretzell, even called the victims 'Merkel's dead', in a tweet later criticised by the AfD leadership.

This is the party so "radical" that barely 1 in 6 Germans support them

Effectively Trump lost the popular vote with a 2 % difference. He won because he got the right states and Hillary mostly motivated the people in California and Hawaii and not those in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

>Germany is fucked;art1173,412734

there will be more attacks, ficki-ficki, drip-drip-drip right up to the election

that's true but with "migrant party" I meant "concerned only for the well-being of people who recently entered the country". The AfD is liked by many non-Germans for exactly the opposite reason: they despise how immigrants from Africa and the middle east have everything handed to them, while they themselves had to work hard to make a living.