I fucking hate my nigger cousin

Tfw my retarded aunt adopted a nigger from africa, i always hated it

I only saw the nigglet few times a year, should have bullied it more when it was a child

Right now i'm 30, currently a NEET, depressed, spend my time jumping from happening to happenings on Sup Forums,(but gonna start the gym in 2017 and look for trades job) the last thing i need is to hear from that nigger again..which

We had family over yesterday,he came with his new nigger gf..he's a dentist and she's an optometrist... tried to evade him but he sat next to me. After small talk, he asked me what i was up to recently, i fucking swear pol. i started seeing red and called him a nigger cause he wouldn't be a dentist without A.A so he shouldn't be trying to act superior finished by telling him that my aunt should have let him die of hunger in africa

My mom started crying,my aunt cried and left the room. The nigger started laughing,my dad told me to go back in my room

I swear i want to strangle that chimp

this is now a con-man thread. post your joseph smiths, sam hydes, and tony robbins

Your insecurity is massive, man.
Just handle your shit. Your cousin wasn't doing anything to you, fag. Get your shit together and you won't feel so threatened.

This 100% happened

That's not very candianly of you

You finally tired of posting the pasta where you're working at your dad's firm, leaf?

Obviusly a fake story you fucktards.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.



bad dog ... with that bait srsly?

Wasn't doing anything? You mean telling me about his job and how he wants to buy a house in a couple of years? He knows very well i have not worked for a long time, he's just brushing it in my face because i used to bully him

Why do you think he laughed?

I don't care whether you idiots believe or not, just give me tips . How the fuck do i get back to him

not really ... i can usually tell if its bullshit or not there's many subtle pointers


Nice! Would copypasta again

Stfu, at least i didn't sit there and accept the way he was trying to humiliate me

What jobs have you done in the past?

by getting a job and stop embarrassing yourself
right now he is more of a white dude than you

So, is this bs or not?

>literally less successful than a nigger.
I think the only nigger here is you user.

The propaganda is getting better...sug ghay

Whew lad you really went full autist. And in front of your nice white family, too. Have you no shame? Rake yourself, leaf.

Mostly worked at video games/tech stores such as Best-Buy. I worked in a fast food in high school tho
Sure, if i had a black skin, i'd be a doctor with A.A, he's just a nigger with unfair privileges

If you are a looser is not his fault. This is just being retard. Get your shit together

He's bringing his nigger gf at the fucking family dinner, if they had nigger children ,i'll be an uncle to niggers, i don't want that.

I never thought i'd say that but i'd prefer him to date a white girl or simply cut ties with out family before dating a chimp

Shut up. What would you have done? He knows very well what he was doing, i wasn't gonna accept that like a little passive bitch

What studies have you got?

Yeah right.

LOL it doesn't matter if he got in with A.A or with legitimate grades.

The fact he was able to complete his college degree and become a dentist just shows he put in the hard work necessary AFTER being accepted.

I've seen many niggers and spics being accepted by A.A. and flunk out because they rightfully weren't smart enough to compete in the academic world.

HOWEVER, the ones that do succeed do because they wanted it that bad and were smart enough to compete i.e. your cousin.

Classic case of blaming others for YOUR failures, short comings, and being a piece of shit to your family, friends, and society.

If he came home with a white chick, would you have blown your brains out? Jesus christ man have some fucking game. This is the thing that pisses me off about Sup Forums, all haters.

Ohh, and I like how you said "look for trade jobs." Go to school and actually learn a trade, employers wont take "Internet" as a training center. You need actually certs and shit.

jesus christ user

you are more pathetic than a nigger, get yourself together man

Dropped out of computer science after the 2nd year, felt it was too hard and studied japanese for a while in case i decided to teach english there

So you got all asshurt that you Fucking suck dick. From what I can see this person is not only educated and sucessful, but is not even racemixing.

This'll end up as copypasta.

What job would you think you would feel confortable and capable of doing?

Honestly i havve no idea, that's one of the reasons why i'm so depressed and spend my time here. Wish i could do something related to gaming honestly.

For the time being, i'll look for a minimum wage job i guess, my parents told me that they'll kick me out if i ever embarass them like this again

i'd see myself repairing computers tho

Have you been officially diagnosed with depression by a psychiatrist?

You may be white, but the real nigger is you. Shame.

>my dad told me to go back in my room
I can not stop laughing

What is your age bro? What is his age?

>Black man who has accomplished something in life
>A good for nothing NEET

You let a nigger come from behind and get further ahead in life than you. You are a failure.

wtf,you don't even make sense
no..why? i go out like once or twice every month,never thought about seeing a doctor. That's why my aunt's nigger pisses me off so much, he's trying to act superior when he should know his place as a member of an inferior race

Nigger becoming a doctor?
Fake story.

>The nigger started laughing


You are literally more of a nigger than an adopted african.



Has your family ever tried to hook you up with a psychologist?


dentist not doctor. They can become doctor now with A.A, it's like using cheatcodes for easy life.

spotted the nigger

This is an Australian-tier shitpost. It is truly great; if only all shitposts were to this calibre. Well done

yes they have, i might reconsider

Is imaginary leaf cuckposting a thing now?

>TFW half of the replies are serious

Do you have or have you had a partner?

You got autism forsure =)

Did your mommy at least let you finish your chicken tendie poutine in your room, little quebec frog?

absolutely disgusting

fuck me

user, you are crying because someone is doing better than you are.

You have lost all sense of perspective, and you have become the nigger.

The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can start your path towards not being a nigger.

how the fuck did you know i am from quebec
i gave up on 3D but yes i had one

Dude, you're a fucking dick. Gtfo of Sup Forums, find a psych and fix yourself. Your cousin will hate you forever and your family is right to hate you

Its canadianly to point out flaws

You should try to become something, I know it's hard, I have severe mental problems, I'm doomed to be a NEET, but you need to try. Seeing a psychologist might help.

"I gave up on 3D"

Nigga you got autism.

why get off Sup Forums? it redpilled me

Calm your tits leaf the kid comes from Africa he is not tainted with niga ghetto USA culture he can be raised as a normal person.

Fake and gay.

because it consumes you, you can be redpilled by watching YT videos, this place will consume you to the end.

This is the worst bait.

Only if you internalize.

But if you do that, you shouldn't be here.

Pray tell Juan, how can this awful webpage can consume you to the end?

LOL. I hope this is a joke, because if it's not, you are a very sad person. You admit you're a neet and he's a fucking dentist? You should have been asking him if he could hook you up with a job in the office.

He took advantage of the situations given to him in his life and appears to have come out for the better. Probably makes his adoptive mom proud. No one would ever be proud of you. I'm assuming you're white and sill somehow a piece of shit. What have you done with your life? 30 years fucking old..

Here's a tip. Get a a fucking job and stop worrying about what your cousin is doing. Be a fucking man.

>After small talk, he asked me what i was up to recently, i fucking swear pol. i started seeing red and called him a nigger
but why :?

Get a job you frenchie frog.

most people in
do you see a psychologist? what do you do for a living, how old are you?
i used to bully him when he was younger, i'm sure that nigger hates me for that

An other one bites the bait.

did you ever feel humiliated by something inferior?

Hating a nigger because you are an unaccomplished NEET and he is objectively better than you are


honestly probably kill yourself

Your adopted cousin certainly has.

leeching off the privilege white people give him

>objectively better

i don't see what can be inferior to a nigger desu,enlighten me

If you feel humiliated, then clearly you're inferior. I know this logic blows you're mind because you're 30 years old and don't even have the mental capacity to work out how to live under your own means.


I hope this is a meme my dude. I have a kinda neat Christmas story to counter this mans cringe.
>see cousin who I haven't seen in a grip she was a dirty druggie and had shitty tattoo's and all that jazz
>hear she is engaged, prepare to meet a trashcan before heading to christmas dinner
>he's literally a red pilled conservative navy seal
>she got her tattoo's laser removed for him
:^) better than expected.

>30 years old
>Go to your room

Tbh you have to get a job stat and move out. Take a break from family and collect yourself. You sound like a fucking mess

At least he isnt swedish
Then life would really suck.

Implying Mariefred is overrun by Muslimw

how old are you
30, the nigger is 25, but if we count count niggerage like you count dogage he'd be older than me

Honestly if you didn't tell us your age, I'd figure you were a teen. Don't be mad at him because he's many many many times more successful than you, he did that for himself, not to spite you.

Off yourself leaf faggot

Your the faggot here. If your redpilled "muh white genetics" meant anything you should be doing better. Even if AA got him ehere he is, or would have stopped you getting a degree, the reality is youve done nothing. Your a fucking NEET. How about your last redpill is that caring this much about race is for faggots and losers who dont have lives.

user please
Implying i even know what mariefred is..

I hope things continue to go well for her. Nice to see shitty people work things out.


You must have an IQ of 80 to fall for such obvious leaf posting

That image would be accurate if OP wasn't a somalian nigger immigrant LARPing as a white man.

why a teen? cause i respected myself enough to call hiim out? he owes my family, he doesnt have tthe right to look down on me ,hes just a nigger,nothing else nothing more

have you read puddnhead wilson by mark twain?

its basically about how a slave women who was white passing because of mixing switched her kid and her masters kid in the cradle to give her kid a better life. her real kid grows up as "white" but literally becomes a fuckup neet that steals from his neighbors to pay his gambling debts, while the actual white kid grows up as a slave but is mirror opposite in personality, he is honest and hardworking.

throughout their upbringing, as the "white" kid realises more and more how much better the "slave" is at pretty much everything, he grows more and more resentful and becomes crueler and crueler to him.

in the climax, it is revealed via fingerprinting to the town in a court case when they are both adults that they were switched at birth.
the "white" now becomes a slave and is immediately sold down the river (as in to the harsher plantations further south), and the slave now is a free white man.

the point is youre obviously the actual nigger here

LOL in 25 years, he became more of a man than you have in 30. This is the best. You're complete white trash and don't even get it.

Double dubz
When will /pol understand our power level?

1/10 b8 m8