look at all these nerds praying for the star wars princess!
fucking faggots
look at all these nerds praying for the star wars princess!
fucking faggots
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Based kek!
How many nerds do you think busted a nut to her in the last 40 years?
1-9 she survives
0 she dies
pol says it is redpilled
but pol gets sucked in the hollywood cult
I'd say you're gay if you haven't.
Your numbers are weak, old man.
Who said I didn't
overrated as fuck
does Kek care about any of us or is he an unstoppable force of cruelty who swallows anyone in his path
There is not ideology here, just vacuous hatred and try hard edginess. You people are soulless and empty. That said, I don't give a shit about Carrie Fisher. But you're a little bitch, regardless.
>praying for the star wars princess
Wut? Could you elaborate?
What happened
Star Wars manchild detected.
hope she pulls through
Are any numales tweeting about how they're literally shaking a crying with worry? Someone find and post for me please Twitter is blocked in my country
The Disney kikes were probably gonna have her use the Force and save the day because muh strong female characters. Kek put a stop to that nonsense.
God cares about us kek is the arch angel Michael.
Apparently she had a heart attack if you didn't know. She may die which would be fine with me cause her acting in the force awakens was bad
apparently she went into cardiac arrest
doctors are searching her heart to see if it's true
>twitter is blocked in my country
Lmao really?
>3/10 jew
is this the epitome of female attractiveness in america?
gay... You wish you've seen a vagina before..
what lead you to believe this?
Clever as fuck, there. No wonder the UK is such a cultural paradigm these days.
>OP isn't also a 40 year old virgin
>autistic plebbit shit
really wonder how these people make it out there
Drumpf did this
Imagine how shitty you must have been in a past life to be stuck with a body like this.
Michael is justice and that is what kek brings. Justice may seem like chaos but war is chaos.
How many victims does that make for the Trump curse?
[spoiler]Save her, Trump[/spoiler]
Don't tell me she's against trump also?
>doctors are searching her heart
are they searching her feelings too?
Not enough. I'm still waiting for Hillary.
This is autistic but it's a reference to the new movie if you didn't know
She could fix that in 6 months if she stopped being a lazy shit
Are they searching their own feelings?
As a paramedic, this doesn't look good. She went into full cardiac arrest - in the air - from a "massive" heart attack - away from definitive care and the cath lab (including no advaced airway, defibrillator, access, or code drugs). Chances of her surviving this - and being fully neurologically intact - are very slim (bystander CPR can be very substandard). I would imagine her unresponsive on a ventilator in the ICU somewhere, if she made it that far. I seriously hope that isn't the case and I hope I am wrong, but my experience tells me otherwise
t. reddit
it's very autistic in the movie as well
you have very bad taste in women
she is nothing special, completely average
2:46 PM PT -- We're told when the plane landed paramedics worked on Carrie for 15 minutes with CPR before they were able to get a pulse. She's currently at UCLA Medical Center on a ventilator.
>paramedics worked on Carrie for 15 minutes with CPR before they were able to get a pulse
Add another one that dies when they insult Trump.
Would be funny if she dies due to Cocaine. Check them now!
>make it out there
>going outside
I know some people irl that are reddit users, they are the type of people that are first to get shanked, robbed or get jewed when dealing with other people, its fun to watch them screw up so bad.
Has she actually said anything about Trump? I can't remember...?
Kek, please take Madonna next.
They killed Han Solo already.
She's next.
oh, shit, nigga
She was effectively dead for that long with (likely) compressions only CPR (not sure of flight medical capability and only guessing). She wouldn't have an advanced airway with adequate ventilation, and bystander CPR can be less than optimal. Out of hospital arrests carry a high mortality.
Oh shit nigger chekked
did she do a porn?
I don't know if she said anything about trump, but I know she is an sjw. She told everyone the starwars producers were sexist for asking her to lose weight and get in shape for the new movie even though they already made Harrison and Mark get in shape for the movie. And ultimately her bitching won, they didn't make her workout. You might have noticed in the movie she was the fattest of the three
Heard pence is bringing Trump a bucket of kfc everyday...you think he's trying to tell us something?
You're a huge gay. Pickings were slim back then.
That is karma for you
Kek speaks. Defilers of our God Emperor's good name get immediate death for Christmas.
Nope, she could look better if she put some effort in but she's patient zero of the "rectangle body jewess" genetic disease.
>Yet somehow has no tits or ass
>And a manface
>And a repellent personality / disgusting personal values
is kek here? i have some requests
Why do I pray for her? Is she sick?
Back in my day we jerked to Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn
She was not breathing 10-15 minutes
No pulse 15-30 min
Brendan will get unjusted next year
>Hersi Janew
Sounds Jewish as fuck.
>And ultimately her bitching won, they didn't make her workout.
and now she had a massive heartattack, fuckin pottery ahhahahaha
She said that Trump won the debates because he used coke to give him an energy boost.
She did not indicate why clinton was a sad looser. Check them AGAIN!
BASED Digits
Kek please kill the entire cast and crew of Rogue One instead of Carrie Fisher
praise kek
singles she lives
F for Fuck that bitch.
She had a heart attack in air, which means the chances of her surviving are pretty slim.
I can only imagine the pandering and "tributes" that's going to happen if she does die. I hope that ugly cunt that plays the Mary Sue in the new Star Wars dies too.