Christians BTFO! What do you have to say about this you bigots?
Islamophobes BTFO!
Mary was European.
I wonder how they did this poll?
Also people routinely traveled miles from their place of birth...
Mary and Joseph literally went over 200 miles with Jesus from Bethlehem.
What about the parts in the bible where it states that Jesus is white?
>All Arabs are muslim
Really ding dongs my beltbuckle
God is white
Jesus is the Son if God
Jesus is also God
Do muslims even into philosophy?
Islam is not a race. Jesus was a race. White people should not worship a kike.
He looked like DSP.
> implying immaculate conception wouldn't give Jesus any genes God wants
god isn't white
he made man in his image, and the first race of men were africans
god, if real, is likely black
He sure as hell must have been good looking though.
Is the Devil white?
If so I may have to change religions.
>Maltesian people aren't white
You mean the part where they say he has hair like wool and skin like brass?
there is a reason you are called "white devils" by the black community
Hail Satan, christcuck
So Jesus being born from a virgin pussy, turning water to wine and resurrecting is okay, but being white is unscientific?
God the Father is a different person than Jesus the Son of God. They're two different persons of one holy Trinity.
Trips of truth
Jesus was born in Constantinople in 11th century, his real name was Radomir, 100% slavic.
When did Crusades occur? Why do you think they would wait 11 centuries after Christ's death to find his body? No, they started right after his death.
Arabs didn't conquer the region until much later on. Ashkenazi jews aren't even real jews and what was a jew back that differed greatly.
Besides, we have the shroud of Turin to show us what Jesus looked like. Yes, he had a big nose. And no, his ethnicity doesn't matter because Son of God is beyond that.
inb4 fedora goes berserk
he looked like frank zappa
Why is it so hard for people to understand this?
I don't even think Jesus existed, but isn't there DNA proof that King Tut was of Western European lineage? I'm not saying Jesus was white, or even that the two characters had much overlap, in tome or space, but I mean come on. "Nobody ever went more than 100 miles away from their home" Okay.
Not really m8
God is middle eastern
1. God is a middle eastern god
2. Jesus is also middle eastern
Even Hitler came to the conclusion that (((christianity))) cucked the roman empire and Europe at large. The christian slave morality destroyed Rome then and destroys and haunts Europe still today.
>white people have white Jesus
>Koreans have Korean jesus
>Chinese people have chinese jesus
>dindus have chimp jesus
>mexicans have mexican mary
What's the point of singling out white jesus?
God is MiddleEastern according to Annon
I think hes wrong..
Noice digits user
But i believe you to be mistaken about God
Yahweh is a middle eastern deity
I'll take it a step further and say he didn't even exist.
No hes a diety. Middle eastern doesnt come into the equation
>Jesus Christ is literally half-god
>He totally looks like a sandnigger guys!
God is a popsicle.
Jesus is the son of god.
Jesus is a popsicle.
Jesus was levantine. Levantines were pretty white during roman empire. Today you can still find lot of white people in syria and lebanon. They became brown after arabic invasion.
Implying immaculate conception isn't a fable.
When describing Zeus, he's described as a Greek god. Same goes for Yahweh, he is a middle eastern god.
Sound about right there were no such thing as Jews in the times of Christ and the time before that.
Zeusy zmuesy
That does not make God a middle eastern diety
Get it through your head
You follow a middle eastern religion and worship a middle eastern god
Jesus was east asian, faggots
The devil is red, silly.
user please
I cant get this through my head
I need proofs.
A middle eastern god? You brought up zeus desu senpai...
>nobody knows what he actually looks like
>I have this picture
>mommy I posted it again!
And sage.
Hahaha. Yeah! If you're gonna believe one steaming pile of horseshit, you may as well go the whole nine yards and make it caucasian, too!
My image of him is a pale guy in a black cloak with a smooth voice
You are one autisic leaf
Well, only truth comes from the mouths of Russians. There like Vulcans. I'm sold.
user please.
He is described as the morning sun
The bringer of light
Weak bantz m8
Yeah, the shroud of Turin is actually the image of Jesus. That's logical. There's no way that this "artifact" discovered hundreds of years after christ supposedly lived could possibly be someone else's death shroud, like a crusader? Hasn't carbon dating already confirmed that this fucker is way too new to be 2000 years old?
>mom was from a province of Rome
>dad was white
He was half semitic at absolute worst. Definitely didn't look like the sandcoons and kikes we have these days.
Because it's convoluted. It's meant to answer questions that the church couldn't answer without making shit up. The holy spirit is a somewhat recent creation.
Well now I imagine him dressing like a monarch with white and red flowing robes
I thought Jesus was a Puerto Rican bowler.
lucifer and satan are not the same people. The morning star is a human king that people fanfictioned into being satan.
Lucifer was in heaven
Satan is when he got kicked out
King Tut was not European in the least.
A hundred-mile trip was a week-long venture, or more, in those times. It required traveling capital, security, food and transportation. Most people never went very far from home unless they were warriors or traders, and those were few compared to the overall population.
Considering all the Roman Cavern paintings and the oldest Icon of Jesus, Jesus was certainly not mud brown.
Satan =/= Lucifer
Lucifer was one of the archangels in Heaven who fell from grace because of pride
dude's a fucking pederast.
Are we going to ignore the fact that the Jews before the invasion of dirty Arabs mingled with the Greeks to produce white tanned looking offspring?
>Gotta thank Alexander the Great
>inb4 niggers claims that they are Hebrew
chimp jesus kek
Great fanfiction bro. Where does it say that in the bible?
Id argue because of jealousy but its just semantics
Nobody knows this. The name "jesus" probably came up in the exhaustive (for the time) Roman records, but nobody has actual documentation of the Jesus in question other than that stupid book everyone quotes incessantly. You don't know what Jesus was, if he even existed.
user please
Literally all the time every time.
You read the Holy book bro?
i'd say it was for being too prideful and trying to exalt himself above God.
yeah you're right
Zeus is also white.
Lucifer was a human, saying anything els is against the description of him in the bible.
Isaiah 14:12-17New King James Version (NKJV)
The Fall of Lucifer
12 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.
16 “Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who did not open the house of his prisoners?
>Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
>there is a reason you are called "white devils" by the black community
>still continue to use the Devil's technology
Really makes my neurons fire.
. ZA
. . N
. . G
. . Z
wow do you not even realize the name lucifer appears only one time in the bible?
You literally have no clue what you are talking about.
My image of him is a red guy with horns and a forked tail. Either one is about as believable.
Most Arabs dont look that dark, especially in the levant.
Saw Nkjv and kek'd right away.
Lucifer isnt a bro, bro
Noe he didn't. He looked more like your average Syrian, the fucker on the left is a Berber.
They're all fictional characters.
I have multiple family bibles.
Apocrypha books and all.
Lucifer mentioned once?
What translation you reading senpai?
Buddha and Shiva are also white. Everyone's white. Bad colors are punishment from the gods.
It's translated like that in every bible. Whats your translation?
Holman Christian Standard Bible
Those who see you will stare at you; they will look closely at you:" Is this the man who caused the earth to tremble, who shook the kingdoms,
International Standard Version
"Those who see you will stare at you. They will wonder about you: 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who made kingdoms quake,
NET Bible
Those who see you stare at you, they look at you carefully, thinking: "Is this the man who shook the earth, the one who made kingdoms tremble?
New Heart English Bible
Those who see you will stare at you. They will ponder you, saying, "Is this the man who made the earth to tremble, who shook kingdoms;
GOD'S WORD® Translation
Those who see you stare at you; they look at you closely and say, "Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook the kingdoms,
JPS Tanakh 1917
They that saw thee do narrowly look upon thee, They gaze earnestly at thee: 'Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, That did shake kingdoms;
Every fucking traslation, is like that. There is not a single bible in the world with multiple mentions of lucifer.
All (((translated))) for your convenience.
ISV? Really senpai? I trust wiki more.
>Homo Sapiens
Nice try Uthgur
ok buddy why don't you tell me your approved translation or you can just drop the low tier trolling.
Who cares?
First of all i got all your (you)'s top tier.
Second there is not a single translation i believe is even remotely accurate to original text
Thats right i forgot who i was speaking to.
Sorry tyrone
Will you be around when the balance shifts? Nope. Neither will your kids. Who cares about afterwards? White people have such a superiority and sense of entitlement about them. I got over mine.
I piss on allah
I hope all Americans dont have this defeatist attitude..
So you're saying Jews are niggers?
The hebrew word Hêlêl which mean morning dawn, only occurs once in the entire bible.
a good troll has some substance to his posts to make the other person angry. You just deny reality to make yourself look like a retard.
So what if Christians are bigots?
Better than being a nigger, kike, or muslim