Sarah Andersen is taking the bait. Do not let this slide, we need more edits!
Twitter: @sarahcandersen
Sarah Andersen is taking the bait. Do not let this slide, we need more edits!
Twitter: @sarahcandersen
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Lol, make it happen!
These are great and I hate this fucking bitch. I can't remember where she always gets posted but she needs to be given the zyklon Ben treatment
I am so happy you had this idea. She's an obnoxious, cringy and pretentious author
New edit
Very nice
Holy fucking shit my sides.
these two gave me thorough keks
>neurotic millenial starts writing a webcomic about the inane things that he/she thinks about while working retail and living with his parents
For what porpoise are we doing this?
For great justice.
I encourage you to read some of her original comics
Will do
She is going to be the new Benny G
For what one could call "lulz".
We're the hackers known as Sup Forums, and we do it for "lulz", remember?
Ben garrison needs a mate
topkek I saw this shit earlier today and some user suggested sending them to her, 2 hours later and she's already taking the bait
why Sup Forums
she's on the right
such a cute face and she turns into this
tried to clean up the face a little
I thought he already had one.
She's pretty cute tbqhwy
New propaganda!
Thank you!
Doesn't matter we will crash this plane with no survivors
I want her to gag on my redpill.
oh g-gosh
holy shit thats good
this one is too good.
Now we need a Nazi uniform edit.
reposting this pearl
Refugees would be more believable
soliloquy is a fucking whore
Bumping for this
Fucking vulgar as fuck. Kek.
what does the actual person look like?
Just as I thought. She has different opinions than I do. What a cuck, she deserves to die. Thanks for correcting the record.
>when you take so much dick you need to make a flowchart
That actually sounds like a very interesting quest. I always thought Ben was more on the right side, so I never really understood why he was pasted onto everything 'far-right'. This however would be a very interesting transformation
>asexual romance
>Redditor detected
We're just making art. Why do leftists hate art?
This t b h family.
Her comics not involving gender and politics are kinda cute, even if her opinions are dumb. I know too many stupid people to be affected by another one that isn't even effecting the flow of things.
I mean it's funny but pointless.
>messing with other peoples work
Yep. Its reddit
Fits Islam better.
It's not pointless if it's funny
Just dont make it into a compulsive obesessive hourly thread and personal raid, ok?
Since when there needs to be a reason?
These are amazing
New one
Watch out, she's here.
You changed like 6 pixels
Block and report the original ones
I was hoping she was the one on the left
How did they get here so fast?
We desperately need a new AIDS
ace is gonna get mad stds by mere osmosis
kek, the booty blasted
hi sarah i would sniff your feet while i ejaculate two weeks worth of stale semen into hoping to impregnate you
if i ever meet someone named after fermented korean vegetables im going to apologize for their parents and then bolt before they infect me with a blood-born disease
I think it's kind of funny if it's only to fuck with her. Her comic is dogshit, typical tumblr cutesy "quirky" dogshit.
It's just a very esoteric form of criticism if you think about it.
>your comic is dogshit, so we're editing them with white supremacist messages because it's funnier that way
As contradictory as it sounds, there's not actually a political message behind this.
Cool it with the redpilling, vecause go crazy when they overdose on these.
The jews are onto us!
fix the face then mang
>asexual romance
>only two normal couples
You mean Sarah "moonman dat hoe" anderson has graced us with her presence?
I'm in
Lets lynch this slut, she is our comic slave
Damn, Lilly fucks anything that moves.
Dumping rares
Hail Hitler, Hail Sarah!
Not Sarah, just letting you guys know.
would you let him suck you off?
do we call her red pilled andersion?
T. Sarah
Keep strawmanning faggot
This is great
Also loads on a 128kb/s hotspot
Very nice thread
Her comics are more or less devoid of opinions. It is more like the usual, "tee hee look at stupid teenage me with lots of responsibilities but I don't do anything about them" type of comic
>smacks lips
what the fuck is this?
>All these white knights suddenly appearing when they find out that she's a 6/10
I thought you were better than this Sup Forums.
Shit all over her work because it's funny and because she deserves it for being a lefty. Don't hold back with your edits because you think that she might touch your penis.
Looks like shit mall Goths would draw. Quit watching so much tim Burton