Why are atheists the most smartest, peaceful, rational people?
Atheists may be smug but I think it's deserved, they're the few people who have overcome the shackles of superstition and flawed human thinking, to achieve perfect logic.
Why are atheists the most smartest, peaceful, rational people?
Atheists may be smug but I think it's deserved, they're the few people who have overcome the shackles of superstition and flawed human thinking, to achieve perfect logic.
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what is the soviet union?
You're right, we just read about atheist atrocities in our history books.
Smart, peaceful, rational people can only exist in a place that is safe and stable.
To be secure a place must first be united, and religion is an important step in creating a united nation and identity.
Without organized religion, nation-states and rational, smart and peaceful people would never exist.
>literally no atrocities mentioned in this article
I bet you didn't think I was gonna read that, because you're used to an echo chamber where you all just say shit and believe it at face value
You are literally just bullshitting each other into feeling good
Why not come out of your cave and face reality?
If you think atheists have achieved perfect logic then you're as deluded as a religious zealot. Saying this as an atheist myself.
>implying religion has been the sole cause for warfare
>implying the largest slaughters haven't been in the name of conquest that has very little to do with religion
Also who ever made the fucking captcha needs to have their house shelled by a thousand Grads. This shit is retarded.
tick tock religio-cucks
I've never met an atheist who didn't have a completely flawed and unsupported assumption about the truth of empiricism. I know they must exist, but I don't think they identify themselves as atheists.
You should try reading a book. Religious leaders / philosophers and all kinds of great minds warned and lamented about superstition way back hundreds of years ago.
Religion or religious belief is not superstition.
Years ago when people were educated (not brainwashed) there were clear recognizable examples of god(s) hands.
The hideous atheist religion is built off of ignorance and arrogance and it absolutely was created for a specific purpose.
If an atheist had any brains they recognize the dogma in the church that they so abhor is the same dogma they jump into with atheism.
Actually a I'm fedora tipper, but feel free to be as retarded as the people you hate.
Atheism is for sheep. Religion is for shepherds.
>If an atheist had any brains they recognize the dogma in the church that they so abhor is the same dogma they jump into with atheism.
Almost had me convinced. Except it isn't dogma. Atheism is based on the teachings of renowned scientists, researchers and thinkers of our current age, such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. Atheism isn't the belief in anything, it's not based on any actual teachings or dogma, but it is a CONCEPT, an abstract idea that no god or deities exist.
I know religious people have a hard time with ABSTRACT concepts, because they always need to put a god into the space to make their brain work again, but once you removed god from the space, their brain ceases to function.
Most smartest? Hahahaha God and I are laughing at your illiterate atheist ass OP.
I feel sorry for Brad Pitt, having married Angelina Jolie
I hope he doesn't turn into another Brendan Frasier.
Angie actually has her own money so probably not.
That doesn't mean she's not a vindictive bitch that hates her own race so much that she shows more love to her adopted Mexican pets than her own child
Atheism is a worldview. In that regard, it's not special compared to any religion. The only thing that makes it special is the fact that it's the correct worldview (atheism or agnosticism, not sure which one). Now, the problem is that giving the state the right to decide what the correct worldview is and to suppress all other worldviews can only backfire. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world where any inquiry about whether vaccines cause autism are prohibited, or where teaching a child about what I perceive to be the way the world works could get me into prison. Doesn't matter that I find both creationists and anti-vaccers stupid.
"Science and religion are two windows that people look through, trying to understand the big universe outside, trying to understand why we are here. The two windows give different views, but they look out at the same universe. Both views are one-sided, neither is complete. Both leave out essential features of the real world. And both are worthy of respect desu"
the guy from half life
>what is the soviet union?
The Soviet Union was the way the poorest, starving Orthodox monarchy in all of Eastern Europe became America's only superpower rival in just 50 years.
>most smartest
fuck off you know what I meant
>religio-cucks only argument is lol look at your typo argument dismantled!
Stanhope dropping some knowledge
Why do people base their political views off of comedians?
Intelligent people spell check while they're boasting about their intelligence due to not wanting to look stupid while they're bragging. Although really, when it comes down to it, intelligent people don't actually sit around and say "my group is the most smartest!" In other words: whether or not atheists are intelligent, you are not special.
There's an article labeled human rights; but okay.. What are Gulags? What was the Holodomor? What was the invasion and occupation of the Baltics? What was the denial of basic human rights? What was mass murder and purging?
once you become a grown up your little rebellious atheist phase surely will fade out.
Also: hide and ignore shill threads!
>grown up
>Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens
These guys were alpha as fuck adults. Honestly the only religious figures you can hold onto are children in comparison
Ahem, I'll pretend I didn't see that.
Also, you could turn this around and say we're cucked nutless wimps who are afraid to stand up for ourselves.
>That bullshit picture
Yeah, Mao "religion is poison" Zedong only killed 50 - 80 million people, no biggie.
That doesn't mean atheism killed 80 million people
It means Zedong killed 80 million people
What the fuck is he on about? The muslims are the ones responsible for most of the religious wars. Europe had the crusades, and a handful of battles between lutherans and catholics, but those were mostly power plays by various kings, rather than actual religious wars.
Also, pretty much every single war in Europe and Asia since the French revolution have been wars that haven't been fought on the basis of religion. Every oppressive regime in these regions have also not been based on religion, but far-right and far-left politics.
Mao drank water as well. Water literally killed 80 gorillion people
Most atheists who mention atheism out of the blue because they for some reason its relevant are arrogant fags who happen to be some of the least logical people on earth, next to women.
t. atheist
>intelligent people don't actually sit around and say "my group is the most smartest!"
>the creator of the universe speaks to me and gives me personal moral guidance.
>I sincerely believe in demons and dragons and talking snakes and flying horses.
Your groups sit around claiming they're the *most smartest* all the time.
*for some reason think its relevant
"Traditionally, a large segment of the Chinese population took part in Chinese folk religions[62] and Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism had played a significant role in the everyday lives of ordinary people.[63][64][65] After the 1949 Chinese Revolution, China began a period of rule by the Communist Party of China.[66][67] For much of its early history, that government maintained under Marxist thought that religion would ultimately disappear, and characterized it as emblematic of feudalism and foreign colonialism.
During the Cultural Revolution, student vigilantes known as Red Guards converted religious buildings for secular use or destroyed them."
>converting buildings once you come to power
yeah it's pretty tyrannical and intolerant bro.
>There's an article labeled human rights; but okay..
Russians have never had a clue what human rights are, that's why it's dangerous to allow Putin to select our president.
>What are Gulags?
Places where Stalin and Putin send their political enemies.
>What was the Holodomor?
A deliberate famine imposed by Stalin to starve the Ukrainians as a punishment for the wheat that was stolen by one of Stalin's own officers in Ukraine.
>What was the invasion and occupation of the Baltics?
A mad power grab by a totalitarian dictator
>What was the invasion and occupation of the Ukraine?
A mad power grab by a totalitarian dictator
>What was the denial of basic human rights?
Imprisoning and killing journalists who were critical of Putin
>What was mass murder and purging?
The deliberate shooting down of MH-117
Sorry but evolution is a scam. """""Renowned scientists"""""" is a buzzword the same as ""97% global warming""
On the latter read the actual fucking paper it was less than 40%
Want a quote that applies?
>there are lies, dammed lies and then there are statistics
Real science is long dead. The peak of scientific discovery was circa 1800s and if u read some books from that era you will see.
Everything that came since is engineering feats and mental masturbation.
It's no coincidence we have left everything sacred in the dust. We had money > fist money. Masonry > intellectual Masonry. Physics > ""theoretical" physics. Spirituality > crackpot psychiatry (which has been falsified numerous times over)
You live a lie. Atheism is part of that lie. Sorry to burst your bubble.
You unironically believe there are nuclear reactions happening in the sun but also recognize (observable fact) that the coldest part of it is inside (black part during CME)
We don't have science we have a cult of science and it's dogmatic faith that the people who direct it (fund it) don't have ulterior motives.
The truth is likely somewhere between Tesla, Maxwell, Electric Universe and String Theory and toss in QM as it at least has experiments
>All the suffering in the world will end if no one believes in God and everyone is brown.
Where have we heard this one before?
because we use reason.
Because the lamestream legacy meteor doesn't report on it.
Well I'm not into that religious shit myself, but that statement is just retarded. The bankers funding wars are atheists, even the kike ones. The communists were atheist, Hitler was most likely atheist, what about Mao?
If I remember correctly from some redpill Sup Forums thread, around 6% of all deaths in wars were due to religious reasons. Of course, the death toll was ramped up in modern times to extreme degrees.
>The peak of scientific discovery was circa 1800s
he said on the internet
Because they do not have anything to lose when their beliefs come into question. Someone who has followed a religion passionately has likely had to live their life strictly by the code of their religion, and has put great stress on them. They do things that would hurt or greatly inconvenience them all in the name of their god. Which is why when you insult their religion you are basically insulting everything they are and everything their family, friends and ancestors are. Being an atheist is quite easy compared to much more strict religions. I'm not saying that everyone who follows a religion is serious about it, but those who are serious are justified in being concerned when the their religion is in danger
Because they took out all their anger on themselves
>>Russians have never had a clue what human rights are, that's why it's dangerous to allow Putin to select our president.
Are you on another planet? Have u ever listened to Putin speak or do u just forcefeed yourself with CNN propaganda?
He had literally begged western reporters to speak up as they were amassing NATO forces outside Russia, CIA/Soros activity in Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere.
What would US say if he had Russian agents in Canada massing forces and strongholds? Setting up biolabs?
""""Human rights""" is a fucking meme by the way. They literally tried to nominate Al Queada for a Nobel peace prize this year.
Search: the truth about white hats
Fucking unreal the level of brain washing. The UN is a fucking evil place. Look up UNWRA - UN org training Arabic kids to stab any Jew they see.
Lucifer Trust - Alice Bailey = UN
The UN was started to bring the world under a one world religion to worship Lucifer in a quasi - antichrist. This is old news that people think doesn't relate to today but after all the recorded actions anyone should see what's painfully obvious.
That's a lot of denial, bro. Atheists can and have been just as bad as religions
oy vey
sthap vlademeir poutin
it's almost as annudah shoah
>atheism is the non-religion of peace!
>don't pay attention to communism and bolshevism and other atheistic faggot movements that got millions killed
How the hell an atheist is a different people?
I dont believe at time travel do the past, does this make me different?
I dont believe at smart aliens, does this make me different?
I dont get how not believing at ANY god, would change how you act. People dont believe at alot of things
No niggers.
But the kurds fighting in Syria are communist atheists.
Atheists are worthless people and societal cancer. I cannot wait until you all die out.
>>don't pay attention to communism and bolshevism
There is a difference between disbelieving religion and attempting to create a State Socialist Religion.
Yet if you are comparing the total strife caused to Earth, most seems to have been enacted by religious persons, and very often caused by religious disputes.
Furthermore, it is entirely obvious how making decisions upon fictional characters and old books WOULD lead to harmful behavior.
>Furthermore, it is entirely obvious how making decisions upon fictional characters and old books WOULD lead to harmful behavior.
All religious books are not the same and can not be lumped in with each other. You cant equate a book that says to cut the neck of the unbelievers to one that says Thou shalt not murder, turn the other cheek, etc.
>All religious books are not the same and can not be lumped in with each other.
They can be under the precept of belief without evidence, which is the carrying theme of them all.
Belief in anything without evidence is the only way one can be deceived, and thus will always implicitly lead to conflict and incapability.
There is simply no good reason to hold fictitious deities over human reason and mutual kindness.
First of all, i'm saging this b8. Second, atheists aka communist are responsible for more death in the last century than any other group combined.
Implying this
never happened.
All the religious "news" can be discarded as fake.
> implying all humans can reason
>Have u ever listened to Putin speak
I have literally hundreds of recordings of his speeches. Putin is an old KGB master at propaganda and disinformation. If he tells you it's raining outside, you better go look for yourself.
>or do u just forcefeed yourself with CNN propaganda?
I watch CNN maybe once a month. Since you seem to have unusually strong feelings about it, I'm certain it will be very easy for you to give me 5 specific examples of CNN propaganda so I can look them up myself.
>He had literally begged western reporters to speak up
>The reporters he had kidnapped, the ones that disappeared or the ones he had murdered?
Nikolai Yarst and Philipp Vasilenko were arrested before they could break their story on a child trafficking ring linked to the Russian government
Investigative Russian journalist killed
Mission Journal: Attacks on journalists in Ukraine lead to information vacuum
>as they were amassing NATO forces outside Russia
What NATO forces? The 2000 troops playing war games in Ukraine? At the same time, there are 12,000 Russian troops in Ukraine. I realize those kind of odds are strongly in NATO's favor, but Russian troops have no business in Ukraine if the leader of the Ukraine wants them removed.
>atheists aka communist
You two do understand that communists are a different sect, right?
Devout Buddhists reject and disbelieve all deities as well. You can look it up.
Church was the crowd control tool of the previous regime.
Every atheist I have met is has irl Autism
Maybe read the entry?
Soviets persecuted every other religion than their own. What else is new?
Are you implying all the other religions don't do that?
Maybe suck Achmed dick?
>The state was committed to the destruction of religion,[2][3] and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic teachings, and generally promoted atheism as the truth that society should accept.[4][5] The total number of Christian victims of Soviet state atheist policies has been estimated to range between 12-20 million.
>There is a difference between disbelieving religion and attempting to create a State Socialist Religion.
False dilemma fallacy. The Orthodox was the most powerful institution in the country for a millennium. It alone coronates the Tzars that would overthrow Stalins's government. It was never the existence of a god, but how credible a political threat the church was to the new state. Since Stalin was a former Orthodox seminary student for years, he probably knew better than most.
Except communism is itself a religion. One which worships the state, rather than a deity.
It too is predicated upon belief without evidence, blind obedience to authority.
It makes complete sense what happened when you understand communism as a religion seeking to replace others. All the other religions did exactly the same as it in the places they ruled too.
t. civic nationalist
What is it called when you weren't raised with religion and as an adult you have a reverence for religion but don't bother practicing/joining out of apathy?
Atheism is a starting block for anti-religous practices. If anybody still identifies as an atheist after one year of being one they are brain damaged or have the rationale of a child.
If you could remove all religion somehow, all the wars and massacres would still occur, only under the name of something else. Conflict is part of human nature, religion or not.
And no, the precept of belief without evidence is certainly not the theme. It's your perspective. Look at 2 common themes, Islam wants to conquer the world for Allah, Christians want to try to be more like Christ until his return and the new kingdom.
>most smartest
>All religious books are not the same and can not be lumped in with each other.
Actually there's not a dimes worth of difference between any of them
>You cant equate a book that says to cut the neck of the unbelievers to one that says Thou shalt not murder, turn the other cheek, etc.
The gods of the OT apparently told the ancient Israelites to slaughter every last one of the men women and children of Canaan Valley, steal all their livestock and stuff and confiscate their blood-soaked land. Rip open the bellies of pregnant women and dash their infants against the rocks. Except the little girls. They can be raped until dead or married. We should really call that the First Holocaust.
So the 10 commandments mean nothing if you pretend some god gave you orders to violate most of them.
Is OP really that retarded? There is this thing called "State atheism" that was utilized by the USSR, China, North Korea and Kampuchea that slaughtered people that favored religion by the millions.
I'd suggest reading something called a "History book" to discover that atheists, like theists, have slaughtered a lot of people.
And if you're literally just going by sheer # of dead, atheism is probably only #2 on the list historically to Islam for mass murder.
>all the wars and massacres would still occur
No, not ALL of them.
There is a key problem with religion that you are missing:
It supplants rational discussion with unquestioning belief.
When two people argue over the nature of something that does not exist, they will be unable to resolve the argument.
That is how religion creates MORE conflict than would otherwise occur. It prevents reconciliation by denying reality.
Or do you believe there would be as much suicidal and death-seeking behavior without the belief in an afterlife?
Churkas are not that much better, and we have plenty, and used to have even more in Soviet times
That doesn't mean Islam killed millions of people
It means a bunch of jihadis killed millions of people
> mixing atheists with marxists, communists, anarchists, ...
Churkas are cancer but they could at least more or less feed themselves.
>killed millions of people
You can extend that argument to anything. It's meaningless.
"America bombed tons of people."
"Capitalism supported bomb making."
One can trace the cause of many a dictator's homicidal mania to his desire for power, as opposed to his stated disbelief in X philosophy.
You cannot however ignore the problem implicit in believing to receive messages from fictional characters on how to live your life.
>Actually there's not a dimes worth of difference between any of them
Surely you can't believe this. You believe all religious books are exactly the same? The Hindu Vedas are the same as the Egyptian book of the dead which is the same as the bible which is the same as the quaran which is the same as the Zoroastrian Avesta, etc?
>So the 10 commandments mean nothing if you pretend some god gave you orders to violate most of them.
This is the fault of the man, not the religion.
State atheism is wrong. Just keep ridiculing religious people for how fucking dumb they are and religion will eventually disappear on its own.
>Except communism is itself a religion
Look, we get it.
>Religion = shit
>Communism = religion
>Communism = shit
It's a nice syllogism, but keep in mind that now you proven what shit religion is.
Atheists are what the hipsters were 20 years ago, edgy elitist docuheflanges.
Agnosticism is the only way to know inner peace.
Decently true. Just preach against the magic bullshit and eventually people will see a better way.
Indeed. It has already been proven that belief in a deity does not prevent people from becoming murderers, thus their argument is moot.
Atheists have never done anything worthwhile. Ever. For all their talk of transhumanism and scientific advancement actual atheists haven't accomplished a goddamn thing. No scientific breakthroughs, no net positives for civilizations.
Face it, atheniggers. Religious people have contributed the most to humanity. Prove me wrong.
C o l u m b i n e
>One can trace the cause of many a dictator's homicidal mania to his desire for power, as opposed to his stated disbelief in X philosophy.
You can certainly trace some homocidal maniacs disbelief in x philosophy at certain times. For example, have you not heard of the Khmer Rouge?
The Khmer Rouge, under its policy of state atheism,[53] actively persecuted Buddhists during their reign from 1975 to 1979.[54] Buddhist institutions and temples were destroyed and Buddhist monks and teachers were killed in large numbers.[55] A third of the nation's monasteries were destroyed along with numerous holy texts and items of high artistic quality. 25,000 Buddhist monks were massacred by the regime.[56] The persecution was undertaken because Pol Pot believed that Buddhism was "a decadent affectation". He sought to eliminate Buddhism's 1,500-year-old mark on Cambodia.[56]
Religion was also banned, and the repression of adherents of Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism was extensive. And according to Ben Kiernan, the "fiercest extermination campaign was directed against the ethnic Cham Muslim minority".[57]
>>Most smartest
> forgots about Internet
>Prove me wrong.
Nikola Tesla was in fact a publically revealed unbeliever.
His inventions were probably even suppressed because of it, in favor of Marconi who was a devout Catholic.
Do note however that in the past, stating you were an unbeliever got you killed, so many just kept quiet and lied. E pur si muove.
The Russian Empire was the second largest empire in the modern world. It wasn't defined by poverty or starvation prior to the Communist revolution.
What problem? You receive messages from fictional characters all the time about how to live your life and the vast majority of them are fucking non-religious bullshit.
I bet your one of those cunts who thinks Jon Stewart is a real person.