Sup Forums, what is your opinion on Ben Shapiro?
Sup Forums, what is your opinion on Ben Shapiro?
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Based Jew on par with Mark Levin
I think he's based just so as I can be a contrarian. Contrarian conservatism
Right about most stuff. Takes it to the leftists like nobody else.
He's aware of what he is.
he's a white knight mangina who dissed Emperor Trump and Nero.
Send him to the ovens
Filthy kike now stop making threads about this Israel firster
I like
Who gives a fuck kike fuck off he's not news, politics or relevant.
Take you crush on manlet jews elsewhere.
He's a good jew "most" of the time.
He just went full pro Trump, which is kind of hilarious.
He is a very handsome man, I like how he is so smart, femanon here
I always liked him, even when he was vehemently against Trump. He's just too good at BTFOing liberals.
White knighted for a pretty smile and betrayed the God Emperor.
But he destroys Pierce '2nd Amendment' Morgan
Tits or gtfo
Bit over the top and if he wasn't so stereotypically jewish and ancap I would have almost entirely agreeing viewpoints with him, but he's pretty good at putting his point across.
His facial bone structure is weird though, his eyebrows etc. make him look permanently crafty and angry, can't be good for his public image.
(((Controlled Opposition)))
Kike rat
Neocon shill.
future president of the US
never trust a kike
He's a filthy kike, but better than milo
He reminds me of the less autistic and menacing version of Shkreli; the Jekyll to his Hyde if you will.
looks like lite-Marco Rubio
just fuck off Ben, nobody likes you or cares
are you guys familiar with David Horowitz?
sort of his mentor
Ben is a member of the David Horowitz Freedom Center
with a few more years experience I think Ben will be very similar to this guy
Nero is worse than Shapiro. Ben isn't fucking black men and doing drugs like a degenerate piece of shit. Shapiro actually has a family and is living a traditional lifestyle.
Generally like him but he turns into a retard when he talks about climate change.
>Ben isn't fucking black men and doing drugs like a degenerate piece of shit.
How do you know? I mean absolute proof?
Maybe he just really good at hiding it.
A persuasive neocon. The worst kind
Sigh, THIS thread again?
I have an automatic distrust for people who talk quickly like Ben does.
About out as smart and based as a neocuckservative can be
I would like Ben Shapiro more if he was just an anti-trumper based on principles. But the Michelle Fields incident made it clear he was an anti-trumper to an irrational fault.
Manlet kike that turned his back on Trump and went full nevertrump shill. Dropped for life.
I've had folks say I resemble him. Can we be pen pals?
Kek only reminds me of a ginger kike in my school days that always tried to pass as Italian. Last name Shapiro.
Isn't not checking quads against the law or something? KEK will be angry
>Isn't not checking quads against the law or something?
Only for functionally retarded autistic faggots, so we are good maybe you are not.
Actually giving a single fuck about that degenarate faggot whore who is happy to praise his black dick sucking skills while claiming to be a Jew Catholic.
Milo is a bitch who didnt even have the balls to debate Ben and he stole money from his privilege grant.
He is nothing more that a whore who is milking the Alt-light for money.
plz no bully
So you fell on the functionally autistic retarded faggot side,user.
So sad.
Yep. Good reminder. Ben's mentors are Andrew Brietbart, David Horowitz, and is Harvard educated in politics. He's a Jew nationalist, and is proud enough about it to wear the little hat, but is also a proud American.
He's razor sharp, gives liberals hell, speaks with balls while talking to any crowd, and has been kicked out of high school talks for speaking out against the decisions that lead to poverty, so he's anti-victimhood, as it were.
He hated the Clintons, and shakes his head at Trump, but he (quote) "Will hold his feet to the fire". So with this in mind, he's okay by me.
But if it ever came down to a serious discussion, I'd have to ask "what is wrong with ME being a white nationalist versus your Jewish nationalism?"
>"what is wrong with ME being a white nationalist versus your Jewish nationalism?"
that's a great question and I don't know how he would respond
his anti-trump rhetoric I kind of understand, trump isn't a conservative in the traditional sense but ben shouldn't've been so headstrong about it
Autistic manlet; as incapable of understanding western culture as any other Jew.
Good, he's a goddamn machine but you can't trust a kike no matter what.
"White nationalism" is inherently based on the hatred of "non-white" people, ie it is an expression of white supremacy. "Jewish nationalism" is religious / ethnic rather than racial, inclusive, and is not based on hatred of any other group.
>Ben Shapiro
Thanks Ben, you colossal asshole.
You still owe me $20.
miniature golden god
Only on Israel issues
Entertaining and decent
I said his name once to one of my friends and he said that his name sounded like a harry potter spell.
I said what?
Bench Appearo
slide thread
Whiney manlet jew
He's alright.
That voice though.
He looks like my dad when he was younger ._.