This is your Manlet in Chief. What else has he lied about?
This is your Manlet in Chief. What else has he lied about?
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Jesus, liberals are literally grasping at straws at this point.
>media has resorted to using /fit/ memes
feels good being the captain now
is this real?
>pretending like a drivers license is a definitive source
Nigger they let you give whatever answer you want. I could tell them I'm 7' and they couldn't give a shit
You have no idea. They still think they have a chance to stop him from being president
It's quite sad really, like watching a baby chimp trying to wake up its dead mother. Yet I still laugh
No one gives a damn, he's still tall nonetheless.
Holy shit manlets btfo. Everyone under 6'3 is a manlet now.
He is still taller than Obama
When I got a license in NY they didn't measure my height, I wrote it in myself. Did President Trump write in the wrong number? What else is he hiding?
I have a license that claims im 6'11 instead of 6'3. Literally grasping at straws.
>What else has he lied about?
I could swear he claimed his wives weren't hookers
I saw him in person at a rally. He was tall enough compared to me....
I'M 5'5!
Google reports him as 6'3", so he either wrote his own biography websites and every single article about himself, or this bollocks.
My moms husband sent me an article talking about how Trump cheats at golf, and criticised him for it. Who the fuck cares? People didn't elect someone who plays a clean game of golf. "it reflects who he is as a person" he says. Please stop with the moral posturing, everyone has cheated at something, and if not, have done something else not seen as completely moral.
These libs are seriously grasping at straws. It's pathetic.
Seriously google this guy. I just did and he is a literal propagandist. Every article he writes is complete drivel. His twitter is NOTHING but petty anti trump posts. Fuck this guy.
>implying this matters at all
you tell them the height yourself, maybe he didn't remember his exact height, and your height varies during the day and with posture and such, you could measure differently depending on how you're measuring
The average 5'9.5"
>TFW not on the chart.
5'5'' sempai?
Don't lift to gain muscles, just stay lean.
Trust me.
It never looks right.
I wish trim was a little bit taller
I wish he was a baller
I which he had a girl who looked good...
Oh right.
That's right.
You know what you have to do.
and it's standard procedure to at least round up your height and a lot of people even add multiple inches to their claimed height
>Randlets and Ratlets almost shorter than a woman
Hillary can't even drive
Disgusting manlet.
Maybe for the Netherlands but here in SoCal any one over 6' is a giant.
I'm 5'10, above average for both my country and yours.
"Hussein Obama" is some random illegal alien nigger from God knows where. The precedent has been set for the magnitude of lies that are acceptable for the Commander in Chief. Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants as long as he respects our Constitution. I don't a single fuck if he lies every time he opens his mouth as long as he does so for the good of American Citizens.
>he might not be 6'3, he might really 6'2
wtf i hate Trump now
Can conform.
>tfw 5'9 in the Netherlands
Consider dating midgets. Don't know what else to say for you man.
this is a /fit/ meme for those of you who don't know, the ideal height is probably 6'0"-6'4", this is what women generally prefer and it's not too hard to fill out a decent physique (not as easy as filling out a manlet physique but it's possible whereas if you/re taller it becomes practially impossible to have a very muscular physique), and you look like a giant compared to 5'6" manlets
Mexicans tend to be pretty short
I'm 5'6"
>mfw in the green zone
>Proof that liberals are 13 year old children who need to grow up.
You can tell them whatever you want they don't measure you you niggers.
Dude your falling for a literal meme
you should be concerned since it's a joke chart. you're probably a hungry skeleton
I'm fine with this height, I don't wanna be a bigger target.
>tfw 5'9
It is ok the official height of a single NEP is 153cm or 5 feet.
Being a manlet isn't an issue if you are 9 or less inches higher than her.
>Be lean
>look like faggot teenager
>Get ripped
>look like juiced manlet
Yeah I can't win either way. I think it's because my dad was born in '54, should have had kids WAY EARLIER but didn't, and so I ended up with last gen height in a next gen world. My brother got to 5'8 or 5'9 at least, but I just never made it. I don't really dwell on it too much honestly, but it does suck. A 12 year old saw me the other day and said "WHEN I HIT MY GROWTH SPURT, I'LL BE TALLER THAN HIM!". That cut me deep.
Whoever wrote this needs to be gassed asap for making society dumber.
As opposed to someone like me who is 5'8" and lifting?
Jeb is taller than Trump
I'm still trying to realize how Jeb sounds and looks so week while being tall af and having a very manly voice
Literally who gives a fuck?
Chances are the DMV got it wrong. They have my height and eye color listed wrong on my ID.
Jeb is an example of how even when you get all the best qualities you are still a beta faggot if you arent confident.
So does this mean that Hillary will be President now?
hands off my Calcium
thats exactly my point
it must be something in the water over here because even whites are short as fuck
my liscence has my height from 2005 and im 5 inches taller than then.
How many more dicks is your mother sucking? sage
>this is quality (((journalism)))
>What else has he lied about?
Jets QB is measured at 6'2, DJT is obviously slightly shorter. So what? The guy is fucking 70 years old and out of shape. Do you believe you will maintain your height forever?
He's probably somewhere around 6'1 I guess that's a manlet (((nowdays))). Measuring is often inaccurate. Most people aren't even sure about their own height. You gain an inch or more after sleeping. Some people wear thicker soles. Sudden back problems make you shorter to.
In no way is he 6'3 and yet he's still my God Emperor.
thank god now we can finally impeach him
My license says 5'9" from when I was 18 and I never bothered to change it even though I'm 5'11"
I'm finished, huh?
The information in NYC IDs is mostly self reported. Apart from name, DOB, address, and the photo it is all based on the information you put down in the application.
Of course he is. Obama has a BBC. How can Trump even compete?
>tfw perfect
Gotta send you to that oven
The definition of insecurity is this picture
He was probably 6'2" when he got his first license back when he was a teenager. Some men don't stop growth until adulthood. Shit wouldn't surprise me if he was still
Lol either that guy is really small or that dude is fucking huge.
its lou ferrigno at the mr olympia
hes in the doc pumping iron
>lou ferrigno
lol only 6'4 i could fite this guy irl
the fuck you talking man, men stop growing in their mid twenties MAX. after that it's only downhill if you stop working out.
50 year old men can lose up to an inch or more if they become saggy
you lose like 2 inches of height by nighttime, your spine actually shortens throughout the day so maybe he got measured at night
>press tracks down trumps license
>couldn't get a single transcript for Obama.
>think I'm king of the manlets
>notice it was a six instead of a five
I can still date tall girls, right?
it's all relative
I always thought Trump was a bit shorter than Jeb, which, to me, made Jeb's imcompetence even more amusing
Trump probably is 6'2 desu
>Tfw 6'2"
>I got Trumps autograph at a rally
>He was just as tall as me
Fuck off kike.
>Obongo fakes his birth certificate, literal crime
>No one gives a fuck all the way since 2012 till 2016
>Trump mistakes his height by one inch
>Catastrophe! Not my president!
Not saying that 1 inch difference can be made by posture. If you regularly train to straighten your spine you can gain 1 inch in height, if you bend all the time you can loose 1 inch
Drumpkins unequivocally and irrevocably BTFO
>English teacher in Japan
explains a lot desu
Jeb has such a manly voice yet so wimpy.
>tfw you're so short people 5 inches taller than you should kill themselves
Same. When you get your learners permit at 16, you fill it in yourself. I wrote 6'1", but when I got measured by a doctor years later, I found out I'm actually 6'2". It also lists my eyes as a different color. Do I give a fuck? No. Will I ever correct it? Fuck no.
Welp, i'm with her now
I agree. If this guy can't fill out DMV papers without making a mistake, we certainly can't give him acess to the nuclear codes!!!1
>are you even trying
People shrink a few inches when they get old.
It's likely he was 6'3", but now that he's 70 years old he's lost an inch.
I bet he's a manlet with a grudge against tall chads
and yet people still click and give ad money to "the liberal media." In fact, I have seen headlines screenshotted and put on other websites. Basically my point is, stop being mad about it - you elected a meme president, you're gonna get meme news.
stop being a racist you dumb birther