>You can change any law you want
>use any force you need
>get all resources you desire
How would you fix a city as Detroit?
>You can change any law you want
>use any force you need
>get all resources you desire
How would you fix a city as Detroit?
Buy some dozers
By sending the niggers to Liberia
removing the white population 100%
Then what? Build wall?
That'd just turn Detroit into Mogadishu.
It's going to fix itself. Just wait 50 years. Oh and buy Detroit real estate if you have the money.
I second this motion.
Sending blacks from there to Africa and Latinos to Mexico. Fund universities/schools and renew infrastructure. Make it illegal for non whites to move to the city. Cut all taxes in half. Remove any social benefits.
In 10 years it would be the best city in the US.
1. Kill all niggers, no exceptions.
2. Bomb it until it is just a crater
3. Fill in the crater and start over.
I think the common strategy is to get industry into town with low taxes and cheap labour
where there is industry people build houses
and so on
>remove empty houses to enrich those who aren't
>create fields to yield for food
>use unemployement and prison forces to clean up the city and the empty houses
>Kill serious criminal offenders
>Kill heavy drug users
>Kill treason
>Night clock until city can be seen as safe again
I'd start by banning everyone from the country that isn't white/ a eurofag. I want that Italian Pizza
Then removing SJW and feminists.
Employ eugenics on the local population u til the only blacks left are ethical amiable, smart, and productive.
If we can do it with foxes, we can do it with them.
>You can change any law you want
>How would you fix a city as Detroit?
Oh, well, that's not as fun as just that first question by itself.
Tge answer is it can't be fixed, it has to be abandoned.
detroit was made unlivable by design and out of controll niggers.
The way this world works is whites build socitey, and niggers destroy a society.
The way whites work is they tend to have children responibly, some exceptions though.
The way anyone but whites work, is they dont stop having kids. ever.
The nonwhites see an area that is better than theirs, a civilization, and they move there. Then they out breed the original inhabitants, and because they dindu nuffin, they eventually play the role of a parasite.
This kills the city.
It turns into pic related, which matches where they came from, and then they see a new civilization that is doing better than the shit hole they came from, go back to 1.
Detroit is an African city.
All niggers forcefully deported to mexico
>demolish old detroit
>establish delta city
-Remove all non-whites
-Give businesses incentives to re-invest in Detroit
That's it.
By refurbishing/rebuilding the old houses and then creating gated communities out of them with its own private security force. Then make it so that you can only move there if you have a job and a minimal criminal record.
Keep rental costs low to get people to want to move there.Give new business subsidies to jumpstart the job market and reduce regulations for those businesses during a 10 year start up period.
Or you could just deport the niggers
>remove all remaining whites
>build wall around detroit
>gas it
>let the city stand as a monument to our sins and a reminder of what happens when you relax around blacks
Nuke it. It worked for Japan
Strip away all their guns, do a temporary arrest of literally everyone their, then put all the degenerates that are rounded up in the temporary arrest in large cement commie blocks, where they can the work hard labor.
>Implying Detroit can be fixed
Put sedatives in the Miller highlife. Castrate everyone over night and plant cameras everywhere to make it a reality TV show that will fund the city's restoration when all the niggers are dead and white people come back and vote Republican
So pyramids decide to leave when blacks populate detroit?
That's racist.
Ethnic cleansing and European colonisation.
Remove all niggers, remove all violent criminals, all muslims, all illegal immigrants, demolish every last uninhabited building in that city.
You just have to get rid of the rats and bury the body, essentially. After that you can start over and things will be good.
ban niggers
Burn it down and start over, but without the niggers
>-Give businesses incentives
Detroit being on the border with Canada and it's location in the Great Lakes Region is what probably made it attractive in the first place. The burbs are actually relatively normal afaik and if you removed nigs, whites would flood inward naturally. Plopping niggers in the inner cities is intentional property value destruction. The natural formula for property values indicates that they should increase as you near commercial centres, i.e., the downtown. Forcing niggers downtown is an insidious way of destroying property values.
>it's location
I wouldn't stop there, throw in some murals or monuments to tell the story of decline and how it came to economic collapse.
Fix like mend the buildings or mend nigger brains?
1st is easily doable - gass all niggers, 2nd needs walling them all in and leave to evolve for some generations.
legalize drugs so the gangs have far less to kill each other over
loosen gun laws so people can just shoot the niggers who still kick off
pay the female niggers to get steralized
You know what really irks me though? The fact that those imposing nigger devaluations would deny the fact that they're racist and demonize others who would be against anti-economic niggers.
My solution would simply be to give the entire region to any large company, such as GE. Give them exclusive rights to any property inside the zone, immunity from any lawsuits related to the area, and full legal and military authority.
gas the nigs
race war now
We have this thread every day. Ultimately it boils down to downsizing the city as much as possible, and eliminating everything that isn't within walking distance of a main throughfare.
This starts with making the Wolverine (Amtrak's Chicago-Pontiac train) reliable, which is mostly done (it now averages 100 mph, soon 125) thanks to money from MIDOT. From that, Semcog can then build a regional commuter rail network which can feed into it. Semcog has already bought trains for this but can't use them until the federally-mandated environmental review completes. Then Detroit itself has to build a streetcar (ideally a subway, but beggars can't be choosers) down Woodward Avenue from the Zoo to Hart Plaza. This has started as the privately funded M-1 rail/Q-line, which Semcog and MIDOT will likely have to take over to keep operative.
Once that is done, Woodward Avenue and downtown area businesses can start making money which will drive blight removal. This then cleans the city up and normal people will move in.
Deport all illegals (3month stay in Prison/Labor camp before deportation if the illegal broke the law)
Prison/Labor camp for everyone that breaks the law (be it theft or murder). Murderers get lifelong and are expected to die while incarcerated.
(the work the inmates are doing should be something stupid and meaningless that has no real value - in prison or outside)
Sterilization for every drug addict and for everyone that breaks the law twice.
Schools - everyone that wants to be educated should get an education.
Nuke it
Oh and bomb every major city that black people are the majority in
You got one donating viewer.
I eat sprouts from your capital.
take an incremental approach and wait 50-80 years and hope for black advancement or deport blacks
Me, I'd force the city to rip up all of the abandoned houses, streets, and utilities, and let the land go back to the wild. In the future, when people need to expand, it'll be there.
Oh, and kick out all the Muslims.
You'd catch a lot of white people in the blast too, it'd also make your country much easier to attack.
underrated fpbp
It's also half Muslim. Everyone overlooks that. They were trying to force churches to stop ringing their churchbells, because it interfered with the yowling that Muslims broadcast all fucking day and night.
Seriously, they have just as big a Muslim problem there, as they do black.
Inverse property tax.
The more you improve your land/housing. The lower your taxes.
If the property is sold it reverts back to standard tax rates for new owner.
>living in Detroit as a white person willingly
No sympathy
>make country easier to attack
We're the fucking USA
It would take a lot of countries to attack us for them to even make it to on our shores
All I'd do is remove most of the superfluous regulations. Give a one-way ticket for anyone currently on welfare to somewhere else, and end welfare.
The free market will take care of the rest.
Is this the famed Nogwarts?
>force parents to get vasectomies & tubes tied after first out-of-wedlock baby
Only aggressive welfare reform / required birth control will improve such multi-gen dysfunction.
escape from new york/la real life edition when? we believe in you ameribros
This is being discussed, the model is the Chinese companies with dormatories.
> implying those cities are currently not attacked by plague
Already doing it - at 100s of millions in gov funds. The mayor and his cronies skimmed demo money. FBI currently investigating. Mayor could go to prison for this shit.
Do you have some census data?
Yes. It is where they go to learn black magic
On your last point, educating niggers goes way beyond simple discipline. Their whole thug culture disregards any form of authority when they're in the majority. It simply comes down to lack of parenting and poor idols like rappers and criminals. You'd need a clean slate in order to have integrated Africans working within the community.
This concept is very possible when they're a very small minority and are being under the same influence as the white population. Take black doctors for instance or any other professional working negro, they behave well, cause no trouble and teach their children well which enables them to learn properly and integrate.
Please go to Kentucky and West Virginia and tell me white have babies responsibly. Just not true. They just don't really gang bang though -- still just as degenerate
Well, that's because niggers destroy property values and Mudslimes are poor.
>You can change any law you want
>use any force you need
>get all resources you desire
>How would you fix a city as Detroit?
That's the problem, you can't with force and resources, the whole point is that making laws and creating limitations on what people can and can't do just fucks with the economy and lifestyle of the people.
If you want well functioning parts of civilisation you seen to reduce the amount of laws and reduce the amount of force in the area. Then free market people will be inclined to take advantage and prosper.
Business will NOT go into Detroit until it's more white. Period. Your idea has been tried, many times, and any business that is dumb enough to have tried it, got burned, hard.
I honestly think the only way is to wall off the entire city, and use the funds that would have gone to pay for the city government and all that go towards relocating everyone. Once it's empty - flatten it. Let ot go back to nature. The job opportunities for dismantling it all is greater than any other opportunity you can come up with, short of selling the entire thing to Apple, so they can make iPhone there, in a factory/dorm setup.
Well you did say bomb every city with a black majority, that'd be a lot of cities in the south I'd assume?
Kill all white males over the age of 25 who are unmarried
That train needs to be magnetic and go 300mph to and from Chi-Toronto for Detroit to matter again.
>Remove all non-whites
>Make all forms of welfare illegal
>Prevent all non-whites from entering city indefinitely
That's it's. A completely white American city with sea trade access to Canada, Chicago, Cleveland, and Buffalo would literally become the most desirable place to live in the country within 10-15 years.
kind of reminds me of >pic related
It's a known thing. I know about it because I have a large group of friends who all escaped from detroit. The Muslims are slowly taking over. (Understand that "Detroit" means the city and the metro area.)
I want to fix up that house and relocate it to a safe location.
Also, best way to fix niggers is to just leave them alone and let them sort each other out.
>Your idea has been tried, many times, and any business that is dumb enough to have tried it, got burned, hard.
There is a reason why nigger hoods become food deserts. They rob, burn, steal, murder, riot. Businesses leave. Property values are further depressed. Niggers in large groups function like locusts. Chinks are desperate enough to try to work in these area.
That house isn't worth saving. Trust me. You'd be better off finding the plans for it, and starting from scratch. Those houses are gutted, literally everything but the bricks have to be replaced. A lot of them, according to my friend who goes back to visit in Detroit, a lot of them are collapsing.
They have to go back.
Trust me, I know. I remember a couple of years ago, research came out that showed in pure numbers, how areas that go black, and bring section 8 with them, crime skyrockets. Of course, the liberals had a shitfit, and squashed it.
"White flight" is real, and has been going on since the 50's.
I watched it happen here. An apartment complex got desperate in the last housing crash, and let let section 8 in. Within 18 months, several crime alerts happened, two rapes, several sexual assualts, and car breakins and drug arrests skyrocketed. Then half of one building exploded and burned, from a nigger making meth.
They sold, and the new ownership forced all the section 8's out, and it's a nice, safe place to live again.
I've watched it in NY, NJ, and CA. Blacks move in, it goes to shit, whites flee.
I try hard not to be racist. I know a lot of decent black people, even dated a black girl, but they know about that type, and hate them too. If I use the word nigger, I'm talking about a specific kind of person, just like I would redneck.
Niggers are locusts. They destroy.
>Remove everyone but blacks.
>build wall
>fire 1000 155mm shells into city for every day crime rate is above national average
>start doing barrel bombs after 23rd day
>record footage from above and below for Netflix exclusive series called "deleppo" (Detroit + Aleppo)
Either they will all be dead or they will learn to get along and be a productive city.
Thank you.
Public executions for all criminals.
Constant raids, no one escapes.
Shove the message down their throats, constant reminders of the punishment.
No one even fucking thinks about doing crime.
Crime levels go down drastically.
Encourage entrepreneurs.
Development comes in.
City slowly becomes a nice place to live.
I don't particularly see how we can do anything but avoid them.
I guess the hope is that Trump brings back jobs and this helps their community straighten things out. But I won't hold my breath.
All I know is that as whites go, so will individualism. Expect tribal politics to increase in America. Whites are the least racist group out there, at least based on my personal experiences.
>enact Martial Law on the city
> arrest every single know gang member and hang them on every street corner
>level every abandoned house
>anybody attacking the police will have their families arrested until they turn themselves in....or their family will be hung in their place.
>Undo the law of gravity for melanin rich individuals.
Then proceed to skeet shoot my down town
kill all criminals
Wall it up. Turn the whole city into a super prison Escape from New York style. Throw niggs inside and let them kill one another.
Wrong on every count.
There isn't a social or criminal statistic on Earth that whites do anywhere even close to as bad as blacks do.
There is literally no comparing the two. And there never ever will be.
First thing to bulldoze is the bureaucracy, then. Who let out that it was getting skimmed?
Charlie Leduff's investigative reporting (youtube) and then the FBI went sniffing. Freep and Det News also reporter the avg bids for each house went from like $10k to $20k in a year. Huge scam
>make a law forbidding any non-white or non-asian from residing in the US
>deport all blacks and browns from the country
>bulldoze the abandoned houses and ghettos and wait to resell the property to the incoming flood of developers who no longer have to contend with niggers of various types and ethnicities