he already committed a felony by lobbying Egyptian President Sisi to block UNSC resolution on Israeli settlements.
>Which law did he break?
Trump is not even in office yet and
It still passed. So he failed to protects his lords' interests.
>CONFIRMED: Trump discussed the UNSC resolution on Israel in a phone call on Thursday with President al-Sisi
Fuck you and fuck the UN.
Still, committed a felony re: Logan Act.
>fuck you and derp dee derp derp
good argument lad
It's the only argument I need, shitskin.
>To date, only one person has ever been indicted for violating the act's provisions.[2] However, no person has ever been prosecuted for alleged violations of the act.[2]
Oh shit do you think DoJ will actually enforce this upon trump?
>muh murican education
God, I hate you.
>tfw voted for an israeli shill
feels bad Sup Forums
If someone wants to reign him in, they might. I'm no lawfag so I really don't know.
tb h I don't like the UN so I am perfectly okay with this.
You need a better argument because the audience you are appealing to right now hates what you are trying to defend.
Let me educate you. The UN is an enemy of my country. Period. The end.
Me either. Can some lawfag please explain for us?
>moron label
>The UN is an enemy of my country. Period. The end.
The UN is an enemy of all countries. Period. The end.
Fixed that for you bro
United nations space command? this some halo shit
>moldy labia
This is just a "i wish a nigga would" kind of scenario. If these fucking faggots or anyone else came to try and take control of civil unrest in America or possible civil unrest that group would be the target first then we would sort our own shit out. America is fucked but we know how to war. They would nothing short of the entire united states military to take us over. They might run the t.v. screens but you will never catch them in our streets, they know the deal. Also i am not sure they realize who operates and fires all those fancy war machines, i think they call them goys. Stay cucked Solomon.
lol Trump is going to get impeached so fast. Maybe he'll even set a record.
>believing this will happen
The Logan Act cover negotiating with a foreign government that is having a dispute with the United States.
Do you have evidence that Trump negotiated or that the United States is having a dispute with Egypt?
you don't know how the impeachment process works do you
I personally don't desu senpai. But the dispute in question was that Egypt was going to introduce the resolution in the UNSC. Trump asked Sisi not to. Sisi accepted this. Next day, New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and Venezuela picked up the slack and introduced it themselves.
Doesn't matter cuz muh Logan act!
When did Sup Forums become pro Israel? Is it memeably fashionable to expose yourself as a cuck these days?
These are just false flags.
Israel has multiple known 'CTR' type psyops on the internet.
Trump is not even in office, Obama decided not to veto the resolution. US was facing unnecessary pressure over the issue, it serves no US interests to continue to defend Israeli settlements.
It's reddit.
This board has been overrun by r/the_donald neocons.
When did you faggots become pro-UN? That organization is the heart of globalism. Not to mention international gun grabbing.
Here's a better question you should take some time to think through: Do you think your political goals and your movement is well served by dying on this hill, to defend an organization right-wing Americans have detested heart and soul for generations (with more than enough justification for it) over an unenforceable resolution Israel will ignore outright anyway and that will be forgotten in a week's time? Is this a smart maneuver on your part?
>When did you faggots become pro-UN?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Fuck Israel.
t. r/the_donald
You don't know anything about this website, Sup Forums's been majority anti-israel since its inception.
All I learn from this is what I already knew: You are the UN's friend. The UN is my enemy. So I guess you are my enemy.
Once again, splitting your own cause in two and cutting off your nose (heh) to spite your face.
Fuck off foreign trash.
according to YOUR link:
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. ยง 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments having a dispute with the U.S.
I see no law broken here.
Also, your country is a dirty shit-hole. Why don't you focus on fixing that first?
reddit, trump, elections... all the neocucks enjoyed the shitposting spectacle that was the elections and then decided to stick around and see what this board was about. this faggot is the embodiment of the type
Egypt has no dispute with America. He's also not a private citizen anymore. He was confirmed as President a few days ago, just not sworn in.
You can get mad about it all you want poopskin. You'll never, ever convince a significant portion of the American right to align themselves with the UN. It's a lost cause.
I'm just here to rub it in.
>When did you faggots become pro-UN? That organization is the heart of globalism
The UN didn't take ur job, Cletus.
>I see no law broken here.
You should at least try to look.
>Why don't you focus on fixing your country
Major politicians are falling left and right bro. Many in jail. Many more on their way. We working on it. Also, you should visit Brazil. It's really fun and if you are not an idiot, people are really friendy.
>mfw I live in a better country and you live in 60% land
Would rather be foreign trash than white trash, Americuck
>implying the Logan Act applies to the president-elect
The UN can't take anything from me precisely because the American right, Trump included, has been resisting them since the cold war.
But it's not for their lack of trying.
Okay great, now fuck off.
>You can get mad all you want
You are the one that is salty burgerbro.
Nah, I'm good.
Shouldn't you be watching Tyrone fuck your wife, redditor?
>The UN can't take anything from me precisely because the American right, Trump included, has been resisting them since the cold war.
Reagan was a key architect in NAFTA. Nixon literally opened the floodgates to China.
The American right was never an enemy to global free trade until Trump and his idiot supporters.
But I'm not. I am relieved and happy that Trump is continuing the American tradition of standing up to the UN. You're the one upset by that, hence this thread and your desperate monkey attempt to get Trump indicted under the Logan Act as if he can't pardon himself.
I just want it to be clear, the UN is an enemy of the USA, as is anybody that aligns with them.
Good to hear progress, best of luck in your endeavors.
What exactly do you think the UN is gonna take away from you? You sound kind of crazy desu
I didn't say globalism entirely, I said the UN. Pay attention, you third world retard.
Nothing, because the American right, which holds power now, opposes them. The UN will forever be unsuccessful in their attempts to undermine American sovereignty. But they've attempted, on several occasions, to take our guns and rope us into climate change hoax schemes as a way of taking our money too.
But you know this, shitskin.
thanks friend
Also some of these faggots remind me of CTR types, just obnoxious copy/paste comments following the same exact theme from different posters designed to make it seem like there's more disagreement on the board than there actually is.
No one here has time for your dumb semantics
All this dumb unilateral bullshit is going to come back to bite Trump and his supporters later when they realize they can't magically will global capitalism out of existence
Yeah, nah, we'll be fine.
8 years.
Stay buttblasted.
No surprise considering Sup Forums is now bigger than Sup Forums, this board is now the newfag containment board.
Kek. I honestly don't know this so please explain to me when exactly did the UN try to take your guns?
enjoy your kikewars in the middle east globalist shills
I hope you're ready to get drafted to go invade Iran
>unauthorized citizens
Pick one
I feel like a huge chunk of Sup Forums grew up switched over to Sup Forums
I almost can't believe that a bunch of shit posters are actually a force to be reckoned with to the point that paid trolls are trying to disrupt it.
We have the best memes. Frankly, the best.
Being against israel has nothing to do with being pro-UN.
The UN only has some things that go against ZOG ambitions because it give some power to other countries to decide things and there is a lot of muslim countries.
Daily reminder that "Cletus" has an average IQ of 105. American Rednecks are smarter than Slavs.
That is what i figured pretty much. i just thought since he wasn't sworn in that he was still a private citizen.
>I feel like a huge chunk of Sup Forums grew up switched over to Sup Forums
No, the excess traffic has been shown to be new users and not current users, they literally all came from reddit.
The Small Arms Treaty was their latest attempt. Obama went along with it but it was blocked by the Republican Senate.
I believe that's what we call 'syndrome'.
When everyone's retarded, no one will be.
The UN is the enemy of my country. I don't know how many different ways I can say it. You, as a non-American, may find redeeming qualities in that organization. I find none. Were it up to me the entire body would be dissolved and its membership executed.
a conversation is not a negotiation. But on Trump, it is.
obama gave israel a chance, kerry flew over many times to find an arrangement. israel is just making bold maneuvers around the Palestinian problem. and they draw alot of fucking fire towards them.
our congress is basically controlled by orthodox jews that manage the country for their own good. our HDI is much higher in places where orthodox jews live and settle because of the insane amount of funding they get.
israel need to sober up and realize they can't let this go on forever.
>inb4 arab
can't give two shits about some arabs in the backass of nowhere but im not moved by identity politics either
>/pol doesn't care that Trump is putting foreign shills and jew bank shills in his cabinet
>/pol doesn't care that Trump is shilling for communist
yay tribalism
Yeah but he interfered with the politics of a president-in-office.
And you actually believed that you gubernment would come after your guns because the UN said so (even tho they didn't)?
topkek lad
No, I don't, because the American right will always oppose UN interventionism. But were that opposition to evaporate (it won't) then yes, we'd be susceptible to UN interventionism.
This isn't complicated stuff.
UN is just a limp dick "deeply concern" diplomatic group.
Meanwhile israel have millions of jews loyal to them on your country that lobby on their favor and get yourselves in all shit you people didn't even needed to.
There are other ways of diminishing Israeli influence in American policy than teaming up with an evil, anti-American globalist organization. I'd rather die than accept the legitimacy of the UN.
Fuck. That.
he's almost certainly a jew and therefore not actually white.
Nope. Not only that, I'm willing to wager my family has been in this country much longer than your own.
Sorry if Israel is not the only thing that matters to me, you left-wing nogunz pussy.
Good luck with that cleetus. Trump has all the bank zio-kikes on his team. It's pretty appalling even by Clinton-standards.
fine then dont accept their legitimacy. if anything, by abstaining obama basically did that. a non-answer for a non-institution.
just dont send our tax dollars and white men to go be wasted on israel and its little adventures in the middle east.
Well I agree with the second half of your post. But I still think it should be official US policy to veto every single solitary UN resolution proposal without exception. One exception: The resolution that dissolves the UN entirely. I'd support that one.
>triggered kike
>calling others shitskins
top shekel
Sup Forums finally waking up they had been had by the good cop act of this kosher servant of the Jews?
Well you can't get everything you want.
Do you really believe you're going to be successful shame-posting and concern-trolling Americans into supporting the UN.
You'd have better luck on Tumblr.
It sounds like it has to be negotiations relating directly to the United States. This resolution is barely relevant to us. It's not like he's doing unauthorized peace negotiations with an enemy country.
checked and yr id says fag
taking part in the UN and following its rules regarding the veto IS accepting the legitimacy of the UN though. being israel's personal buttplug by abstaining on this and not vetoing everything they dont like actually lessens our role in it.
>Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly
easily arguable that Trump represents the authority of the United States indirectly.
>New Zealand
what's with these cucks
The only reason we, or any SC member, is part of the UN is because of the veto. So that we can stop these raggedy third world shitters from teaming up on us and imposing their banana republic horseshit on us. The best way to undermine them is to veto every resolution so that the UN becomes powerless and incapable of forcing their will on us in any capacity, until it finally just goes away. If we allow the UN to bolster its own power base by passing resolutions and enforcing them, then it's just a matter of time before they are successful making inroads into American policy.
If you weren't a one-issue person and could separate your German-immigrant blind rage against Israel, and assimilate into Anglo values of law and order and sovereignty, then you'd see that.
They just following the law bro. Israel is so butthurt that it has announced a boycott against them kiwis tho. Butthurt will do that I guess.
help me understand this, kikes give away half their land in one "peace" negotiation after another, then bulldoze land they laid claim to years ago that is actually still owned. what the fuck is going on over there?
>our HDI is much higher in places where orthodox jews live and settle because of the insane amount of funding they get.
>implying orthodox jews are not smarter
no such thing as international law
no organization has power over any country unless said country consents to being cucked by it
gritty realism rules international relations, not this idealist cuckery
There's a thing called the JIDF, for a reason