why do white women burn the coal so much?
Why do white women burn the coal so much?
Daddy issues
Why is this trans black woman so much better at being black than Shaun King?
why do white men steam the rice?
white women feel the same way about nigger dick, as white men feel about gook pussy
where is this taking place?
i rarely see hot white girls with black boys
Is that ugly shit still pretending to be a nigger?
It's really this.
Some whores get so angry at their fathers that they think "What's the worst thing I can do to piss him off?"
The answer is they fuck a nigger.
You can't really blame 'em; Eve did bite the apple from the serpernt.
That's not true. Dating site data shows black men are unattratcive but Asian women are desirable.
most white girls i see with blacks are poor and fatherless just like them
dating site =/= in the moment decisions made while drunk at a club
Bad analogy. Eve wasn't trying to piss anyone off. It was just a simple test.
>steam the rice
that's great, i gotta use that later
lmao, It's really this simple.
>god: i will get really pissed off if you eat that apple
>eve: lawl imma do it anyways, fug u
She knew exactly what she was doing, women get away with this bad behavior because they know there are a million cucks like you lined up to defend them.
No one likes gook women
>why do white men steam the rice?
I don't understand it
White women are so superior to gooks
Every niggerbate whore I've ever seen are always pig ugly with stacks of make up on and usually fat or sorry the coon definition of obese thick
not anymore
White women are giving up their femininity more and more, while Asians are not.
They don't. Sup Forums is warping your perception of reality. Okay, some do. But they're the trashiest of the trash. Every so often I see grandmothers pushing their caramel colored bundles of shame through the grocery store in buggies. The grandmother wears a look of empty sadness and despair that most of us, even on /r9k/, cannot imagine. She knows her daughter has no shot at a good future. Being a single mother is a shit thing to be, but single mother of a black child is even worse. No white guy (read: good quality catch) is going to want anything to do with her.
Its an american trend.
Some say they can reach the G spot easier.
Maybe american women are worse than I thought
There is literally nothing better than a qt rural girl
Data from multiple dating websites over multiple years and surveys about interracial relationships > "I say white women burn coal so it's true!"
i bet she expected more upvotes
You do realise white women are the least likely to get with someone out of their race, right?
Because they were made to.
they don't
porn is not real kid
Yeah that's not how the story goes.
Yeah, it is how that story goes.
I do, I keep one in my room, they make fantastic pets... they don't cost much to feed but you have to give them cheap jewelry from time to time to keep them happy.
People keep using this word "girlfriend" to describe her, but I know damn well that this is a master-owner style relationship. There is zero confusion and conflict in a relationship if you just calmly sit her down and explain that either she is your property or she has no place in your home.
The only women that are out of control emotional train wrecks are the ones that haven't been claimed as property yet, have you noticed this pattern yet?
Me love you long time, now show boipucci.
Those white girls that do blacked porn don't actually like the apes. They're literally paid to play a part, not to actually date the nigger dudes or even casually fuck them outside of a porno studio. Black male/white female relationships are the least likely to stay together.
not white
>Fuck off
lol I see this all the time, it's sad (but hilarious) these mixed race babies are being taken care of by the mother of the woman who had them while she's pilled out and the "father" is off knocking up more ham beasts.
This actually. Even most of the porn whores that regularly take black dick aren't very good looking.
God it is sad. Have you ever once seen a white girl with her black baby AND the father? It's rarer than Sasquatch.
I genuinely feel really bad for white-mixed people, they've always got that really disappointed look on their face like they're saying: "really? you could of gave me a future in this world and you chose to make me a sub-80 IQ monkey person? I hate you mom!".
It's no shock at all that the probability of matricide shoot up 2500% if you breed with black people.
Yep, BLACKED isn't reality. The only white women that race-mix are total trash that can't get even the trashiest white guys. Too bad society as a whole is degenerating.
honestly, no, just on the internet and multicultural style commercials
Bitch in OP's pic certainly did.
The amount of people who actually race mix is very small.
The same projections that put whites as becoming a minority only show mixed people at 5-6%.