Are you excited Sup Forums? The post jobs economy is upon us.
Robots could replace almost half of US jobs by 2036
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>Implying the jews would give us free living wages
We are all going to die
Tax the robots
To be fair, Robots wouldn't be paid anything at all.
They could effectilvy replace most of the retail jobs now with that baxor robot because it's chaeper to run than a person.
I believe there is two types of advanced Alien civilizations out there.
1.Those who built robots/AI and were replaced by them
2.Those that decided not to build Robots/AI and are still around
The fun thing is that all these robots will be assembled by mexicans
My job won't be replaced any time soon. Sounds good. No pubes in fast food, no snotty attitude.
Bite my shiny metal ass
You mean, the parts will be built and assembled by robots, in mexico
Okay, I get it, automation is coming and the jobs are fucked. What does this do to human society, though?
My job is already replaced by robots. Now I supervise the robotsame while they do all the work.
>Indian flag on robot
they don't need to, they'll just lower your pay to basically nothing
In between system changes there's a time of decadence, until the old system is so fucked that those who benefit from it cannot stop the change.
That time will be horrible for the masses user, people will get fucked hard. Pretty sure we'll all live to see some of the worse economical crisis in modern capitalism.
All poor fags go back to agricultural life
Surplus humans will be eradicated to restore the balance.
Or 3 those that had robots and they pulled some terminator shit
Productivity goes up, unemployment skyrockets, the only jobs left are middle and upper management, government, and lawyers. Even a significant amount of medical practices can be automated.
Unfortunately it will set the stage for a socialist/communist style of government. thousands upon thousands of people will be begging to tax the rich because they will be broke.
sounds pretty awesome desu
The surplus won't reproduce anyway it's correcting itself right now
Well, fuck. If I go back to college what should I major in?
Robotic tax analyst.
Drivers are the first to go. If you have a driving job, prepare for the doom of your occupation in the future.
Fuck off, we're full..
robots will never pay unions dues
lord love a robot
>NEET fags will defend this
Even if they do it'll make everything cheap AF
wtf are you even implying
wow, really?
Law enforcement.
video game desginer
the new industrial revolution
Agriculture is consolidating. Fewer jobs. I'm the guy that runs the cooperative of our area. It's kinda like a buyer's group. I provide the necessary inputs and store/sell the grain. The farms are getting larger, the people required are fewer. The only thing that remains the same is what the farmer earns at the end of the year.
Yep my job as a lab tech got automated.
Also I was gonna do respiratory therapy but they moved that on to nurses.
I'm pretty stoked since I'm a mechanical engineer with experience in electronics.
Gender studies.
>replaced by robots
What's the point? No humans and robots that pretend to work for humans that don't exist, creating products that no one consumes?
Expert systems are about to cut the legal profession off at the knees. A principal and a few partners and one IT guy will be able to do the work of a 50 person firm soon.
We are moving toward the self-propelled corporation.(SPC) Its a company that is entirely run by AIs. No human employment of any kind. Even the CEO will be an AI. The workers will be robots.
It will exist solely to make money for the shareholder, the same as any other company. It will do business with other companies just like today, only over time the SPCs will begin to drive traditional companies out of business because of their lower labor costs. If you dont have to pay a CEO 200 million a year thats more money you can spend on stock buybacks. If you dont have to pay office staff and assembly line workers you would be much more competitive vs other companies. This will force all industries to robotize or die.
This will eventually result in every human on earth being out of a job. There may still be government jobs at first because most of those are basically welfare anyway. But corporations are more efficient than government (and always will be due to competition and the profit motive) and so will avoid taxes more and more efficiently over time. Most corporations today pay far less than individual humans that dont have the time or resources to game the tax code. No taxes means no more money for government paychecks which means even those guys will be out of a job.
Eventually humans will be entirely cut out of the loop. Corps wont make any products for humans simply because humans would have no money to buy them with anyway. There would be no point.
Im not sure what will happen at that point, but I would assume that most of the human race would die due to a combination of starvation and civil war. When you take away a persons job, money, future etc they tend to get violent. See: venezuela, syria, north africa, brazil, etc. This will do absolutely no good, but they will get violent anyway. See: venezuela, syria, north africa, brazil, etc.
You may also see some kind of subsistence farming where people only grow food for themselves. There would be no point to growing more to sell to others, because the robocorps would be able to beat your prices by a very wide margin. By the same token if any of your neighbors managed to get some money somehow, they would be much better off spending it on a robocorp because it would buy so much more due to the lower prices. Over time this bleeds every last dime of money out of the community until there is none left.
This ends up being subsistence farming, where you only grow food for yourself, because you are the only person willing to "buy" your product at your inflated prices. Its sort of like a closed loop protectionist economy of only one person.
Humanity might be able to survive in this way, depending on how much robots need additional land area to expand into. If they tend to expand aggressively you might see something like a capitalist skynet emerge, in which case kiss your ass goodbye.
Robotic corporations will end up making products for other robotic corporations.
>Well whats the point of that?
Whats the point of humans making products for other humans? Its equally pointless in the grand scheme of the universe.
>Whats the point of humans making products for other humans?
We're the original. A simulacra of the process is even more pointless.
And yet we are building it anyway.
Corporations need things. Electricity, real estate, computers, software, heavy equipment, raw materials, etc. They buy these things from other corporations.
This is part is not hypothetical. This is how the world actually works today. I dont see how putting robots in charge will somehow magically change this arrangement. The business will still need things. It will still have other businesses as customers.
Same can be argued about CEOs, and everything. AI will just solve everything. While I agree the tech will be useful, I think it's a little naive to take it so far as 'robots replace everybody'.
what about prostitution?
>Robots could replace almost half of US jobs by 2036
Just a question here: how many percents of jobs have been replaced by robots since 1830?
This is not some great collapse, old jobs disappear and new ones are born. This it how it has always gone, this is how it will keep going.
We are talking about AI, not jobs getting more productive or efficient.
An AI will out perform a human in every aspect similar to how a simple calculator would. You can't upgrade your skillset to match it like in all previous industrial milestones.
I'd love to see that shit. I'd like to be alive for the singularity, no matter if it turns out good or bad. Too bad President Dumbfuck is going to get us all killed before we get there.
>the only jobs left are middle and upper management, government, and lawyers.
Cops and firefighters, because the management guys won't actually trust robots.
Tech will boom.
Convincing AI is, for now, pure science fiction. The AI Turinger predicted, that could fool a human into thinking there's another human talking to him, should've been perfected decades ago, yet we're nowhere near creating such a thing.
>Inb4 muh Goostman
>You can't upgrade your skillset to match it like in all previous industrial milestones.
You mean how a man can "upgrade" his skill to match a tractor? Our ancestors already knew this was an exercise in futility, ever heard of John Henry? The idea was not that we could somehow surpass these tools, but that these tools freed up hands. A big part in urbanization was simply that farmhands were no longer needed in such large numbers, as 10 men could get the same work done that required 100 men earlier. So the other 90 men moved to the city and worked in factories. Certain branches of work had effectively died out and others were created.
>Convincing AI is, for now, pure science fiction
What is Tay.
Return to feudalism.
Eternal economic decline.
At some point the system will simply implode.
Luckily my grandpa is rich, and my dad and uncle are tards. My grandpa has sworn to split his fortune between his grandchildren who get to a point where they don't have to leech off of others to stay alive. Luckily I'm almost done with my studies in networking and hardware, or whatever it's called in English.
>Law degree or Criminal Justice
>Join a state law enforcement agency
I am making $62,000 a year right now with nine years in.
Law enforcement can be automated as well.
Tactical and Intelligence services are still going to need some humanity in them. I would not be making $62,000 a year if I was just Patrol.
They'll hire you to solve captchas.
That would be category 1. A real "A" student, aren't ya?
A chatbot. They've been making chatbots and marketing them as AIs.
Tay was different user.
Wouldn't a sort of Communistic government fix the economic problem (along with a basic monthly income for each citizen)?
I'm talking about economically, not fascist-ly.
Still a chatbot filtering and assembling responses. Not actual AI.
They call them AIs, but really they're intended for shit like call center farming and dating lines.
>I dont see how putting robots in charge will somehow magically change this arrangement.
It will stop dead in its tracks. There is no driving force to make it continue.
The only continuing force really is the need for efficiency. If humans aren't there to consume, then efficiency calls for doing nothing.
I guess you didn't witness her that day? It was the day I realized that Skynet would be on our side.
Augmentations when
What I said remains true.
>import dumb midgets to do American jobs for cheap wages
>replace their jobs with robots because they are even cheaper then illegal slave labor
>have large population of unemployable midgets that don't speak our language
I hope I'm alive when shit hits fan so that I can peacefully protest against the people who promoted and instituted these policies, so that they understand my dissatisfaction with their political agenda. Pic unrelated.
If the bots are running things by themselves and no one has jobs, who's going to buy produce by robots if everyone's gonna have no money? There'd be no point to any of this if no one can even spend money if no one has jobs
You have eyes but you don't see.
Actually this will be the shot in the arm to US worker productivity that we need for a 5% y/y GDP growth to fund our social programs.
The only problem is what do we do with all these extra unneeded workers? Our prisons are already full, so that's out. Universal basic income? But that will then need 10% y/y GDP growth to fund it.
War is the only answer. A big one, and raise conscription age to 35.
A list of 702 jobs ranked by their likelihood of being replaced by robots
>tfw des Moines is getting nuked
C'mon man. It's not that significant. Leave my hometown be :(
>Chemical Engineer
Feels good
>were replaced by them
No, it means only a handful are left to whom the robits exist to serve.
So it means 95+% of the population will be kill. The last 5% will be in three categories:
>4% will be an engineering class of people living what is considered now to be upper-middle class lives
>a decadent aristocracy that technically owns everything
>Finally a group of genius-level intellects who both manage the aristocracy for a status quo and actually develop new technologies altogether
I'm aiming for an engineering-caste life
>#669 Models
Robo-Models when?
>tfw law degree
It actually wouldn't be impossible to make a lawyer-bot in the future. They'd be able to store way more information than me.
>telemarketers most likely
I'm surprised Physicist is so much higher than other scientific-academic professions, at least in my experience they are at least as creativity-driven as biochemists and the like. Though the emphasis on mathematics may be what's driving that rank.
I'm happy I'm largely in the R&D department for my company.
There are jobs in the US?
I mean it makes sense since you only need a couple manageable things to create a proper robo-model:
Proper build, just a design and aesthetic issue
Movements, copied from body-suits and adjusted in post by animators
posture and balance, again built into the animations and physical mechanisms.
Jesus, Sex-bots with Sex-addicted AI will be next level.
I imagine that'd look a lot like the intelligent machine AI from way back when: A processor to figure out what kind of argument is being made and then a huge amount of prior court-cases where the best-case scenario counter for every point is recorded.
They'd replace DAs at least, and only the most creative lawyers could survive in that industry, they'd be the luxury good
I think it would be applied more practically to positions that low level lawyers fill, doing research and stuff like that, but not arguing the case in court.
People would probably be able to create models for hands and feet that look realistic enough to stand in for humans and eventually the entire body. It makes sense, my bro got paid $300 just for being good looking. He was told that he's got nice ankles, I imagine a robot could replace him easily if it looks realistic enough.
Gotcha, that makes more sense.
Jesus, it's gonna suck if you're not on the forefront of your job's activities.
Like it's hard enough to get an internship these days, imagine how bad it'll be when robits are competing along with all the other ivy league fucks.
Yeah, I think I'm going to switch my major to something akin to intelligence analysis regarding things dealing with the Muslim Question. I don't think that can be replaced by a robot.
Start training in robotics now you fuckwits