I'm a POLANDBALL FB mod. Ask me anything

No, we are not dead, but someone on here said we were. I mod the POLANDBALL FB page, 340,000 strong. Ask me anything. Here's proof

Benis desu

Why don't you fuck off back there?

Fuck right off

>Name: OP

Lel gtfo faget

Polandball turned to shit as soon as reddit discovered it

fuck off you god damn nigger, and your shit nigger country.


Tell me more mr. Hernandez de la Puerta

You're page isn't even as good as Edgy Memes and Fashy Memes gtfo.

Do you steal the content from the Polandball subreddit?

Do you earn money from ad revenue on your Facebook page? If so, how much have you earned?

R u a fag?

this was a trainwreck

Fuck off fag

AMAs on Sup Forums are always trainwrecks

fuck off back to cancerbook please

Do you listen to Graveland, Honor, Bujak, or any other bands from the right wing polak scene ?


You can't really steal content from Reddit but we do get content from it sometimes. Less recently.

We have not made revenue using the Polandball page, but we have used ads with our own money before. There's a group we're working with called Polandball Workshop that likes to make large content for pay so we've raised money for them before to make their stuff.

kinda miss the polandball meme and how we made all fun of poland.

but Sup Forums invented AMAs

Yeah I knew it would be. Who cares lol

Nope, don't listen to metal much but a good number of the other mods definitely do.

Does that mean anything?
It really doesn't desu, I bet they were all trainwrecks back then.

Love your page, congratulation for the awesome work.

How do you feel about getting facebook popularity by shamelessly ripping off imageboard culture? Don't you ever feel like a filthy kike?

are there any actual pollacks "working" on that fanpage?

If I were really a like I would've copyrighted this shit

Yes, but not all of them are. A lot of them don't post. We're trying to find some new ones.

That's the most cancerous one desu senpai


No, I'd say Polandball is a bit more cancerous.

At least EMAFD does more than one thing, Polandball is just one giant dead meme.

A great part of your fanbase is normie-tier. Don't you feel ashamed? I think it's time to be edgier.

how many times have you been zucced?

Thanks very much.

If we got edgier we'd be permabanned. Our fans cover a very diverse base actually. We tend to play to both normie and Sup Forumsack and balance it on a thin string. I remember a few years ago we had a full-on birthday party for Hitler

OP whats your favorite polanball comic

Had to take a class on anthropology. Anything that mankind creates is culture, and something coming from a particular group of people can be though of as that group's culture.
Culture doesn't mean intelligent or refined or valuable.

Are Krautchan Polandballs the only decent ones?

appreciate your work.


what, a report?


Mod me plz

Hai polan. Ready for the kebab removal awoovement?


shame you got un cucced

Croatia pls ;_;

Make POLANDBALL great again?

Why Ur shitty truck drivers so bloody terrorists? Cuz kurwa Polan cannot into space?

When you believe in a meme

Also, the last kebab removers (Serbs) lost the war some 20 years ago
>Got bombed
>Got embargoed
>The living standard and unemployment are still shit

Greatest success is that they became an internet meme

Deleted my FB last month but when I still had it this was my favorite page

someones mad

Are you Polish irl?

Yeah because your country inspired one of the shittest "memes" on the internet

How polandball is not dead is beyond me

>Their memes are cringe
>Their mods pretend to be autists that can't spell
>Their fans are either 12 yearolds or man children that dislike the US and want to live in an eastern european shithole

Polandball is rage comic tier

I don't think that they'd even post a meme half as sharp as the edgy meme in pic related

I do love theirs the most.

It's several. One of them is definitely this one

Thanks m8

No, we have mods from all over. But a good number of the others are Polish

eh, im laughing either way

>t. cossack

youre mad because even the shithole that is poland was part of an internet phenomena while croatia is known for what? I cant even think of an insult because croatia is a literal who

Can you send me some pirogi? I don't want to travel down to detroit to get some.

gtfo canadian spy

Glad to see you weren't permabanned. Will y'all create a backup page in case you get permazucc'd?

Suggested name: Polandball 2: Kurwa Boogaloo

Are you actually from Poland?
And why did you choose Sup Forums?

Also for the record I'm using this ID now.

We're always weighing our options in case of something big like that. We'll definitely just name it POLANDBALL again though.

No but others are. I decided to do a Sup Forums AMA because someone from here let people know we were permabanned, when we in fact weren't.

No good places in N michigan to get pirogi. We have some good sausage places, but no pirogi.

I actually just read the reply about where you're from as the thread updated.

What are the political leanings of the admins?

I just invested in Eastern Poland, how fucked am I?

poland ball isn't as funny any more
mainly because you fags are too resistant to memes "killing" the community

also pls feature more chile ball comix plox

Yeah, internet fame=wealth and prosperity

Kill yourself

All over the place. A couple are hardcore leftists, a couple are "centrists" a couple are all TRUMP 2016, I couldn't give a fuck at this stage of my life.

gibe monies/10

Well, if Sup Forums told me to

>poland ball

This has to be the most, stale and crusty meme of all time.

can i be a mod

i ran 2 other polandball pages

Shut yer peehole m800


Well all memes aside, at the very least - thanks for massacring the German menaces at that Christmas fair

You sure showed them


>hes still going at it
jesus how can you be so booty blasted over something so trivial? are you really so flustered your shithole of a country wasnt the cause of creating polandball?

Lol OK I didn't even know this page existed.



great ama

No, Sweden, we are not a fag.

No, we're not queers either. Please put your hand down.

Facebook is dead, get a job.

faceberg is for faggots go fuck yourself OP

re: your picture

What the fuck is that?

>cultural appropriation

A degenerate

You should have done this AMA on Sup Forums. Honestly, you have much more in common with Sup Forums than us and Sup Forums would've loved you


But in Sup Forums and Sup Forums is where you can achieve a shitstorm easier


What is your main goal in maintaining a fb page?

Actually, reddit are the ones who are stealing shit. The page was made before a subreddit was even made. All shit came from imgur/ krautchan I believe

Sup Forums has 70 million posts which makes it the 4th or 5th largest board on Sup Forums

Are there any still original admins left? Like Reagan, Earl of Grey, etc.? Also, what was your opinion with Internetball (rip)?

I get your point but sometimes we have to aim higher to reach our goals. I believe that some of the things posted in OPs page has come from here(Sup Forums), so why wouldn't he post the thread in one of the most prolific boards of Sup Forums(aside from Sup Forums, they know how to derail a thread)?

Have you ever thought of animating polandball? If you need an animator I got your back boss


Thats cancerous

Not for profit, but for fun

It would be better content that half the shit on YouTube right now

Bretty gud, it's normie enough to not get permazucced and so I don't get strange comments about liking it.

here freind