Watch the video. Angela Rye was pussygrabbed and traumatized by the TSA. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think pussygrabbing is a necessary precaution to take? I think she's complaining too much. We need to have comprehensive security scanning at airports.
CNN commentator Angela Rye's vagina was grabbed by TSA
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TSA should've shot her too
Another video of Angela complaining about why it was unnecessary to have her vagina examined for possible threats.
Thats y i always do the scan thing.
They HAVE to grope you to properly search if you refuse, however if you dont the person searching you is required to be the same gender as you
Is the TSA /ouragency/?
Notice how pussygrabbing has become a more common practice by the TSA ever since The Donald was elected.
TSA = Trump Sexual Assaulters
Does Angela fuck white guys?
angela got some fine ass titties.
the tsa should've examined those puppies more carefully
>you will never grab angela rye right by the pussy
I've had a hand up my ass from TSA. It's what they do when the alarm goes off without stopping.
B-B-But won't they see my ding-dong when I go through the scanner? :(
I don't see a grab
They grabbed my dick during a search too but I didnt cry like a little fucking baby about it. Does this woman not understand why the TSA grab you during searches?
Angela always seems like such an angry woman.
I bet deep inside she fantasizes about having rough passionate sex with white conservative man.
I think the second knuckle is a fair depth to search.
i hate the TSA, wtf are they doing? clearly this half coon isn't some threat, its obvious.
I'm glad she got a dose of her big government policies though. We should be only doing this to shady looking people and all sandniggers.
That's hot desu
it would be hot if Angela Rye got fucked Danny D's huge ivy cock doggy style
She's got a great body. I was thinking about jerking off when I saw the TSA agent feel her up.
Maybe if her network didn't constantly shill for muslim immigration and against racial profiling they wouldn't need to grope everyone.
She does. Is she mixed?
She only identifies as African-American but she definitely has European or Native American blood.
>TSA grabs CNN caster by the pussy
Truly this is Trumps America
Why are you such a fucking cuck.
>First: this shit happens to fucking everyone.
I flew to Maine with two connecting flights each
way. I smoke, so I had to re-enter security. Every
time I was felt up by these faggots.
>Second: CNN using this as vagina-grabbing, Trump-Inspired, Misogyny, is mis-directed.
The real issue is the fact that this shit exists in the
first place, it accomplishes nothing but inconvenience,
and is easily bypassed by TSA "background checks"
Seriously, this is a meaningless, show-boat,
illusion of safety parade, that's only real
accomplishment is to pre-program the general
public into accepting more and more
encroachment of individual rights.
People, this woman isn't crying because Trump.
This woman is crying because her civil and personal
liberties are being violated.
I'm so sick of this shit..
If the Democrats had rolled back some of these draconian practices while they were in power maybe we wouldn't have to talk about this, but I guess fag marriage was more important.
>People, this woman isn't crying because Trump.
>This woman is crying because her civil and personal
>liberties are being violated.
No, that woman is crying because of Trump. She should be crying because of civil liberties, but she isn't, because she's a stupid cunt.
I'd grab her pussy too if ya know what i mean
>black woman over-emphasizes another woman lightly brushing against a part of her body that the entirety of her clothing and self-worth focuses upon as a sign that the patriarchy isreal.jpg
Kek and check.
I would sticking my big girthy white cock deep inside her pussy...
with her consent of course.
Strangely arousing. More like this?
This post gave me cancer.
>buy plane ticket fully knowledgeable of tsar
>don't expect to get searched Cuz black famous libtard
>get searched
Fucking autism
this broad is a whiney cunt
That is the most padded bra I have ever seen.
Kek and check.
Fucking this
Get a TSA job and you'll be grabbing pussy all day long. Thing is you can't choose whose pussy you get to grab. Most likely you'll be grabbing Ahmed's balls all day. It's like a lucky dip.
This bitch doesn't know what traumatized means. She would really be traumatized if a terrorist sneaked a bomb on board because the TSA wasn't doing their job. She needs to join the marines and be toughened up. Military service should be mandatory for all news reporters.
even if it is, she's got a great ass. i wouldn't bashing that from behind.
>thoroughly traumatized
It's fucking nothing. Holy shit. Was she crying? hahahahahahhahahaha
yes she was crying
she claims in another video that the tsa agent touched her labia aka pussy lips
Last one gotta add more to my collection
everyone report this douchebag for spamming
pretty much, anyone who thought that was anything...
>CNN commentator Angela Rye's vagina was grabbed by TSA
Wow. Such great news...
I've had police search around my crotch before.
I had a good chuckle. It's not a big fucking deal. I'm so sick of seeing these people's filthy disgusting whiney faces.
You must have been seriously spoiled to be a grown adult crying about having an old lady search your crotch.
I recognize that carpet and those chairs. Is this DIA?
I think you are right in the sense that the only
word she has to describe the injustice is Trump.
>the TSA grabs vaginas like Donald Trump
I'm going to completely butcher this, but please bear with me..
There is a moment in les miserables, within the first 5 chapters, where jen valjean is confronted by a child and he has to decide whether or not to help the child. His experience thus far is of being completely disregarded by society and he thinks that he owes nothing to society, but at the same time, he thinks he should help the child.
He does not know what to do. His feelings, hardened by the prison system have reshaped his emotions, but the presence of this child challenges them in a way he cannot understand. He is so conflicted because he simply does not have a way to describe what he is feeling. He's not intelligent enough to even verbally understand his own emotions. I never finished the book, I think he helps her.. anyway..
My point is, this angst and frustration we all feel at the unfairness of the system must be given a name. We need to understand it in some way. For the left it has become Trump. Trump is the reason the TSA is wrong. Trump is the reason I feel bad when the TSA violates my rights. It's just a word to describe the feeling.
What we need to do is help provide the language to understand those feelings properly. This is not a call to humiliate or defame their beliefs. These people are misguided and their understanding is simple. Slowly we must help them understand the true reason for their anger: A system that has crushed them in every way and perverted all meaningful pursuits.
Oh we can go back to hating government agencies because a Republican is about to be president again?
Right! How could someone who claims to travel,
not understand how the TSA works?
>Completely Retarded
They are so uneducated. So many people are so
uneducated that their understanding of the world
is literally a false reality.
when ppl are examining you, you should be allowed to pick the gender of the examiner
when i was in the dominican republic, there was this hot piece of ass security chick wearing ridiculously tight clothes
my cock was rock hard and unfortunately instead of her, i had a man feel me up and he probably thought i was a faggot when he noticed the bulge in my pants.
Fat ho could stand to lose a few. If she's not pregnant she's gonna get replaced soon.
I always refuse the scanner and choose to do the pat down.
the TSA exists so we get used to having our liberty infringed on for the illusion of security.
nothing new
really, if that made you feel bad, I got bad news about life.
she is making appearances on all sorts of networks because her pussy lips were allegedly touched
I think maybe she's just attention whoring. I'm sure she's been checked before..
I fly with drone batteries so I get Fucking checked everytime. IT'S QUICK EASY AND NON INVASIVE what the flying Fuck is going on.
>Tsa does their jobs
They check randomly every so and so person they should.. if the system was geared towards just suspicious people then hiding something necessary easier if you know what they are looking for. Don't say a Canadian trained for 5 months to jihad would not get past the tsa
Jesus fuck this video makes me mad, I hate to use the word that liberals love but her level of privilege and entitlement is fucking amazing. Back in high school I was sent to an alternative school. I remember guys and girls (mostly guys because looser pants) would smuggle in drugs and weapons in their underwear and we would get patted down every morning. Even amongst those shitty kids who were in and out of juvy nobody was stupid enough to ask why they checked our underwear, because we were never so priviliged that we broke down because the discomfort of having our bodies touched was the worst thing we had ever experienced
Id have to grab back
I honestly don't think I could fight back the urge
One of the main reasons I haven't flown since I was thoroughly rubbed-down above the waist last time I flew 4 years ago
I went thru the body scanner but I have a protruding chest so I guess it looked like something was taped there
I heard Angela got drunk once and was talking to her CNN coworkers about how he loves big white cock
baka desu senpai
I agree with her, it looks like it is to invasive.
This groin grabbingly good btw.
any old white perverts out there? would you have sex with angela?
I definitely think there's some attention whoring
going on there, but more in the way of all woman
make every little thing they encounter into happenings.
My assertion is her understanding of the cause of
her happening is not correct. She thinks it's because
of Trump, because that's as far as her chain of
thought can go. I got touched - > injustice -> Trump.
She and so many others don't understand the real
reasons behind the laws/systems we have to deal
with. I got touched -> patriot act -> 9/11 -> jet fuel
I think if we helped to realign the understanding of
people. You think this is the reason for what you're
upset about, but in fact, THIS is the reason for what's
happening in the world. I think this is an effective
tactic for introducing redpills. Replace their ideology
with a more refined understanding of events.
can any woman please explain why it's so traumatizing to have your pussy lips briefly touched by another woman?
are there women on Sup Forums?
>are there women on Sup Forums?
There are no woman on the internet. Aside from Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
For sure! I went to jail once, and the guard had me squat and cough, and then told me to bend over while shined a flashlight on my asshole. You didn't see me complaining because I knew the guards were just trying to keep us safe!
Lib-shits have a real bad problem of confusing privileges for rights.
Sounds like you're traumatized from a thorough anal inspection.
you can see the cogs at work in her brain
"ooh that was slightly invasive. hey aren't i always talking about rape culture? yeah that was very invasive now that i think of it. i might be able to carve 5 minutes of fame and a political story out of this!"
*starts crying*
>tfw I've never flown
>tfw will likely never fly
>tfw I'd love to just stand there with a smile and enjoy while being cavity searched
ahhaha faggot
She is retarded for making it a trump issue.
We have a president . He is a liberal mulatto just like you, why not blame him?
If you're well endowed you will set off the body scanners for having a "foreign object" in your crotch and be forced to have a TSA agent rub his hands against you.
I'm happy to get rid of this shit, although I'm disappointed that people only cared when a WIMMINZ was traumatized.
Lol why would a Canadian fly to sneak into the US? I know where I can sneak across the border and not get caught ~90% of the time. I know the loosest land border checkpoints.
are there more videos like those?
that made me diamonds
notice the mexican is turned on by women getting sexually violated and then crying afterwards
LOL! Obama's TSA are pussy grabbers. How terriblt traumatic. The poor little waif.
is this real?