Olavo de Carvalho

What do think about Olavo de Carvalho?
O que vocês acham sobre o Olavo de Carvalho?

E ele é tão conhecido assim pelo mundo, ou é só mais conhecido por um certo número de retardados que vivem apenas na internet?

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Crazy old man who speaks the truth sometimes.

And no, only brazilians know him.
But I guess he'll eventually become more famous in the future.

He was already caught with an Israeli flag on the wall, and at the same time he says there's no such thing as zionist.

How to trust on such a man?

Redpill me on him

He is abrazilian political analyst, who calls himself a philosopher.
He gives virtual classes and has a fanatical group of people who follow him.

He is also a fanatic religious, and says the HIV was created by communist


He's a former commie agent who then regreted it and started to write against communism. He's catholic.
He's also a teacher of philosophy and has written dozens of really good books about culture, philosophy and politics.

That was his friend's house. But Olavo is openly pro-israel anyways.

t. Rodrigo Costantino
t. Raphael Lima
t. Arthur Moledo

Former? No way.
He is an agent of disinformation and alienation

Raphael who?
That foolish magician?

pretty badass redpill artist
his debate with Dugin or whats his name (putin advisor) delivered pretty cool lines

People in Commieversity hate him.

ex-marxists are marxists' very effective enemies, according to Yuri

Such as Raphael Lima, Rodrigo Costantino and Arthur Moledo do Val, right?
Just kidding but I used to think like the OP and many others here, just think how would be possible for the american government to give permanent visa to someone who the entire brazilian academia devalues, and that was only possible because he did a lot of work in many areas.
Actually take some days to read some of his books, and then try to debunk.

>t. Rodrigo Costantino

He's in USA right now.

No, I'm serious. I dont know who is that Arthur.
I will look on youtube later.
The others two are idiots, who were destroyed by others stupid youtubers, like Izzy Nobre (who is a fuck cunt)
Well, you may have a point right here.
But the fact Olavo has several works published, does not mean he is a genius or what he said it's true. There's a lot of shit people who had their works published as well...

The fact, it's boring me to see a man who says he is the face of rightwing for everybody, but it's always saying something stupid, such AID's it's a left product, or smoking dont make any bad for the health, Pepsi used cells from died babies, bla, bla, bla.

Cool, we have our own Horowitz

He's a zionist puppet.
However, his statements on cultural marxism are pretty much correct.

Dude, did you read my post?
Let me try again. Now I know why do you hate Olavo. I'm so sorry for that.
But I'm a kind person I will tell you a secret.
Olavo was allowed to live in America because he is a genius. :-)

Or because he's just a Zionist agent, who puts several shits on people's heads?
A genius? Why?

Good for him, and God bless him and his family.
I used to read a lot of his articles on Veja portal.
I really need to buy one of his books, a friend told me that is really good "Esquerda Caviar".

You're literally spouting every buzzword idiots all around try to use against Olavo, why are you such a baiting tryhard?

He's a Jew, controlled opposition who constantly tries to deflect blame away from the jewish question and into russia and communist. That's why he's in america, a country owned and run by Jews.

Just read some of his books, dude. I'm not here to write an essay about Olavo, specially because I'm not a conservative. But for real the man is a genius.

Agent? He was just a militant commie when young, wasn't he?

He is the man who said it once about Maquiavel:
'He's an idiot'.

No way. A lot of brazilian dont even know what is zionism, who gonna say something about that flag in his own damn wall?
He used to said those kind of bullshit about Russia has created Aids, bla, bla, bla.

The fucking idiot was not able to have a debate against Pirula. against that fucking idiot, and im saying bullshit here? You must have paid for his class...

Okay, he might even be a genius.
But what about the bullshit he talks about and does not even have proof to do it?

Do you really think that Russia has created AIDS and still exists the KGB?
Putin, Hillary and Obama are communists who want to destroy the United States?
That Jews do not have control of major media?


you dont have one. I'm making a few questions, and u just said: "he is a genius..."

U really must be a fan of him, nando moura, and another idiots who think israel is a poor country, surrounded by enemies.

You literally are nigger tier in baiting man, go back to whatever page on normiebook you came from, don't cancer up the chans with you niggerdom

>The fucking idiot was not able to have a debate against Pirula
Why would he want to debate with some retarded youtuber? Gtfo.

Not even the same guy faggot, you're so new you cant even read the fucking ID

He worked as an infiltrated journalist for the communist party.

No, it's a nigger thing just don't answer something, and reply with a stupid meme.

All i just said here, are on his youtube channel. So?
Why you cant denied it?

> and still exists the KGB
>he thinks the KGB doesn't exist anymore
>he thinks the KGB disappeared wothout reason

Maybe because he attacked the youtuber idiot first? And after he said bullshit, he could not keep his fucking posture?

Okay, do the triforce and then you'll have some attention.

Every time that a circlejerk from brazilian chans (but some users are ok) and social media pop in here a part of me dies. And more and more my desire of applying for a job in America grows stronger.
Dude, you're so pathetic. Go back to the shithole you came from.
You're pure cancer from kikebook and jewtube comments pool.


He says shit, and i'm an idiot lol

>tfw the best this shithole has are neocons

who? is he a funk DJ?

>can't handle stupid meme responses
>b8s Sup Forums for (you)
>being such a retarded prick
you ain't getting answer here manolo, only thing i'll say is this: if you can't get past some of the actual retardation Olavo has said and apologized for and corrected later in his career you do not deserve his knowledge. Simple as that. Faggot.

Volte para seu buraco, cara e mantenha-se lá com sua síndrome de 'sou mais velho no4chan do que você...'

Quem sabe aprende a responder alguma pergunta.

>Maybe because he attacked the youtuber idiot first?
He didn't. Pirulla made fun of him and some of Olavo students sent him the video and Olavo destroyed the monocelha in a way he could never recover.

You noticed you answered my question, right? How to deal with him, despite the bullshit he talks about?
You're a black of the very worst kind.

I'll dump my Olavo folder, if you guys don't mind.

Okay, you are actually retarded, i'm out

It got worse because of the comment he made about Pepsi.

I will ignore him speaking of relativity theories and would have refuted Einstein and Isaac Newton without ever presenting a single work.

Puta merda hein, vocês ficam de mimimi por conta de youtuber alheio e um zionista que diz que o heliocentrismo nunca foi provado.

Yeah, just leave, once you have noted you just answered my question and made a fool role.

He never said he refuted Newton or Einstein, you guys are retarded as fuck.

Só brasileiros aqui. Isso responde a pergunta feita pelo OP.

>muh academic thesis
>hurr kgb dude its 2016
>durr youtubers catfights

I watch Nando Moura videos when I have time but like Olavo he is a conservative. I'm not and by the way he makes a lot of good points and do hell good charity campaigns.
Props to him and the people who follows he man.


Eu quero ver/ler apenas opiniões. Mas os idiotas não sabem colocar nada produtivo, apenas repetem que ele é um gênio pq os EUA o aceitaram por lá.

belíssimo astrólogo.

Quem é esse velho?

Any decent works in English on kindle?


he said it.
go and see it by yourself idiot.

LITERALMENTE só brasileiros aqui. Ninguém mais conhece o velho, kek.

Conservador puxa saco de zionista? o.ô

Um é um astrológo idiota, o outro um crente cretino que só sabe se fazer de vítima.
A direita brasileira está no fim mesmo, hein!

OP can't bump own thread on first post, you dumb fucking spic newfag otario merda boiola faggot

I don't know about kindle.
He doesn't write books in english, but he has some translated articles and this entire debate with one of Putin's advisor:


These stars fit perfectly in your anus.

Yes, just use the search tool and you can find some.

Que tal você não morder isca?
Ou melhor, que tal simplesmente ignorar os posts feitos por sujeitos com QI de dois dígitos?

é qual é o problema de fazê-lo? o.ô
Desde quando isso é proibido no 4? LOL
é simples, não gostou?, vaza daqui.

all you goddamn spiggers can gtfo my pol, fucking brown mystery meat jungle monkey faggots.
GTFO mulatto spiggers

the software doesn't allow it, you dumb fucking shit. O programa nao permite, seu viado fudido

Get the fuck out of this site.

he's an idioat and so are you. An OP who can't even respect the site's language should kill himself asap and in a very flashy way.

Remember to take your progeny with yourself if you already did the world the disfavor of reproducing.


fucking hues ruining every single motherfucking site on earth.
There's no where to run from them, even the darkweb is teeming with hues.

Enjoying being a gardener, Júan?

>Google Translate: from English to pork-n'-cheese
Vai cagar no mato, seu negro desgracado. Samba fora daqui! Vai travecu, vai embora

Emoticons are not allowed here.
Go back to facebook.

Olavo de Carvalho literally said that catholics should die for the jews.

Fuck him, fuck your jewish movement and fuck the illusion of choice between the right who sucks America/jew's dick and the left with their faggotery. Only Getúlio and his nationalism was interested in our people.

pol is an English-only board, Marcelo.
Go back to your fucking favelas

That thread is gold. Can someone screencap that shit please?

>ele não está aqui para rir do "ingrês" dos macacos

holy shit, you're beyond redemption.
please tell me that you live in a very tall buidling...

why do you hate yourself so much?

Have ((they)) led you to believe ((their)) way is the only way?


Looks like just a few brazilian fucking idiots know him.
And some like to protect him.


I linked google translate for that shithead you fucking moron.

No, no..
i live alone in favela.

Gustavo. I can see you. I know it's you, Gus. I'm telling everyone you post on here.


I'm just trying to rustle some South American jimmies and black beans

My name is Fernando.
Pleased to meet you, now get out of our thread, pentelho.

Do you know there are white and blacks in brazil, just like eua, right?

Ur u just can watch hollywood movies? Get a fucking book.

you don't get to have threads on this board, Marcelo. And don't lie about your name, Kek sees you.

you're expat is showing Geraldo.

bullshit, there are no Whites in Brazil, just a brown bastardization byproduct of 500 years of race-mixing between the native injuns and the negro slaves brought from Apefrica.
Like all Brazilians, you don't have an accurate understanding of race. In Brazil, it's commonly accepted that race is just skin color. That's literally what Brazilian spigger monkeys believe because they lack the intellectual aptitude to comprehend that race is a biological reality that separates the world's populations, and skin color is the least of the differences between races.