What happens here?
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What's going on with that panhandle? Bothers me for some weired reason. I hate it .
cucking you canucks out of more pacific coastline
best state to live in. No taxes. No commie gun laws. Only 700,000 people state wide. Cheap land. Plus weed
Trade you Quebec for it
The setting of the land war of Russia vs US in WW3.
>Russia's original clay
>too stupid that they sold for pennies to the US
>now we have an Arctic coast and with global warming, we will build factories there, and make the black smoke of money to melt the icecaps.
Blaze that cush everyday
Looks comfy as fuck to live there desu
Is Alaska expensive?
kek worship
I used to live in Anchorage.
Basically it's frontier living, fishing, daily earthquakes, and living with the understanding that we may actually be able to see Russia from our backyards.
got your opals, bitch
How about you keep your resident frogs...
and the price if said weed? alcohol, is it even legal? price of other drugs? any qts?
I want to believe you, I've got a thing for the north and the whole polar night thing
but there are just more cons then pros to living up there
price does not matter when you can grow it off grid. It has has the same laws as Cali which is pretty lenient. Alcohol is everywhere. Most people are Aryan but a few mongol eskimos
I'm their Canadian neighbor
Juneau is nice
Good fish and chips
isnt alaska a crime ridden shitbox
I'm here now. It's a cold baron wasteland that only real men can survive in.
Yukon Territory or British Columbia?
If the former, what's it like living so far north? You in Whitehorse?
Not as good as Dawson apparently
all just snow
It's not bad, grew up here it's a small place and not much to do other than going innawoods
>price does not matter when you can grow it off grid
??? just like everywhere the fuck else
but if I'm not tending to my own garden, drug prices in Alaska are fucking astronomical
also lack of qts
however the gun laws over there, should be standard for all the states
friends of mine recently visited, talked about wal mart's extensive collection
damn, I guess Sup Forumsacks really are everywhere
where's this
Lots of abos are degenerate alchoholics and abuse drugs, my dad was abo and my mom is from Vancouver
It's not in fucking Whitehorse that's for sure.
Murder and prostitution.
I just want to know what mountain range it is user
Are you in Whitehorse then? I thought they kept the Klondike Inn open year round. I stayed there a few times but cant stand drinking there because every 19 year old feels the need to size you up for a fight.
Yeah grew up here
So has everyone else for the most part
They stay here and go crazy from cabin fever
Just the cities, but that's the same everywhere.
Drunk eskimos steal liquor.
okay My folks live up there and go there for summer vacation, sometimes christmas
Outside of Anchorage (where any libtards at all in alaska live)
I was fourwheeling in the mud and with my dogs and guns with my family.
We were all packed with tons of ammo and every single one of us at least a military grade shotgun and some of us had guns that can straight up kill a bull elephant and are designed too (we use them for the bears bc thyre fucking huge in some parts)
anyways were are so soacked in mud you can see any of the original color of our clothing and we are in masks and goggles also covered in mud, and have nothing but crazy ass firearms on us
and i we walk into a pancake house right by the trail in the middle of nowhere, no hostipital in miles and miles
the lady comes up to us we have guns in our hands and she asks happily "hey do you want the sunday special"
I am not even shitting you everyone else there was dressed like me
Alaska also had a pirate problem in the boonies. Have no idea how the make a living out there but most of htem have legit peglegs and eyepatches with the occasional sidekick midget and always with a cool looking bird that can talk
also everyone is durnk all the time
>cold baron wasteland
Illiterate yokel.
also when the oil pipe line was being built
the Mercury thermometers would never fucking work ever fucking ever. And so many people would get off the plane in prudoe bay area,
almost every single one of those crazy drunks ran back on the plan because they actually thought they accidentally flew to the fucking moon
I am not even kidding
it is so godamn cold and ther eis nothing but fat eskimos, crazy white people who can drink
and Russian hermits who are eithter orthodox or thieves or both that tame and ride mooses (my grandma swears to god almighty by it)
Mydad apparently outran a tank in the middle of fort, he wasnt in the military, but he was drunk too, so he and his friend got one of those shitty buggy cars and rode it thorugh one of these forts, somehow and those fuckers were so fuckign pissed they literally drove them off with tanks.
This was 50 years ago but the rest of the shit is mostly recent except for the piplelien sotory
everyone who is a real alaskan is totally totally nuts
and that's why I love it there
Nigga what the hell you talking about there's 250,000 people in that city
t. wasilla resident
The Crazy Russians riding mooses was suching a huge fucking problem that there is a law in the books right now that makes it totally illegal.
Fucking Russians they can never stop doing this shit. STOP FUCKING DOING THIS ITS REALLY ANNOYING
>Alaska also had a pirate problem in the boonies. Have no idea how the make a living out there but most of htem have legit peglegs and eyepatches with the occasional sidekick midget and always with a cool looking bird that can talk
u wot m8
Wife beating
Hunting and fishing
That's about it. If I ever feel like dropping off the face of the earth I'll move to some small town in alaska
I know you. You know me as well. Hi!
All I know is it's cold and people like to go there to shoot animals
Dont buy into the Cultured Native American thing
They eat eyeballs and shit for dinner, its' freaky and they all shop at walmart, do they even sell those things? This place is so wierd. Loss culture my ass its just a bunch of fat asians eating eyeballs in sheds surrounded by ice.
Soon to be Russian.
Haha. I wish they would try and invade.
AND only the lost cultured eskimos get to fucking hunt whales. WE BROUGHT IT TO THEM. US
They couldnt hunt a fucking baluga before they met us. AHHHHH
And we have a bear problem, even the wolves will try to eat you too. My grandma knows this lady that was jogging in and was dragged off by fucking wolves and was eaten alive, the firefigthers found her remains in the stomachs of wolves. Jesus christ DONT COME HERE WITHOUT A HUGE GUN. Thank God it's mostly liberals that get eaten, its seriously why they keep dissapearing
Nothing. Stay away. It's horrible here. You don't want to come. Just stay out.
I live in alaska ama
You mean, given away as a gift to Putin by Trump as a thank you for putting him into office?
what goes on in barrow?
Where do you live at?
Nothing except wife beating and cousin raping if my friend who works on the slope can be trusted.
Also the Jews run Alaska, they are in total control of this state, don't come here to escape the jews. They love it here, BC WE HAVE LOTS OF GOLD
Did you ever wodner the real reason why almost entire state of Alaska is quarantend for "Enviromental Purposes"
Fucking jews, they are everywhere here, literally jews here all around you all the time panning for gold or "saving the enviroment"
They literally look like this pic
so it's like west virginia but cold?
Except with all natives instead of white folk. Also cold and flat.
Also you will die of Cabin Fever if you marry, or yo will die because they Jews will get you, or you will die because you are literal retard so you got to get eaten by the bear to save teh world from"global warming"
oil drilling
and beautiful landscape
also /trv/ is a better place to post about this, or Sup Forums
This shit is real
Cabin Fever is real, your wife will kill you eventually these days I imagine. 100 years ago it was only "probably" But its the apocalypse so you better hightail it to the hills and befriend some jews sniff out gold for you
Dont come here its too dangerous
I was an USAF brat :P I was referring to Alaska in it's entirety.
>crazy russians
>huge problem
think I'll decide for myself what's crazy and what isn't
there is no link. You go up there and find all this you will if you know where to go. You stay in anchorage or eagle River dont expect much, but this shit does happned and it happned to my folks and their friends
fucking Russians
Fucking eskimos
fucking jews
You're full of shit.
Source. I live in the FNSB and know a good number of Russians.
Then they do it too I just fucking know it
>price of said weed
20 cents a gram last I heard
Moose kick the shit out of anyone who gets close to them 95% of the time. You're full of shit.
Actually that's wrong
20 dollars a gram
Actually I don't remember, it was 20 somethings
i am jelly.as.fuck
>What happens here?
cabin fever
Bad reality TV
Hiding from Police
Government land grabs
More cannibalism
That Too
Any Alaska anons still in here? Should I ask for a transfer to Juneau's airport as a glorified airport security guard in a few years? Loved trekking Denali and Anchorage years back, been meaning to visit again or just live there.
It's so bad people can't stop killing themselves. All the convicts and people who can't adapt to life in the lower 48 head to Alaska. It's great for those people. Any civilized person has no need to go to America's Australia.
$20 a gram is just right
matter of fact they charge $20 for .8 of a gram
no one ever should pay more then $50 for 3.5 grams (1/8), gets cheaper the more you buy
but that was like years ago
been clean, so not sure what the scene is like now days
but seriously, how much for a gram of coke, molly, or a d-wop bundle cost?
and don't many areas ban alcohol?
sounds like a blast
Wait for the housing to crash, it's on the horizon.
Can do, user. Thanks for the tip.
found the real alaskan.
a rainy day is called "a southeast sunny day" because it rains all the fucking time.
Second only to Hawaii. If you can survive here, the lower 48 is easy.
I've heard that the gender ratio imbalance means that 7/10s in the lower 48 are treated like 9/10s there and that it's very hard to find qts that are single
>it's very hard to find qts that are single
It's very hard to find a female that is single, qt or not. I once met a 3 that I really hit it off with but she was taken