Which button and why?


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I would kill all the blacks and Muslims because jews are white people.

Going green baby!

is it a meme to post weak bait now?

Two birds stoned at once


If all the blacks and muslims are gone then the jews have no more pawns. Also that means Afrika and the MIddle east are free clay. Asians are okay because jews fear the samurai


world population drops like 2 billion
the whole world would smell bad for like a year, but it would be worth it

everyone above me is a faggot

but what if the jews use their dirty tricks and bring forth another subrace to take their place?

Blue fixes green, green doesn'te fix blue

Jews have an extremely low population and low birth rate. You wouldn't need a magical button to wipe out what hitler missed.

Green. The numbers are just insanely disproportionate.


All poison flows from the jews. They are the masterminds who use blacks and muslims against us. Remove them, and the other minority groups can be deported back to their countries of origin and left to fend for themselves.




Green because then Jews have only got Asians to try to mix whites with.


The reason apes act like apes is because they're apes.


>press green
>zoroastrianism retakes the middle east

you idiots, he even put parenthesis around his name.. how are you baited so easily?

Green, the jews would then have to attack us directly, no pussyfooting around it

If I hit green Big Man Tyrone and Malik Obama are lost; if I hit blue no one's lost. Imma definately hit blue.

So you're saying that blacks and Muslims would be ok without Jewish people?


Green. I don't see any Jews flooding Europe.

Easily Jews, responsible for every war since Napoleon

But I don't want to kill them, I simply want them to go back


Green. Jews are a tiny minority. Niggers and Mudslimes are their weapons now.




Green one, because their culture is at least more similar to this of the "western" world.


are you high on drugs youre not making sense you just posted a rust cole pic reiterating what i said.

blue button. zootopia taught me that all races can live together when the jew is removed from the equation

Theres simoly too many blacks and muslims, jews can be managed.

But it does take away their tools.

>kill all jews
>economic collapse
>return to tribalism
>never have to see blacks or muslims for the rest of my life ever again

>pressing green after visiting pol for >5 minutes


blue is the only choice

sup shlomo hows hanuka going?

Killing all jews will free us of the artificial restraints preventing us from finishing off the rest.

Green, Jews are productive.

All human beings are apes. There are no biologically categorizable races. The lie of race is an historically specific ruse propagated by Capitalists in the 18th century in order to violently subjugate non-Europeans and seize their resources and usurp their labor.

The only correct button, and pill, is the red one: kill the bourgeoisie.


Blue. Cut off the head of the snake and the rest crumbles.

obviously get rid of the ones responsible for contemporary urban culture.

Things like rap would be nowhere near as big as it is. was literally all funded by jews and whatnot. Muslims are bad but so long as you close your borders and dont try to interact with them youll be fine. Let them just non stop war with each others.

Can't say for certain, but in my opinion once racial tensions stop being hyperinflated by jews, the world will fall back into order and at least they'll stick to killing each other instead of killing other countries.

>So you're saying that blacks and Muslims would be ok without Jewish people?

Not so much. In the case of blacks, it's the jew who riles them up and directs them to attack white people. And for muslims, it's the jew who attacks white nationalism, causing our societies to lay down our arms and accept being conquered. Without the jew, blacks wouldn't cause nearly as many problems (and thus can be controlled or deported as required) and we would have the strength to fight back against the Islamist fifth column taking root in our societies.


green because it has the most impact.

I am colorblind so I choose gray and hit both buttons.

With no colored people and mooselimbs, the jews wouldn't have any puppets to race bait with

Purple. Jews would initiate a nuclear war after they realizing that their major pawns were removed.

So you remove the Jew first and the rest will be removed afterwards.

It's like a tick:
>green = remove the body
>purle = remove the head


Blue. Niggers kill each other with time.

Kill Blacks/Muslims. The Jews' only remaining weapon will be socialism, and if the Blacks/Muslims were still around there are enough jewesque people around to continue weaponizing blacks and muslims.

Jews are easier to get rid of. There's far less of them and they won't put up as much of a fight

Green because there are black jewish people

Blue, so as to cut off the serpents head.

these button colors are racist.

Button Lives Matter

All blacks/muslims

Jews make ethnic problems worse

cant say blacks/muslims make the jewish problem worse.
wouldent say blacks do much of anything actually.

Hate to break it to you but ultra-orthodox jews have like seven kids per couple.

that thing is just fucking creepy, this was a childrens show?

Anyone who says anything other than muslims/blacks is beyond saving. Why the fuck would you rather get rid of less than a percent of the world population when you can get rid of all muslim countries and nigger countries to then occupy with white people?

Kek is green you fucking idiots.

>There are no biologically categorizable races.

Is that right?

>The only correct button, and pill, is the red one: kill the bourgeoisie.

Oh, is that right?


The Eternal Jew will find a way, friend. They'll start focusing on spics first.

Green. Muslims are currently a bigger issue here at the moment.

Although if you added a chink button I might have to stop and think for a while


Green. Eliminate the most immediate danger.

If we kill all blacks/muslims Jews lose all their manpower.




I don't think Santa really said that

Green because then all the cannon fodder for the Jews is removed

Green, that's a massive problem eradicated in one go. Without their puppets, Jews are powerless. All of that fertile land being open up will boom economies, life will be good.

green because there are only like 15 million jews but around 2 billion niggers/muslims


lel watch his video youtube.com/watch?v=D7MsSuLwOVA

The kikes won't ever find anything as awful to as the green people to inflict ipon us


Shiet Varg started making some really interesting videos.

there would still be Hispanics to deal with but at least europe would be 100% safe


If Green included Native Americans (the flavour of brown in Mexico and South America) I would agree with you.

no, they're not.

Jews can be dealt with on a political level, only an elite minority is a problem.



Without the ability to weaponize blacks/muslims Jews will be basically powerless.

It would take a long time to breed enough of them to be a problem.

IQ tests are racist

The JEW is a degenerated pig whose species must be destroyed in order to have a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Niggers wouldn't such problems today if it wasn't for the god-damned JEW!

Oy vey goyim these women are the same

Jews are obviously the worst. They made blacks and muslims a problem. without jews in a few generations blacks will be Carlton and muslims will just be in the middle east

Reality is racist

Blue then race war