African Muslim Immigrants flooding Mexico. All are men over 20 and only speak African.
Things have been quite for awhile, but how much longer will they be quiet for?
>should we watch Mexico and its border carefully?
>could a mass rush by all of them cause Obama just to allow them in?
>how did they even get there?
Mexibros, can you give us any details to the situation?
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The screen cap
>and only speak African
Ladies and gentlemen, american education.
Do they teach you African languages instead of Finnish over there or something?
they're waiting for obama to give the word and they conquer california.
luckily for california the most cruel and fucked up piece of shit live there, specifically the kinds of men who make mexicans and islam terrorism look like child's play. There are sick degenerate freaks just waiting, sleeping with knives praying for a chance to split open a belly and play jump rope with entrails for an early morning delight.
there will never be a slaughter so through as when californians make their move and they will. Nothing controls californians but demons and pure evil. islam and mexico terrorists and cartels are God fearing and God serving men. Those who dwell in California want to do worse than slaughter these tools like pigs, they want to enslave them and live freely off the broken dreams, hearts and souls of the defeated.
Mfw the cartels start peeling their faces off.
Been to Mexico this month.
Came back through Tijuana. Saw many, many non-U.S. blacks, usually in large groups, all over the downtown area. Have been through TJ many times before, and this was never the case. This is 100% true and it is a new phenomenon.
A mexican friend said they were "refugees" getting asylum or something, from Haiti or South Africa, IIRC.
>tfw you get mad because someone is invading your invader
things are this bad
probably just niggers from places like brazil and argentina are they not?
>and only speak African.
>African is now a language
yeah, there are a lot of niggers, but they are all in the border with US in Tijuana.
>pseudo intellectual redditors feigning superiority by pretending they know all the primitive african dialects
>yet too stupid to understand that it's a valid umbrella term
Fuck off and search for praise elsewhere.
Scandinavians males are experts on African languages, they pick it up during their sessions with Jamal.
now you can see that the spiriual forces at work here are not focused on ethnic genocide of the whites, but rather of Christianity, which keeps this earth alive
what is this
who gives a flying fuck what the official name of their clicking lip smacking language is you autistic gook
It's a catch all. Like saying Asian languages.
hopefully you because youre a nigger.
id slit your fucking throat if you ever came here beaner
not sure about muslim immigrants but here in Baja we have been flooded by haitians, here in Mexicali there is one nigger in every corner cleaning windshields.
>how did they even get there?
diversity and cultural enrichment coming to texass and california
they have been here in a while I'm from mexicali so I see them around but tbqh they are not that much of a problem
Can't wait until the cartels are somali
That's funny to hear because I'm going to Canada in 4 months.
I could fuck your wife in front of you and no, you would not do anything.
They're not a problem because they're all entering the US.
Get this to some based So Cal reporters or blogs. This is absolutely fucked up.
Has crime in those areas gotten worse, are you sure most are just Haitians?
The same thing homeless people in US do too? Try to wash your car at a red light with a dirty rag, and want money for it?
nope they are not the US are not letting nogs in not even kids they'll probably go back or stay here, some of them are getting jobs already but they dont even speak English lol
Guy mentioned his local news had reported on it, anyone have a link to other stories?
if anything other immigrants or local bums are messing with them no chimping out or anything
ISIS Cartel War when? Place your bets.
African isn't a language moron, get the fuck out.
yeah same shit, I've also heard that the state government helped many of them get jobs and I've seen many of them working in places like grocey stores or car washes.
I saw some chinese qts the other day. No niggers in Monterrey 'mexico es white' NL
Implying they don't secretly do business together.
Don't forget the Muslims grow the opium that the cartels need
*click click ogaa ugggghhh click click wawazuzu click pop*
nigganese then.
Get fucked.
they sure learn fast from the local bums
it's just the border cities but we are getting BLACKED
So in general, the Jews are behind Islamic terrosim and the cartel. Those bastards.
Mexicali is a shithole. Nothing of value was blacked
Assorted forms of African languages.
You've seen the vid too huh.
>starting shit in Mexico
even africans have common sense
They are trying to pull the same thing their African cousins did in Europe.
It can never be unseen or heard.
Karma is a bitch isn't it. Don't let them take over like we have let you guys do to us.
where you from kid
More the the CIA and their drug smuggling bosses
Don't forget we back the sinoloas(federation) cartel against the los Zetas and the zetas(I think it was) got caught running a isis training camp
Damn. I don't like Mexico, but I woukd hate to see your country become Brazil 2.1
nigger fleeing to the west because hes a retard and his own country is shit
cant say im surprised. dont worry everyone here will think of you as a subhuman low iq retard
There are some in the Tamaulipas-Texas border too, at least in my city. They are from Haiti, or so they say so,
CDMX. Odiame mas
>All are men over 20 and only speak African
Good job monkey friend
>I can't tell if it's autists trying to derail the thread with the "african" thing or actual shills
I think the point they are making is that they don't speak American.
Dude, I doubt they will stay here, they will try to enter your country as soon as they can.
That's a lot of tired hungry niggers.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Mexico a mostly Catholic country? Is that why kebab is being sent to Mexico? Why else would Soros and his buddies sent kebab to Mexico besides entering the US through the border? Are the Mexicans meant to start off the next Crusade?
>Chilango calling any place on the planet a shithole
jajajaja, at least we don't blow ourselves up like retards
The point I'm making is he's a retard.
You're retarded.
Are the Zetas a CIA creation
We are truly uneducated retards. This country needs to fall
That wall can't come soon enough.
Pls Trump, build it quickly. And add in some well-armed turrets to mow these animals down.
Been habbening for a while lad
I wouldn't doubt it. These are people who toppled a government for a fruit company after all.
You do know that is edomex right?
>powder and misplaced tents are somewhat related to engineering
>Edomex = CDMX
EducaciĆ³n provinciana
not even worth the (you) tbqh
buscarles trabajo y mas gibmedats
I voted for Trump.
I did my duty.
What the fuck. Are you a Eskimo or a spic. God damn. Mexicans need to Lose weight .
why cant we get a boat load of hot ukrainian women for once
There are over 50 African languages
>speak African
American education. You can't make this shit up.
It's just another form of doubling down. Only so many people can cross the southern border per day, so obviously you can't increase that. What you can do instead is bring in people that are even worse.
Mfw I started all of it because I didn't think people cared
the spics we send to the US are usually pure native that's why they are all brown fat midgets.
Figures. All the good Mexicans stay home while the undesirables come here instead. Why don't you guys just Tacocaust them?
CIA/mossad runs the large drug shipments into the US so they can keep black operations funding off the books. Zetas are currently funded(not entirely obviously) by countries like Iran and Venezuela so we're probably looking at an enemy that we keep around to justify a larger budget and sphere of influence/operations. since we have already chosen the federation(Publicly) like we did with the Cali against Escobar
Cucked by a government that needs their votes.
I voted for Hillary. Sadly, the wall will be built and these low IQs would be able to come in.
I only believe the happenings when I see SKYKING thread.
You need to create better bait my man. Too easy. Try blending in first
They're hard to exterminate plus the southern border is wide open so more injuns from central America keep pouring in.
Mexico is the one that needs the wall
It's not bait, because I didn't vote for Hillary.
Our border patrol delivers the goods from time to time
Fucking neocons passed that human rights bill making it really hard to impose some authority though