>Been on youtube since 2009 meaning he's not hopping on the Alt-Right/Trump phenomena
>Stayed loyal to himself, kinda likes Trump but doesn't suck his dick for views and money
>Bodybuilding body
>Straight conservative and Constitutionalist
>Good Catholic
>Was a virgin until he got married even though he's attractive as fuck
>Aryan wife
>Apparently has an irrational hatred for Jews
Thoughts on Crowder?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Irrational hatred for Jews
can such a thing exist
RWR (Right Wing Retard)
The Banana Man cucked him years ago
Hating Jews is not irrational. Hatred for the kikes is totally justified.
>Apparently has an irrational hatred for Jews
yeah right nice try
he's as blue pilled as someone can get
die hard wall street defender
controlled opposition
stop spamming these gate keepers
and you listen to that guy even after the banana incident?
sometimes is ok but is generally kind of a faggot.
He's a slightly above average chubby white guy at best.
i'm not saying he's brad pitt but definitely attractive
You sound like a shill desu
hes a brain dead retard.
he failed at stand up comedy so he became a """news""" show.
hes no different from someone like john oliver, except hes on the right
Tf are you gay? Wait
Steven get the fuck off this board
He's a conservative, which is rare in this world since the conservative movement has been hijacked by (((conservatives))). He thinks all races are equal, so ultimately he's bluepilled. People like him give the excuse of black people having fatherless children as the reason why they're fucking useless poor niggers. He wouldn't have a problem with more demographic changes until the point where it's too late.
Listen, I say gas'em all but this guys a little too extreme even for me. I mean what the hell, the guy is suck.
I'm a shill for pointing out that he's an attractive guy? like I said, he's not brad pitt, but can you call him ugly?
>>Bodybuilding body
Dreamer bulk body
>conservative and Constitutionalist
So a cuck? He's an unfunny faggot.
>He thinks all races are equal, so ultimately he's bluepilled.
and how do you think he would survive as a public figure if he had a different opinion? he's not behind the computer like us, he has to compromise a little, do you talk about the things you post here with your friends? I'm sure you don't so try to put yourself in his shoes
You're ugly. Fuck off Steven
Terribly unfunny, phony catholic who thinks he's badass but didn't shoot a load til his 30s? He fucking sucks.
>phony catholic
>didn't shoot a load til his 30's
bit of an inconsistency there
he can not comment on the issue.
shapiro is the same way and he says he has no problem with the usa being flooded with niggers and spics provided they have 'american values', and is too stupid to realize they are inherently stupid and will never be productive members of society because of their low iq
He's not a closet white nationalist, or he is and is incredibly skilled at hiding it. I haven't seen any hints of him being like us. Either way, you're right.
Who does comment on the IQ issue?
he's all right
Shapiro is a kike, and consequently a neocon. He speaks fluent conservative, but every so often those neocon values are revealed. Like being OK with assassinations of public figures. It became really obvious this election because despite supporting Bush, McCain and Romney, all very much NOT fucking conservative at all, he refused to support Trump because, well, he's a fucking neocon.
again, there's things you can't say if you wanna be a public figure, iq differences is an extremely taboo subject, you talk about shit like that, suddenly your credibility is gone
>Almost as gay as Milo
>good catholic
>good cock sucking cracker eating cum gobbler
Personally I watch Brother Nathanael.
what's the alternative, being an autistic pagan or an edgy atheist?
>Apparently has an irrational hatred for Jews
I like him but he's a literal jew and nothing close to a priest or whatever he dresses as.
Steven "I will not rest until every synagogue is reduced to powder" Crowder?
Not everyone respects crowder here, but i do respect this madman for partly being responsible for giving us this gif
>banana incident?
That's not similar to Gavin's "incident" is it?
actually I'm afraid to ask.
cringy retard
So crowder and Shapiro are both sucking pc cock. Or maybe they are not racist as pol because they judge people for individuals rather than their race, because we are not some tribalist asians.
Never heard of him.
He wasn't a virgin but his wife was. Not a shill, just wanted to clarify
>Good Catholic
He's Protestant
>Was a virgin until he got married even though he's attractive as fuck
That's not true, he admitted he slept around a lot. Apparently he and his now wife didn't have sex in their relationship before marriage because he got more serious about his religion.
He's an Orthodox priest, and every single video of his is shitting on Jews, primarily because he was raised as one until he left to become an Orthodox Christian.
He's even pointing out the Jewish/pro-Zionist influence that Trump is surrounding himself with right now.
Example: youtube.com
>>Was a virgin until he got married even though he's attractive as fuck
Most impressive thing actually.
it's a video of the amazing atheist sticking a banana up his ass, no biggie
He'a pretty based
We're finally breaking into the mainstream and half the retards on here hate him because "hurr durr he doesn't scream gas the kikes every 5 seconds".
A war is won one battle at a time
People say never punch right but that guy is Eichmann tier. He's not even a nationalist socialist, not really. He'd support any ideology he could get to support a genocide. Do not trust him. (Please don't kill me.)
Nathanael has always been based. He's one of the few YTers who didn't get sucked in by the Trump memes.
Making SJWs make themselves look ridiculous and pointing out their flawed logic is really easy. Not much talent required. Try pointing out that the MSM is controlled by racist anti-white jews.
Are there any others? Bro Nat doesn't necessarily put up videos often, and I've pretty much watched them all.
Problem, Reaction, Solution
Postition and Oposition
Hegelian Dialectic
I don't know, I don't really watch YTers much but he's been known on Sup Forums forever and hasn't let me down yet like some other (((alt-right))) fags.
>thinks that physique is not the result of consistent training
Dyel detected. People not on roids never look great. He looks pretty good for natty
He's a normie liberal and chad nationalist that likes to laugh a SJWs.
He's a street preacher and dresses the part. He's not ordained I'm nearly certain. His parents are jewish and it's how he grew up. What he says is based, I just wonder how honest is is to himself.
MERKEL PURPOSEFULLY ALLOWING ISIS TO OPERATE IN THE EU Germany is intentionally allowing ISIS to infiltrate and operate within the EU with the hope that they will create major terror incidents. Merkel wants this to happen so that she can use her newly formed EU Army to occupy Europe and force states to abandon plans to leave the EU.
The recent "suicide" of NATO's Chief Auditor was tied to this as he had uncovered evidence that NATO weapons and armor were being diverted to help supply and equip the new EU Army, which is already partially formed and operational:
I think he's a total not, I mean even his body laguage screams aspie, but I believe he's genuine and I enjoy listening to him.
Trump's surrounding himself with neocons and Zionists,so I'm surprised Shapiro hasn't warmed up to him.
I don't see him talked about on Sup Forums much anymore, as Alex Jones/InfoWars shilling has become too apparent here since the primaries. I don't even watch much on Youtube aside from the occasional video posted here, but the only person I'm subscribed to is Bro Nat.
He seems to be very invested to Orthodox Christianity, as he denounces Jews in each video he's made. In fact, he even has a set of videos detailing him leaving Judaism and becoming Orthodox.
He's entry-level for decucktamination.
If you're a true nationalist, you'll grow tired of his wishy-washy nature in a hurry, just like with PJW or some of those youtube fags who keep getting shilled on here.
Some of Trump's picks aren't good but surrounding himself with neocohens? Get real.
Once again, who are the people you would recommend to watch over them. Stop fucking preaching about these people are not good enough and not provide an alternative, is it because there are barely no youtubers out there that are autistic enough to comment on iq and the jews and not get rejected?
He already has a good amount of them on his team. Trump is as kosher as they come.
What was gavins incident?
Ayyy look at this angry shitcunt m8s
Try reading facken noonga. But if you must watch something whilst between cans of petrol I suppose the list would go
cat videos < gun videos < ... < Ben Shapiro < Crowder < Milo Memeopolous < Stephan Molymeme < PJW < Varg < Ramzpaul < Golden One (he's more redpilled than Ramz believe it or not) < Red Ice < Richard B. Spencer < literal Hitler speeches
I count two. How many do you count, and what are their names?
He shoved a dildo up his ass on a live show to show how edgy he was for the kids
Are you also counting Jared Kushner, one of Trump's top adviser's as well as his son in law? He pretty much got Crispy Kreme kicked off the transitional team, as CC jailed his dad a decade ago.
I want your next post to have an actual list of names. He was on the transitional team in the first place because Trump thought that he wouldn't totally fuck things up. Then he fucked things up so Pence had to take over. Again, I want your next post to have an actual list of names.
Except I already read, I wasn't asking for reading material burger.
I well I've already watched everyone on that list as well, guess I have to stick with petrol sniffing and hitler speeches.
hes /ourguy/
I wish I could say what I really think about Steven "Minority Children Scream Louder" Crowder.
He talked a lot of shit about Trump
His Turks parody was pretty spot-on desu senpai
Mattis (Which isn't too bad, but he, as does much of Trump's cabinet has much support for Israel, painting Iran as the modern equivalent of the USSR).
Nikki Haley
Rick Perry
Reince Preibus
Michael Flynn
There's also Steve Bannon, who I'll reserve my judgmenets, but whom is also pro-Israel. The only way for us to truly be free is to rid ourselves of Israeli parasites and their neocon bootlickers. I'm wondering now how Trump will deal with Putin, especially since Putin is pro-Assad and on good terms with Iran.
Hey whatever. His comedy bits are pretty funny.
His commentary can be okay, is often pretty tedious. His guests are terrible and mostly just talk about how lefties are dummies and how someone called them a cuck on twitter once.
He should just go the full-on comedy route and do funny shit that happens to make fun of snowflakes.
This exactly
>Was a virgin until he got married
Actually, he just didn't fuck his wife until they were married. Which was probably pretty easy for him seeing as he's a closeted fag.
He is legit
Funny as hell too
Christ the man was waterboarded for fun (and sure, ratings)
Never fails to make me laugh
As Ben Shapiro wisely said re: how to defeat the left when they have total control of the media/culture,
We have to learn to love the fight.
Crowder LOVES the fight, and goddamnit he has fun while he does it.
On a related note, I joined the mug club today.
I want my dollars going to people who are taking a stand against leftist scum, and he is great at making them all look like the total morons they are...
He is definitely "our guy"
(The virgin till marriage thing is a little odd desu, but nobody's perfect...)
chowder is a koch sucker. But there's nothing wrong with that. I like Kochs, too.
He really impressed me with that waterboarding demonstration.
I honestly think he's really not very high IQ and uses very simple populist arguments without nuance.
Pretty based tho.