What would happen if all jobs on the planet got replaced by robots?
Could this procedure create the perfect example of a communist system that actually works?
What would happen if all jobs on the planet got replaced by robots?
Could this procedure create the perfect example of a communist system that actually works?
who makes the robots and repairs them when they break?
I said every job
wow I can't beleive you're actually advocating for the genocide of the entire human race
reported to your fascist government
enjoy your 6 month prison sentence
robots would cause our death
I think it might work as long as we have robots that weed out the humans who don't contribute to the "maintenance tax".
Go shitpost on Sup Forums or www.faggit.com
I realize you are new to this whole concept of "freedom of speech" but pls try to keep up
>Could this procedure create the perfect example of a communist system that actually works?
Why would it?
Robots can't own themselves, and in this scenario the robots are both the workers and the means of production. Communism is an obsolete economic theory from the 19th century and attempting to apply it to automated industrial systems of the 21st century makes about as much sense using geocentrism to describe orbital mechanics in modern astronomy.
> "freedom of speech"
enjoy your "freedom", while your wife gets raped by a nignog and your 5y old son becomes a transfaggot
>Communism is an obsolete economic theory from the 19th century
This is why we can't just focus on STEM, history is important.
ya but you realize the difference between me and you is that I'm allowed to object to that, whereas you are not
chiggady checked out of statistical probablility
> history is important
Which history do you mean? The one that says america is the best fucking country on the planet or do you mean the one that says that jews are the victims?
People are also claiming that 6 gazillion jews died or that stalin murdered 60 million people, but there is no evidence to that...
thank you for proving my point. The Holocaust is the single most documented event in human history, no one can deny it. Same goes for the Terrors.
I will pretend you are not trolling.
Of course, but it couldn't happen in a capitalist society.
ok faggot
I challenge you to show me ONE picture that proves jews were killed en masse by the nazi party
just. one. picture.
>inb4 he posts a picture of russian mass graves
>most documented event in human history
checked and everything senpai but that's a bit of a stretch
When we reach the singularity, this will be maybe the 10th most important question to ask. It will only happen after the singularity. When it happens, everything, EVERYTHING, will be different.
Only applies to the federal government, of which states are a subsidiary, but not inclusive of nongovernmental persons or private corporations.
Freedom of speech is an inalienable human right granted by God, and to use weasel logic to justify allowing non-state actors to infringe upon it is to completely miss the point of the Bill of Rights.
It's not your fault though.
(((They))) have worked very hard for decades to completely undermine the concept of natural rights and pervert it for their own ends.
If that were true, you couldn't strip them from felons by the consitution, nor would you need to invoke god like a good muzzie. Just like there wouldn't be the outrage over the EC voting as they please and for Hillary, just the end of it being Hillary.
Find the people who make/maintain the robots and kill them. Problem solved
made me think
>What would happen if all jobs on the planet got replaced by robots?
Well you can't eally replace all of them. Most of them yes, but there'll always be a niche demand in various bits of the service sector, in the arts, in research and in management.
But, let's assume that that's all that's left and the overhhelming majortiy of people won't have a job, period. Then either a comprehensive quasi-communist social safety net is established by society/the government or we get mass impoverishment and the breakdown of society in violent mass revolution.
Remember, modern social safety nets were invented in the 19th century specifically to defuse the growing instability caused by having a significant segment of the population impoverished and teetering on the brink of starvation.
It cannot economically work. Everyone will be too poor to buy new tvs and cars. Jobless people will live a subsistence lifestyle. It will suck to not be working.