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It's cool when he BTFOs liberals but wish he would stop making this retarded face.
That's one of the good things about him though
He looks at people like they are crazy and he's concerned. Fucks with their heads.
It's a sign that the tuck is going to strike. Like a snake that sits straight up before attacking.
She wasn't as pathetic as some of the guests he has on the show, to be fair
desu, tuck comes off as an asshole here, she actually had some semblance of a point, but she was trying to act too cool for school
She sounded so nervous and cringy.
Still, she's hot. She's probably sad right now and I'd love to cuddle with her.
thats like, one of the best parts though...
Now or soon is the right time for him to up the caliber of his guests. She's a teen mag writer, she could get BTFO by an eraser.
She is shit. You don't cuddle with shit.
This ugly Ana Kasparian Jewess would steal your weed and cuck you with a nigger in 5 seconds.
Why ruin a trademark? It's a part of his schtick and he's getting known for it.
I think it's cute < ' u ' >
he's taking a shit during the interview. one of the perks of working at fox.
What did she mean by this?
> Says Trump is anti women
> Does not say how he is anti women
>You should stick to the thigh high boots you were better at that
I feel like he could have slain her much easier though. Her article and tweets were so weak anyone could have knocked them down but for some reason he let her dance around it too much
>You should stick to the thigh-high boots, you're better at that.
Last 5 seconds of the interview when he mentions thigh highs and she loses her shit during the transition.
Got me wet.
I liked that old guy who he replaced better
I think his first name was Brit but I can't remember his last name
I seriously hate fucking retards like this cunt. how can you make a tweet like what she said, where the story being talked about most is Ivanka getting yelled at on the plane, and say that your tweet has nothing to do with that fact. Its fucking mind boggling how retarded some of these fucking retards can be. Like yeah no shit you didn't literally fucking say it in the tweet, but there's a fucking thing called context and implications. Seriously these inbred fucks need to be gassed. Thank god Tucker just laughs at the retardation these people spew at him.
Why does anyone willingly go onto Tucker's show? Do they think that this time will be different? This time Tucker won't be prepared to address my points?
Also: when the fuck did jewtube start showing ads halfway through videos? At about 8 minutes in it faded out and played some 15 second local ad an then came right back. When did this become a thing? Oh shit, now it's shilling Youtube Red, which is apparently some premium jewtube thing. What the fuck is going on?!?!
Its been a thing for years now desu, get a ad blocker or some shit if you dont want to deal with it
honestly that's what i love about his show
also dude get ublock origin ffs
It's to force you to throw shekels at them for their premium no-ad service.
Thats the best part. He humours them for like five minutes before shifting up a gear and blowing them the fuck out.
His interviews wouldnt be entertaining if he just went all out at the start
How the fuck is Fox News now the a bastion of rationality compared to other networks?
Reality truly shifted that one fateful night on November 9th.
Lefties think they BTFO him.
>Insane chick constantly talking about how she thinks Ivanka smells
Dyke confirmed.
I want to smell Ivanka, bet she really does smell like vanilla
>Why does anyone willingly go onto Tucker's show? Do they think that this time will be different? This time Tucker won't be prepared to address my points?
It goes something like this:
>Be head-deep in your liberal circlejerk
>Every post you ever see is about how Trump is evil and anti-women
>Don't understand the other side of any argument because you never see it
>Think you know everything when you don't (See: Mt. Stupid)
>Some guy on the news wants to debate me, I've never lost an argument on the internet, so this should be easy!
That's why these people write outrageous articles and tweets. They don't even try to appeal to seem approachable to any other opinion because they truly believe other views don't exist
It's like if someone on Sup Forums went to a liberal debate show expecting to win. You won't. Unless you've been debating for a long time against the other side you'll never come out on top
>Also: when the fuck did jewtube start showing ads halfway through videos?
Why don't you have ublock?
how desperate and pathetic
she is the enemy,, you can only rape the enemy
it's a simian tactic, it's the ((Fox News)) equivalent of this lady's liberal "REALLY??" face
rather than create any dialogue or hone any capability of getting his opponent to consider an alternative to their position, he tightens his face in a gesture so that the viewer subconsciously mirrors his intended display regardless of whether he has any content
if Sup Forums keeps this blind libtard-bashing, "conservative" clickbaiting meme up they're just going to keep the pendulum swinging and the next wave of cool edgy memesters are going to be neo-bolsheviks
My thoughts. The most prominent progressives are the ones that take advantage of it as progressive ideology consist on discrimination of the majority in favor of the minority.
they found a new demographic thanks to trump's campaign team
Top laff what did she say when they cut her mic off? "Tucker, you're a dick"?
It'll cool down in like a year though, it already has to some extent. Its not like we could stop the counter memes if they were overwhelming the memes we aren't accustomed to if they begin to over power our memes. Memes are much bigger than that
>if Sup Forums keeps this blind libtard-bashing, "conservative" clickbaiting meme up they're just going to keep the pendulum swinging and the next wave of cool edgy memesters are going to be neo-bolsheviks
That would be nice. We need the left to radicalize itself even more until is plain for normies to see how fucked up progressives are when taken to their logical conclusion.
>You should stick to the thigh-high boots...you're better at that
Fucking gold
cant untuck the cuck
this is true. However his face looks more like a disappointed/disgruntled father scolding his child. Something most of these pussies were missing in their childhood.
You're a sexist pig
sounded to me like
"You're sexist and"
>"You're a sexist pig."
>You should stick to the thigh-high boots, you're better at that.
90 iq? 95? why does she act like cliquey teen
It's called an expression. If someone came up to me and started telling me how Ivanka Trump smelled like vanilla i'd have the exact same reaction.
She was contradicting herself and rambling like a retard. His reaction was appropriate.
Would totally rail desu, something about the hair and mindless babbling, you know she not only is a freak, but does anal too.
she said something in response but i can't quite make it out :^)
what could it mean pol?
She looks beat. Bitter and jaded 30-something cat lady with fucked up eyebrows.
use adblocker or mpv, no ads forever
>perceived slight
>all of the sudden turns into a finger waving "oh honey" sassy gay man/black woman
why do white liberal women do this? and why doesn't anybody ever call them out for cultural appropriation since they are so concerned with that sort of thing.
So that's two of his guests who were bombarded with assault Pepes.
whatever dude, you can't avoid that this is the equivalent of atheists going on youtube to watch "hitchslaps", it does nothing but give Fox views or give ((Youtube)) better demographic analysis of le alt right
Found the cuck
She's an employed writer w/ a BA from Fordham and an MFA from NYU. She should be able to hang. Tucker only has a BA from Trinity.
Doesn't bother me. It just means I can reciprocate with all the condescending banter I want. Theirs is usually pretty weak anyway
Thanks, I looked through 3 potential folders to try and find this picture. Not in my Pepe folder, root of my Trump folder, or in my Pepe folder under my Trump folder.
My folder structure is a bit out of whack but it makes sense to me. I'm like that autistic genius that the main character approaches in the library to solve a murder because I have so much knowledge on this weird fringe thing no one cares about, but is somehow useful to this case.
while you're memeing over some ((Fox News)) clips, your cousins in Europe are being plowed by muslim men, who is the cuck here
She was stumped and had to default to the tired and cliche SEXIST PIG! Sad.
she claimed that banning immigrants from terror-prone parts of the world (most of which happen to be muslim, lets be honest) somehow takes away the sovereignty of their religion... ?? whatever that means?? There are 1.5 billion mudslimes in the world, and plenty of countries where they can enjoy a mudslime theocracy if they so choose. Her argument is retarded.
That would be like saying America banning immigration from Nazi Germany was attacking the sovereignty of Nazi Germany.
El oh el
And your field of expertise is Pepes?
we need a meme name for this face
I didn't know that. I'm working on my BS rn and could give a better argument than her, what a disgrace.
Because maybe 1,000 people read their blog articles, 50-100 retweet their snark ... and Tucker pulls in 2-3 MILLION viewers a night. They don't want to blog for life, they want a more prestigious job, so they NEED to go on shows like Tucker's to get noticed.
>Le Tucker Fish-face
I don't have a problem with condescension, just the pretending to be something they aren't. I think they should be mocked for this sort of thing.
He was rope a doping. He knew he could slay her at any moment...he let it carry on to carry a segment and get all the material he needed.
He'd get five million viewers or more if they gave him Kelly's timeslot.
>You should stick to the thigh-high boots, you're better at that
>Her fucking face
I'm assuming Tucker was a debater in high school and college. He has the quick wit of an Ivy lawyer.
What did she mean by trump destroying sovereignty of religion? What does that even mean?
This is the funniest shit I've seen in months.
you like him so much you cant even remember his name
You go on YouTube for entertainment. Boo hoo hoo.
Mate, they already know everything about you. Start speaking Spanish around your smartphone for fifteen minutes. Watch what types of ads you get.
Carlson got BTFO like the partisan hack he is.
Hopefully, she simply looked up the definition quickly and used it as a metaphor for freedom of belief. Although, you can never tell with these leftist types, and she may actually believe that religion, on its own, has some sort of governing power.
>You should stick to the thigh high boots, you're better at that
>look of utter shock and disbelief
lol you're beyond cucked
What point did she have she literally contradicted everything she posted on twitter which is the only reason she was on the show in the first place to defend what she wrote and he pointed out how hypocritical she was being and her response was to be extremely sarcastic and to try to insult his intelligence to which tuck beat her at her own game
Yea I don't really get this one either. If it were anyone else making this face Sup Forums would call them a mouthbreather
He had to have been, he enjoys it too much
that goodbye was savage af
Kill yourself
>you will never take a long whiff of Ivanka
Muh thigh high feminist
>The very end cutting off her going "YOU'RE A SEXIST SOMETHING SOMETHING"
You'll have to forgive me for living in modern society instead of sitting by candlelight knitting.
>defending a minstrel show as 'femenist'
I wish that these segments were given more time. Libcucks like to mouth off about diversity and tolerance for a billion years before finally reaching the crux of their argument, if they even remember to get there. Tuck has to hurry on up and force them to answer the question because of that.