What are your honest thoughts on this man?
What are your honest thoughts on this man?
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he's based. no one can present an argument against his points
I saw his arguments with a flat earth guy. I didnt like that he disrespected the mans view. What if he turns out to be correct in 10 years, how stupid is it to disrespect somebodies theory before you understand it?
Ironically there was once a time when people laughed at those who believed the world was round now its the opposite.
He looks like my old neighbor which is pretty fuggin funny
>I didnt like that he disrespected the mans view. What if he turns out to be correct in 10 years, how stupid is it to disrespect somebodies theory before you understand it?
not an argument
>Ironically there was once a time when people laughed at those who believed the world was round now its the opposite.
not an argument
same smdh desu senpai. he looks just like one of my old teachers
He bring a lot of good points to the table on subjects but you can hear the bias in his words so he comes across a cunt which probably puts a lot of people off his views.
No, there wasn't
Flat earthers are literal retards
What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?
He refuses to name the jew like Lauren Southern and Paul Watson
An interesting guy but I think he's kinda nuts and also incredibly arrogant. I guess he's just more honest than most of us. I like him more than not.
no arguments here
Yeah it is. Your just mad that you cant come up with a good counter argument so you claim that im not arguing.
No they are correct. Your brainwashed.
/bro/ tier
este wey es muy cabron, nadian lo puede chingar. su entrevista con Lauren Southern me gusto in chingo.
He's a blessing from the realms of reason and evidence.
A great activist.
We need more like him.
I'll blind you with my autist turbo jizz, how about that
cult leader
He raises some good points, but won't name the Jew
** you're
Sorry. Seriously though, round (ish) other planets, stars, sun etc, but earth is totally flat and is the only flat entity in space?
He milks Sup Forums like the collectivist cows they are.
/r/ Molyneux in Breivik diving gear
epic meme man who's too stupid for most of Sup Forums so he panders to Sup Forums's retarded little brother, the_donald
you think this is an argument? think again.
He reminds me of Walter White. they're both ancaps too.
>Flat earther
>Respect their arguement
Jesus fucking Christ, you have to be kidding. How do you explain that you can only see 7 miles out to sea?
Because if he were to say that he visits/thanks Sup Forums,his credibility as a non-racist race realist will go down. Same thing with Zyklon Ben and Trump.
Well, more like you don't talk about how you go to Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is like a toilet. You don't talk to people about shitting and pissing. Same thing with not talking about Sup Forums.
Fucking kek been awhile since I've seen that copypasta
He seems right about a lot but he is often unwatchably anoying
wow, looks like we've found the "relatavistic goo" he mentioned in his last video about leftists.
Based. Taught me the value of the noncoercion principle and how to use it to spot ideology masquerading as ethics.
(((controlled))) opposition
Based. I've been watching him for years. Long before he was on Sup Forumss radar.
A lot of other libertarians tend to not like him because he has a more pragmatic approach to achieving a libertarian society than most libertarians, who see pragmatism as steps back.
Kind of like someone who says they're pro-gun, but supports a bill that would eliminate constitutional carry, but guarantee shall issue.
I agree, but all flat earthers do is irl shitpost.
Nothing but coincidences and circle logic.
When Steffy made a point he would just quote some vague video or say "I don't believe that because I personally haven't seen it."
looks like a leaf
>he doesn't know
There is absolutely no reason to respect another person's argument, only to analyze it and determine if it has legitimacy or not. This goes doubly so for arguments made about topics which have pretty much been conclusively settled, like geosphericity, evolution, or heliocentricity.
cult leader /thread
day of the rope tier
>that time he wrote a huge wall of text pretending to be a girl in the comment section of one of his videos but forgot to log out of his primary account
I like him, desu. He's actually willing to discuss taboo things like race and hypergamy, and he entertains a lot of ideas without self-censoring. He's also admitted to browsing Sup Forums before.
>he hasn't seen IQ charts based on race
kek, why are "dah jews" people so stupid?
he's capable of approaching touchy subjects academically and is relatively well spoken
I liked his Elliot Roger video
>People watch a man stand and talk into a camera
Next time you open one of his videos, close the tab and read a book on whatever he's talking about instead.
>I saw his arguments with a flat earth guy. I didnt like that he disrespected the mans view. What if he turns out to be correct in 10 years, how stupid is it to disrespect somebodies theory before you understand it?
If he disproved the guy with current evidence and the flat-earther still stuck to his guns, he didn't deserve to be respected.
Yeah, maybe is some alternate timeline the flat-earthers are proven correct but we have to operate our economy and the scope of our lives on some basic operating facts and we use the facts that are the most well supported for the moment. That's just being reasonable
>Ironically there was once a time when people laughed at those who believed the world was round now its the opposite.
Being laughed at for having evidence that people can't understand and therefore dismiss =/= people who have evidence that can be understood and debunked and yet they still refuse to change their viewpoint because they hate being wrong
>convinces people to vote Trump for a better future
>lives in the near utopia that is Canada
short & sweet of why i dislike him: youtube.com
detailed version:
His arguments only make sense if you know nothing of developments in historical, ethical, and political theory over the last 200 years. I used to like some of his stuff.
As I understood more about the subjects he makes claims about, I realized that he fetishizes individual preference satisfaction well beyond what is even theoretically sensible. His development into a nationalist majoritarian isn't surprising and sounds a lot like many of the arguments made before (and rejected after) the first world war. Whether its Novick, Sandel, Rawls, (((cultural marxists))), or Foucault, no one will accept those premises as viable.
Still wont address the JQ, although does skirt dangerously close at times.
see, the problem with that claim is that it overlooks that your right to possess a gun cannot exist unless there IS a political elite that could potentially oppress that right. If I'm out in the woods by myself, I can ejaculate all over the dead body of a raccoon, but it would be absurd to claim that it is my RIGHT to do so because there is no one who could potentially prevent me from doing so. Without the existence of a political body that has the clout to oppress me, I have no need for a theory of rights. Rights exist BECAUSE the liberal-democratic state structure is capable of the sort of centralized exercise of power to violate them.
underated post
>People go an an internet forum to sperg out about various subcultures
Next time you open an internet forum, close the tab and read a book on whatever your sperging about instead.
>He's also admitted to browsing Sup Forums before.
No, he hasn't
I knew you were in the thread.
Is he really a Jew?
Holy fuck it's you, that one flat earther that browses pol and posts random flat earth "facts" when it's not relevant.
Fuck off you idiot.
I think he's generally right, but I also think he's a little bit pompous.
I like Ross Kemp desu