
Adolf Hitler has done more to harm the North Western European man than just about any other historical figure.

He was a loser, a moron, and a failure in every measure.

His failure lives on through room temperature IQ stormfags & skinhead types.

How do we separate modern white nationalist movements from these fucking faggots and controlled opposition like Richard Spencer?

Is it possible to associate White Nationalism with calm intellectualism as Jared Taylor attempts?

Tl;dr stormfags ruin everything.

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i dont like hitler either but he is *the* most powerful meme

>what is Trump

Be fair, the myth was not his doing

>being white nationalist
Your a meme kid.

Well, I would hope not Poland.

However powerful the meme he is, the kikes have spent the last six decades demonizing Hitler in the western mind.

They've never let up, everyone "knows" Hitler is "the most evil man to walk the Earth"

he was demonized by the kikes who control all the media in the west

fuck off, kike shill

By recognizing:

1. White "nationalism" is a failed ideology. American history shows that the only solution to racial problems is White Supremacy.

2. Non-violence is not an option for whites. Anti-white violence will always be enabled in the form of "crime" and "terrorism". The only way whites can survive is with organized violence. Whether that violence is organized as law enforcement or an independent para-military movement will ultimately be up to the political process.

>t. i dont know anything about psychology
go read a book i cba explaining

>Adolf Hitler has done more to harm the North Western European man than just about any other historical figure.

Adolf Hitler didn't declare war on the entire world.

The moron tried to defeat the Jew and lost subsequently got the Jewing of a minimum.

Before the war nobody liked kikes, but Hitler handed them an unbelievably powerful weapon.

They're untouchable now.

MERKEL PURPOSEFULLY ALLOWING ISIS TO OPERATE IN THE EU Germany is intentionally allowing ISIS to infiltrate and operate within the EU with the hope that they will create major terror incidents. Merkel wants this to happen so that she can use her newly formed EU Army to occupy Europe and force states to abandon plans to leave the EU.

The recent "suicide" of NATO's Chief Auditor was tied to this as he had uncovered evidence that NATO weapons and armor were being diverted to help supply and equip the new EU Army, which is already partially formed and operational:




>cba explaining

t. I have no argument

You sound like a faggot who likes to blame the man who popularized the jewish question and tried to fix it.

flipping the spectrum is easy, the intensity is way harder, they EVEN SAY that the opposite of love is indifference
seriously go read a fucking book, it will explain much better than i can in english on basketweaving imageboard

>Before the war nobody liked kikes, but Hitler handed them an unbelievably powerful weapon.
>They're untouchable now.

People that are blindly racist don't look up to Hitler or National Socialism. It's like retards in the South that praise the Confederacy for enslaving blacks and not for standing up against an oppressive government. Now there's nothing wrong with being racist if you have a reason to be, even if it is just anecdotal evidence, but most skinheads just do it to fit in to a group or are misguided because of personal issues.

More like your stupid leaders sided with the kikes instead of the white race when it mattered most.
Now we're scattered, weak and without a voice all over the planet because you cunts sided with the communist jews.

>Adolf Hitler has done more to harm the North Western European man than just about any other historical figure.
>He was a loser, a moron, and a failure in every measure.
>His failure lives on through room temperature IQ stormfags & skinhead types.
Ad hominem.
>How do we separate modern white nationalist movements from these fucking faggots and controlled opposition like Richard Spencer?
Pic related.
>Is it possible to associate White Nationalism with calm intellectualism as Jared Taylor attempts?
>with calm intellectualism
Well there's your answer right there. Look at you go.

>Stop calling yourself White and start calling yourself European.
>Disassociate from the Germans and anything Germanic. Its okay to be a proud Celt. Its okay to be a proud Slav. Its okay to be a proud Latin.
>Don't use Germanic looking symbolism.
>Don't embrace Prussian/Germanic militarism.
>Don't preach hate because this reveals fear and that fear reveals weakness. If you are scared of the Muslims then you should copy the Muslims. If you are scared of the Jews then you should copy the Jews.

>not realizing there are two possibilities
>hitler was at worst a jew himself in on producing holocaustianity
>hitler was at best played like a fiddle by the jews to create their new mythology

You can't stop them. They're artificially-funded controlled opposition — COINTELPRO, paid idiots, actual idiots, there to throw hot water on any legitimate nationalist movements. Just going to have to work around them.

>>hitler was at best played like a fiddle by the jews to create their new mythology

The Jews were, quite honestly, brilliant in their capitalization of Word War 2.

>Is it possible to associate White Nationalism with calm intellectualism as Jared Taylor attempts?

Tres bon choix, il parle francais et japonais et n'est pas un complet redneck de fond de rang...

nationalism is not a way to preserve genes in the modern world

We depend on global trade to survive.

Sperm banking, sperm trading, and a culture of sperm based eugenics is the best way to preserve good genes, and improve bad genes. Why? because sperm is plentiful, storable, and transportable.

>We depend on global trade to survive.

What is this association of the free movement of goods with the free movement of people?

>controlled opposition like Richard Spencer
Fuck off you dumb kike, sage.

Why have we not range banned leafs yet?

Brainwashed child raised by Jews. Sad