Merry Christmas You Magnificent Bastards

Thank you Sup Forums for helping me through 2016. I appreciate everyone of you.

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Looks good senpai. Merry Keksmas


Happy Holidays user

I'm an atheist so I don't celebrate Christmas. Last year my mum got me a present, I walked over and threw it in the bin. She cried but I told her I'm sure God forgives me. I didn't have to go to Christmas lunch with the family so it worked out ok.

Merry Christmas user

MERKEL PURPOSEFULLY ALLOWING ISIS TO OPERATE IN THE EU Germany is intentionally allowing ISIS to infiltrate and operate within the EU with the hope that they will create major terror incidents. Merkel wants this to happen so that she can use her newly formed EU Army to occupy Europe and force states to abandon plans to leave the EU.
The recent "suicide" of NATO's Chief Auditor was tied to this as he had uncovered evidence that NATO weapons and armor were being diverted to help supply and equip the new EU Army, which is already partially formed and operational:



*tips fedora*

Merry Christmas, OP.

those green beans look crispy and nutritious.

bob evans, thats those fancy persons name mashpatatoes?

I hope that's a copypasta.

Happy Human Christmas, user and all the best in 2017 and beyond

Happy Kwanzaa jamal.

Merry Christmas and bless this mess.

>Too lazy to make mashed potatoes

Nigger you just boil potatoes until they are damn near mashed already then finish the job. The fuck?

whats in the brown package?

Merry Christmas, friend.

Bob Evans is not halal

Happy Hanukkah goys

Wait till they find out you're a faggot.

merry christmas niggers

Hey that's harris teeter stuff!

Produce manager here, you dun goofed by getting those prepack green beans, 3.49 for 12oz. Bulk are .99 a lb this week.

>Sister A is flying to our place for Christmas eve
>Then we are all going to drive for 4 hours to Sister B's house for Christmas
>commence petty small arguments over the phone between sister A and sister B
>turns out we're not going to sister B's
>decide I'll go food shopping and put on the best Christmas feast ever
>got the garlic, parsely, sage, Rosemary and Thyme (classic Christmas tastes)
>got the potatoes, sweet potato and pumpkin
>just reach the aisle with the cranberry sauce when I get a call from dad
>turns out we now are going to sister B's
>Have to put everything back on the shelves
>tfw no epic Christmas roast chicken dinner

I apologize for my laziness. I should have cooked real potatoes rather than get them readymade. The brown package is a very nice piece of meat. And, I finished my whiskey too quickly. Now I'm a poorfag for the next 10 days. Oh well. I have pol!



Merry Christmas you ginormous faggot.

>too lazy to even make mashed potatoes
What the fuck nigga?


It was delicious!

Merry Christmas everyone. Spend time with your loved ones if you have them.


Nice bourbon

Nice, I think it's one of the least bad you can find here in the us for a reasonable price, and I'm french

Merry Christmas

>spending money on material things for family
>still falling for the Christmas Jew

Hope you guys really don't celebrate goymas

I f you are a real Natsoc, you will reply.

Yule motherfucker. Learn the language.

merry christmas user

Serious question here. How does pumpkin pie taste to you yanks? We have nothing similar here to compare it too. I love roasted pumkpin but pumpkin mixed with pastry? I don't know about that.

You should have just bought 2 bottles of Buffalo Trace.

That's fucked, mate. The inlaws are coming here this year, which is good for them because they get to be generally disapproving of me and good for me because I get to send them to sleep with the sounds of their daughter getting ass fucked.

There was a time I would agree with you. Then there was a time I realized that I wanted to kill my enemies. So instead, I plot. I drink to delay. I PT. I get back to the time I was with JSOC. I decide when it is time.



I think atheism without sacrifice is worthless. Would you die for nothing?

Merry Christmas bro

Stop posting this in every thread faggot
