>Atheists think THIS happened by accident...
When will you stop trying to spite your mother and God and stop being an edgy atheist? Nobody thinks you're smart or cool because you believe the demons Richard Dawkins and Neil degrasse Tyson.
>Atheists think THIS happened by accident...
When will you stop trying to spite your mother and God and stop being an edgy atheist? Nobody thinks you're smart or cool because you believe the demons Richard Dawkins and Neil degrasse Tyson.
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh 2nd wave judaism
>Theists believe this is caused by magic
Literally kek yourself.
>Looks complicated
>Only explanation is an all powerful God created it despite no evidence to even remotely support the claim
The universe is a simulation and thats how we perceive some of the procedures coming from the 'back end' so to speak
>then suddenly god appeared
this is what no one actually believes
>rocks and water just decided to become this for NO reason over a billion years
Yeah you're real enlightened, kiddo. You watch Cosmos one time and think you know everything.
If only atheists were actually smart they would realize this, too bad they only pretend to be smart and just spout the same nonsense Bill Nye convinced them is true.
Inspiring words from a scientist whose entire lecagy is being uncertain about things.
what is going on in this gif?
>Neck beard
Not an argument
God didn't suddenly appear you idiot he is omnitemporal. He always existed. No one believes this.
If a cell replicating genetic code is inherit evidence of a God, then why would God allow such devestating errors in gene replication that leads to the growth of cancers?
Praise The Ineffable One!
How it is aproof of God again? Fucking failure
no one believes God had a temporal becoming, God is eternal
autist commie
pic related
doesn't that kind of make it even better?
Mummy and Daddy made that happen. God was not at all involved.
Stop, he might start to think or get angry - cognitive dissonance is trong
stop eating processed foods that go against gods laws and you stop getting cancer.
Just because I don't understand something doesn't make it magic. Only idiots believe fire has a purpose.
DNA replication, it happens inside every cell of your body.
Doesn't the making of that image speak volume for the chilidishness and self-deceivingness of religionous people?
>hurr durr Im too stupid to learn a bit of science and face the cruelness of the world, better believe they all come from magic!
Pathetic, what can I say.
You people are the failure of our kind.
This thread is undoubtedly blessed.
I thought it looked more like folding the DNA back into it's compressed state
define magic
Yeah the spontaneous formation of a functional DNA replication mechanism is pretty unbelievable, and it is integral to all self-perpetuating life, atheists really don't understand what they mean when they say it is "plausible" for life to come from non-life, it is certainly plausible, but it is even less plausible than throwing all the pieces of a Rolex in the air and having them land perfectly in place so as to form the watch by pure chance, you could do it nine hundred and ninety nine quadrillion times and statistically you'd certainly fail every single time. Life develops over time, nobody is debating this, but for life to be able to self-perpetuate, a very specific and complex replication mechanism is required, it is very, very unlikely something like that could form by pure chance, dumb molecules coincidentally colliding into a perfect mechanism, it's absurd.
No guys, today has been "redpill me on christianity" day.
>t. converted to catholicism 2 hours ago
Cancer has been around since long before recorded history, the reason we're seeing more cancer now is because we have the tools to find it. There's really no tangible evidence to suggest processed foods cause cancer.
>hurr durr he posted a picture of me so I wont read the post!
Atheists, everyone. Simply call them out on their bullshit and they babble like the simpletons they are.
For example, simply ask them this: If evolution is, as you say, "real"... then why are there still monkeys? Shouldn't there be millions of "hominids" walking around? There are billions of humans and monkeys after all, but none of the "links".
Also, if life really evolves from nothing for no reason, why don't we see rocks turn into cells and crawl away? Why don't the trees grow legs and walk around? Shouldn't there be life on other planets?
Tremble before the truth, atheists. I hope you will see the truth before it's too late for you, but you just want to hate God because he doesnt give you every single thing you want.
>Catholics think THIS happened by accident
When billions upon billions of random shit happens in the universe, there is bound to be an combination of factors that leads to complex interactions bordering on intelligent movement (when they're just following a very peculiar set of the laws of physics). When a few billion of these events happen, there is bound to be a combination that becomes self-sustaining and even regenerative. We managed to create the building blocks of life as early as the 1960s after a few decades of experimenting. It took the Earth billions of years to stumble upon the same thing that led to life and eventually us.
we live in a fallen world yada yada
I believe that god set in motion the events that led to life forming, but I don't think he just magically made dna machines. It all came together randomly, but under set circumstances.
>How are there still monkeys
This demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of what even evolution is.
You can blame the aliums for that one
Why do we have artificial things around us like cars and airplanes? If your ancestors fucked up during their life time, you're bound to sow whatever they reaped. As it was written "...sins of the father.."
Given enough tries, it is theoretically possible to reassemble a Rolex by throwing parts in the air in the right sequence. The universe and the Earth had a few billion years to toss shit together.
No, that part that is being pushed out is the lagging strand.
So everything good is because God loves us but everything bad is because God hates us? That's pretty convenient.
Your bait is too fucking obvious. try harder next time.
That still implies intelligent design, God created the universe such that at a certain time, and in a certain place, life was created via an extremely unlikely (nigh impossible) event. It is a miracle if there ever was one. Statistically life ought not exist, it ought never exist, yet it does.
Cancer is for the most part a disease of affluence. There are plenty of societies that are almost completely devoid of cancer because they eat plain foods like unprocessed vegetables. Diet is absolutely linked to cancer and a diet with less junk food is better for cancer prevention. If you refute this fact you are just being contrarian.
>So everything good is because God loves us
no one said this
>but everything bad is because God hates us?
sort of
>chaos creates order out of chaos
ok there.
>Godcucks can't comprehend how THAT happened by accident
When will you stop quoting two thousand year old fiction and stop believing in fairy tales for mentally disabled adults?
The universe has not existed for very long at all, not nearly long enough for life to have formed considering it is essentially statistically impossible. Given infinite time I'd be more inclined to believe it is possible, but we have definite proof that the universe as we know it has not always existed.
but matter popping into existence is soooo much more plausible.....
Fun fact: The Greek word for 'spirit' is daemon (demon)
>genetic code
GENOME. Non-STEM normalshits please stop getting your terminology from other normalshits
>anything that you don't understand is seen as "magic" or "god's work"
mfw I understand everything, including that god and magic are not real
Anyone who thinks they know the answer is retarded
atheist: retarded
theist: retarded
You only believe in god and heaven because you fear death and the unknown
>you believe X happened by accident while I believe X happened spontaneously
Great, we've gotten nowhere -- as usual.
>Atheists think it's God's job to babysit you and make everything in life good and perfect.
He created this reality and all living things, and once it was paradise, but surely you know the story of Adam and Eve.
It is not God's plan to create a child with some horrible disease. He didn't plan to give your mother cancer or kill your father in a car crash. Those things simply happened in a world of God's creation.
He also gave you free will, to make from this world the best that you can over your short years.
I'd say a few billion years is more than enough for a random mess of carbon-based molecules, radiation, and energy is enough to stumble upon amino acids, the building blocks of life.
You're not giving the randomness of chance enough credit: life as we know it could have never happened at all with the chances it had. But it did and now we suffer the consequences of it. Our planet got lucky.
Manly P. Hall basically said the same thing incase you wanted a second opinion.
Yes, God always was and always will be.
Something that is beyond human comprehension the same way an amoeba can never comprehend mathematics or art.
I mean, realistically any and everything you do can lead to the growth of cancer. From walking out in the sun to merely existing with a poor genetics. I was exaggerating a bit when I said there isn't tangible evidence. I do recall hearing that I diet high in seafood can prevent cancer, but fuck that shit. I'm gonna die anyways, I want a cheesburger lmao.
>while I believe X happened spontaneously
what do you mean by this?
>No Evidence to support the claim.
Evidence is present for those who want to witness it.
My bad. I was trying to refute his point, not give an extensive university-style lecture on genetics.
>mfw as a child and realized souls weren't real and there wasn't even the possibility of an afterlife or reincarnation
>realizing just gunna be ded forever
Faith is fear. It's ok if there's no god. Nothing changes. The sun still rises. Take a deep breath. It doesn't matter.
Okay people, here is the case:
Even if god exists, he'd probably be laughing his ass off on your stupidty and pitifulness.
Look at you. I doubt half of you even had any high school education.
Why is the belief of religion always related with ignorance?
Living your entire life as a deluded monkey, or slave, is there anything more sad than this?
You can stop baiting now.
To add to this (since I'm feeling myself with dank ass wine), God is pretty much saying, that He has created everything perfectly. He made the us rulers over nature. You can be a tree hugger hippy, that's fine. You can be a hunter, that's fine, too. You have been given the power to rule over nature. You're not a fucking baboon. You're a precious creation. He's problem starts when you start destroying yourself. That is something He dislikes (Ironic, I know I'm feeling myself with wine). So, the point being that these "devastating errors" have a root cause. Only the starter knows. The starter isn't always the finisher.
What you see is the refinement of billions of years. An unbroken chain of chemical reactions.
>holding beliefs you came up with as a child
Atheists may believe that humans were created randomly, but Theists believe that children having bone cancer is on purpose.
I could concede that maybe there is a God as you describe that created the world and allowed things to run it's course. I consider myself agnostic. However, once you try to sell me on creatonism that's where I just can't buy in.
the reddest pill
>appealing to emotion on Sup Forums
hahaha oh wow
Untill you die
Bitch what part of evolution is complicated? It's not an accident it's taken literal hundreds of millions of years to get where we are. Trillions and trillions of failed mutations, but one of them worked to the benefit of whatever host it had, and as such those genes were continued as a benefit to the next generation. Fuck your intelligent design, evolution has shown it's work, now I'm waiting for religion to do the same.
So those children deserved bone cancer, you're saying?
fuck, I did do that, didn't I. Feels bad to stupid.
Yes. That's reality. There's nothing bad about that and nothing to fear. Just open up to it.
>is there anything more sad than this?
Yes, living as an edgy atheist trying to appear intelligent.
'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.'
I guarantee you most atheists have never even read past Genesis and just believe whatever reductionist bullshit Richard Dawkins shits in their mouths.
There's a reason that atheists are associated with loser fedora wearing edgy teens. Its no coincidence that atheists are just jaded, angry at God for whatever reason, not giving them a gf, not getting rid of their acne or whatever petty bullshit goes on in their lives.
Of course such small minds can't comprehend that there is a higher being above all things humans can even dream to comprehend.
Where's the proof of the accident?
There is the white throne judgement that sounds really uncomfortable
Are you trolling or do you actually think this? I cannot tell.
Now now, user. Because of the nature of the Holocaust, they were uncertain as to how many Jews died. Fortunately for the West, monsieur (((Heisenberg))) had recently perfected the (((Heisenberg))) uncertainty principle, whereby one could estimate the value of dead Jews to 6,000,000 with 95% confidence.
evolution happens in small steps over billions of years.
it's not that they deserved to get bone cancer, it's that they don't have some unalienable right to not get bone cancer.
my point was that using an appeal to emotion in a room full of sociopaths is poor form
I disappointed by the lack of memes.
An idea set in the future had no reality.
Nothing important here, please ignore.
>god no real because bad things happens
Yea you know like how my body gets better overtime and everything else and breeding dosnt cause negitive defects overtime
Only God is perfect, this world was never meant to be perfect. He created us in his image (this doesn't mean we look like him, retarded atheists) but never made us perfect. In fact, it was our imperfections that made us fall from grace
And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
>atheists projecting their cuckold fetish onto holy scripture
it was more like an artificial insemination, no one was fucked
But how do we know god is really there? Just wondering..
That's actually a gnostic heresy
Sadly there is no escaping destiny even if you dont belive in it
Nobody believes that, retard. Just goes to show atheists can only grasp at straws to even hope to refute the existence of God.
That's just shit people tell themselves to cope with grief when something horrible happens, "oh, it's God's plan."
No it was just something shitty that happened, in a world of God's creation.
Because he made some Tusken raiders write a series of books 2000 years ago.