Could a "nation" benefit solely on money made intervening in wars and some trading? i mean... mantaining a military is cheaper than you think, considering the $1,127 billion the US spends on welfare is enough to build an air force, navy and infantry with enough room to mantain in this case an offshore rig or more and with enough room to mantain the infrastructure and such.
They would take contracts from all over the world, such as intervening in the middle east, raiding cartel fintas, helping in a possible war with China, etc
now the question is, would it work?
Could a real "Outer Heaven" work?
It must happen, the newly formed Mercenary State of Outer Sup Forums
Not without enough WMD deterrents, I'd imagine.
>base covering a few city blocks
>cruise missiles
>a bunch of Sup Forumsacks and /k/ommandos killing sandniggers and chinks with a shit ton of budget
god i wish i was rich enough to fund that
that's kind of explained in TPP, the base is more spread out in case of attack and in Peace Walker the entire game was about deterrance, so they built their own metal gear (or in this case a couple nukes) to keep them from nuking eachother
For about 10 days until they accidentally accept a contract that steps on the interests of the USA and they are blockaded and starved out
Would have to loot from other countries though.
>Syrian civil war 2.0
they choose their contracts carefully, after all, now that Trump is president we would support the US in every conflict (exept Russia vs US, fuck that)
does it count if we loot from Palestine/jihadists? is it even a country anymore
Can't wait to fulton a Kurdish qt back to base for my personal use.
Just find a virgin island to hide inside.
Just buyout Malta, and reinforce the living hell out of it.
Congrats, now you can do operations in Europe, Africa, and Asia easily.
How much does Malta cost?
MERKEL PURPOSEFULLY ALLOWING ISIS TO OPERATE IN THE EU Germany is intentionally allowing ISIS to infiltrate and operate within the EU with the hope that they will create major terror incidents. Merkel wants this to happen so that she can use her newly formed EU Army to occupy Europe and force states to abandon plans to leave the EU.
The recent "suicide" of NATO's Chief Auditor was tied to this as he had uncovered evidence that NATO weapons and armor were being diverted to help supply and equip the new EU Army, which is already partially formed and operational:
would be a pain in the ass to do that, even if they did that, who says some unnamed superpower just invades us instantly
probably as much as a NYC apartment
that's where they come in, remove kebab and get paid by big daddy US
Only way it would work is if you can get some super scientists on board. Outer Heaven, MSF, DD and Rapture only got off the ground because they got super scientists, gave them an unlimited budget and no over sight.
That's why its gotta be a virgin island and not some whore island like hawaii.
Well, since civilians are off-limit, I will have to pick among the female soldiers. There seem to be plenty of Kurdish women fighting.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Holy fuck in the event that WW3 does start I'd rather join Sup Forums mercenary forces than be conscripted to die for the Jew. Even better if we take over Tuvalu.
I'm still waiting for the jet ski attack on that island with no fresh water.
But I'm easy going so I'll text either one of these.
Especially if I can bring a slave (or a few) back after a raid.
yes and I am willing to die for it
I hate the evil that has taken hold of the world.
I am willing to work menial labor my whole life to build a site to fight evil.
I am willing to die a horrible death for that PRIVLEDGE, and I think there are hundreds, if not thousands more like me.
bangladesh is pretty much outer heaven
because it's muslim they can go everywhere without upsetting the locals
because they're so poor, they can pay the soldier $200, but get $1000 from the UN for it
what if they took Tuvalu and then built a FOB somewhere else, much more convenient
>tfw mgsv
Very possible. People buy left oil-rigs all the time. BUt be aware. You need an almost infinite supply of money. US-levels of money, to compare. USA would take you out immediately.
I'd aim for somewhere politically neutral that sustains itself with clean energy and agriculture.
Maybe the Florida Keys with some enhancements.
>not the superior Peace Walker
israel is a model outer haven.
>Can a nation make money intervening in wars
Are you aware the country above you exists? Dude, this nation was built off a war, we do best when we are at war.
S ranked all the missions, developed all the weapons. It's just such a shame how mgsv got fucked by horrible writing and was gimped by having to run on ps360
it's gonna get crazy when you and Russia double team China into the fucking stone age
There have been some mercenary groups in History that achieved something like Outer Heaven. Look at Ancient Greek Mercenaries, or at the 30 years Wars.
The problem is hardened stoic military men in one place cant really a stable enduring society easily.
wouldn't that be inside US territory? kind of what happened with Sealand,
Mfw I'm mostly a phonefag so I don't have your flag yet. Thank you uncommon nguyen bro.
Just examples. Could set up outside of US
>pissing off world superpowers and terrorist networks
>no allies to protect them
what could go wrong?
>and was gimped by having to run on ps360
>pissing off world superpowers
how? they would be working with/for ((((Them))))
also, i think it would be hard to do a terrorist attack to an oil rig in the middle of the pacific
Unless you piss off everybody at the same time, there's always someone helping you piss off the other side.
That's why ISIS exists.
The trick is to do this while WW3 kicks off when no one can divert resources. What honor code do we live by boys?
I fucking hope we do. China genuinely terrifies me.
It terrifies me not because of what it is does, so much as what it IS.
I'm not great at articulating, but let me explain.
The Chinese are fucking machines. Borg-like, to be frank. I wouldn't mind China being a leading power in the world if it bothered to give a fuck about the people around it.
You know, people get up in arms about Trump wanting to bring back the fossil fuel industry here, complaining about 'muh greenhouse gasses'.
Bitch, have you SEEN China's output on that? And you know what? Even as destructive as we are, we have the EPA, put money into renewables, push the 'save the planet' angle...
As least we try to do something, and, failing that, at least we pretend. China, they don't give a fuck about anyone or anything so long as they go from point A to B. Them being center stage terrifies me in that i fear that they will GENUNINELY destroy this planet, and not just in an ecological way.
Stereotypes are based in some semblance of reality, and their results-driven culture, a-la 'high expectations YOU GO TO YALE, BECOME DOCTOR Asian dad is the problem.
Chinese do NOT care who or what they hurt to get results. They are hivemind incarnate, akin the Muslims.
Theoretically, a solely military nation could thrive provided that the services they offer are:
1) better* alternative compared to other options (*being cheaper or using more efficient means; the latter would result in higher R&D investment)
2) not against the interests of USA, Russia or China.
While Middle-eastern contracts seems like a good thing, you'd be taking part in a proxy war and that's a violation of #2. Business operations would pretty much be restricted to Africa or South America. Anywhere else, and you'd likely be considered a for-profit terrorist group or an intervening party in a proxy war.
You'll also be competing with Academi/Blackwater, who are basically hired thugs.
I have no idea regarding startup capital required, but I'm guessing it could be around 100-200 billion. Contracts can be as high as 15 billion (according to Academi).
Start a gofundme and lets get Diamond Frogs going!
pretty much "Don't Tread On Me", it is up your interpretation on what that means.
i know, the Chinese are like robots, and here in Mexico (The north especially) they admire the chinese, it's like they are infiltrating us (they are), What if the chinese are the new jews...
>He takes Japanese interactive picture-cartoons seriously
>Mercenaries with Don't Tread On Me
Are we mercenaries or freemen?
And how, asians but especially the Chinese have no souls. If it's them vs Islam in the end Mohammed better start praying because there will be no rules of engagement or such a thing as collateral damage. They will simply zerg in all directions and exterminate.
No tanks allowed on our holy lands
>You'll also be competing with Academi/Blackwater, who are basically hired thugs.
OH SHIT, PMC wars when?
also, most of our budget would go to R&D unlike those other who spend it most on infantry. 15 billion you say? that's enough to buy an aircraft carrier, some jet fighters, attack helicopters and extra room for mor infantry
you'd be amazed at how much Kojima got right in the last decade, most of MGS plots are looking more and more like a reality.
>MGS 2
Ill still side with the chinese on that. we can deal with them later but fuck mudslimes
that's up to you
This is why we are taking Tuvalu. We need our own nation. Where meme soldiers have their place.
Tuvalu is ok as a starting point, don't see any possible opperations in that area though, just killing emus for the Australians
The superpowers' R&D teams are light years ahead of you, and if you do come up with a groundbreaking technology, you'll get gag ordered. (Although I'm not sure how that will work if you're your own sovereign nation...)
Meh, could work. Try to build a rain gun, force fields or other sci-fi shit and hope something sticks.
>you'll get gag ordered.
"Do as we tell you or we wipe off that country nobody ever heard about with a nuke and call it an accident."
>imagine a rail gun the size of the Gustav Cannon that could wipe out half a city with one shell
>sell China new radar tech, then sell the US/Russia the tech to infiltrate through that new radar tecnology
I know I'm gonna get shit on for this, but I honestly don't hate the jews. At least they're ethical to some extent. You know, people give them shit for all kind of shit for this that or the other, but i'd happily take an Israeli over a Chinese national. That's just me.
You're alright, beanerbro. Work on getting in here legally before the wall goes up.
>inb4 anything.
I said I can't articulate shit well :P
what is nuclear deterrence
my dad is Texan so it's going to be easier, i just want to join the Chair force so i can fly those badass fighter jets, if rejected russia is also an option
Until they come in and set up their nepotism command structure and assume power over government, business and the universities and systemically bring about white destruction
Whoever gets you the nukes, will control you.
>A constitutional conservative deprived of his delegates
w-what if we designed the nukes?!11!!1!
And this is my thing about it. Why exactly would they go about demolishing the societies by replacing them with islamic ones.... when once we're all dead, the increase in global islamic population will allow them to steamroll over the jews? I get that soros is a jew, but i mean, if it is a gobal consipracy perpetrated by isreal, i have NO goddamn idea how it would be helpful to them in any way.
Reason I say that is, even if we assume that they want europeans out of the picture, they simply cannot thrive on their own. They've got a very well-of society, but they've been fighting off their neighbors since '67, and are running out of resources to do so quickly. If the western world, the US especially, pulls its support out of israel, they will eventually collapse, especially now that Iran is in the process of getting nukes.
There genuinely IS a reason, all memes aside, that we call them a 'greatest ally'. Look at how the media in europe is treating our pres elect - our ancestral homeland is selling us up the fucking river faster than the jews did.
*demolishing the societies that support them
Sounds awesome but their requirements would most likely be that of you would need prior military experience like black water does.
what even was big boss's political views? in the games he was a "Centrist" but there's no way outer heaven was that
>Revengance was all about the effect memes had on politics and the world as a whole and civilian dependency on technology
don't a lot of soldiers quit because either they don't get paid enough or they just don't like fighting for their country anymore? i mean... mercenaries just do it for the money like some soldiers
Oh shit nigger what is this timeline
It was just a military on an oilrig so basically just fascism
was he /ourguy/?
Wow. Military+Oil=Facist regime
Did you just finish up your HS gov class this year?
From what I can get he was fairly centrist, and as 3 and Portable Ops went on, he became jaded at being used as a pawn by Uncle Sam - especially since Uncle Sam had him kill Boss, which mentally fucked him up.
There were a lot of different interpetations of the Boss' will, but Big Boss esentially took it to mean that warfare is a way of life for some people - so the best way to go about it is being free to choose your own conflicts rather than being at the mercy of nations.
Initially, it was about his sense of ethics, but as he got popular, it took a money shift.
So basically 's McArmy.
no, he was a fascist out of necessity not because of any ideological preference.
I mean it's possible that he was /ourguy/ I guess, but it's not explicit.
it only works in MGS because they're fucking super soldiers that dont fucking die.
in real life the population would get thinned out quick.
the people capable of living are the ones working for hillary so theres no point in having outer heaven.
>wow. military+oil=fascist regime
No, I called it fascism because he and a handful of other people have control over the entire thing. It was hardly a government, more of a military that happens to occupy a certain part of the world, but the point stands.
It's called the MIC user, and it actually is a very good business plan as it vampirizes the USA
make sure u don't come back
i mean, you're kind of right, but why don't you see other PMC's like blackwater/academi dissapear?
i'll keep coming :^)
To believe I was alone. Hate how everyone in Mexico such China´s little penis on how it is a nation of progress, when it sucks. Mexico is looking to immitate China, why not Japan?
Outer heaven . No aussies allowed
Because you know Mr. Peña loves that chinese investment
Nah it wouldn't work. You still need an even bigger budget just for I+D, or your army will stay behind in few years. That's what happened with condotieros.
good point, we would have to invest a fuckton into intel and development, then sell that intel / tech to the higest bidder.
>Why am i using "we", it's not like i am actually planning on doing this... am i?
>A fellow meheecan that loved PW.
There's hope for this country after all.
So basically the CIA without US funding?
Okay I see. Yeah, it eventually became fascist around V.
Started as Ancap and went down the shitter. Suck on it, you 'NU STEP ON SNEK' faggots. :^).
Nah, we don't start wars, we just help whoever contracted us and then get out the country
Sounds shit, you'd be better off setting it up as a rogue nation and establish some heroin trade and shit. Basically do everything the CIA does until you get some real funds. Creating it would be the issue and the first 4 years.
Yeah it's called the CIA.
Yeah, the switzerland angle isn't going to work for long.
Leadership will be subverted, the only question is how long it takes and how high the price.
>how to get a visit from uncle sam 101
so you're saying we should start wars so there is a conflict that we can opperate in? Devilish
It's the only way to make sure you have leverage.
Problem comes when you bite off more than you can chew (CIA trying to corner middle east using the same tactics as they did in contras)
>We should instigate conflict just to give us a reason
again, what is the US?