Sum up 2030 in one image
Sum up 2030 in one image
it's a stupid image. you wouldn't still have the constitution in a white minority scenario .
What are you even trying to say?
That third-worlders have no respect for the Constitution and would probably use it as kindling
>t civic nationalists
could be amazing if was more detailed
you mean 2300.
Jews. So many Jews.
California Cleansing.
Implying the Constitution is actually respected by anyone in power
>that hit too close to home
the image is making fun of civic nationalists who put things like the constitution before race
I literally just assumed that was real. I wasn't even shocked.
there is a cause for happiness
I pray for you lads.
muh feels are acting up
feels bad man, Really wanted to see the swedes recover.
>here in 2014
and it only got worse
I didnt need this feel lad