>go on a nice family vacation in mexico
>take a drink on the beach
>pass out and wake up 12 hours later in this jail cell
What do gringo?
>go on a nice family vacation in mexico
>take a drink on the beach
>pass out and wake up 12 hours later in this jail cell
What do gringo?
surrender my anus
Shit myself and start sobbing
start getting tattoos
Ask them about the Jews.
>Stab a beaner in the face and cut his heart out. >Earn instant respect from other beaners because their afraid of the eternal anglo
>build wall around bunk bed
beat their ass because the tallest one is 4'11"
>what do gringo?
report this thread
>going to mexico
u dun gufed
>Going to Mexico ever.
That being said I would use my MMA fighting experience from the lower ranks to beat the shit out of the alpha and make him my bitch. The others will follow me after that point.
Not gonna lie, I did lol
Nothing, I blend right in because I'm Mexican (obviously, look at my flag). I avoid speaking Spanish because I have a slight American accent
Also I think these are central Americans
>Tell them I got arrested for drug smuggling
>I pull down my pants
>Poop out a giant crack rock
>We all start smoking
>Everyone gets hot and takes their clothing off
>We have a giant orgy
>Now we all have AIDs
>Then we sing this: youtube.com
going by the tattoos , that looks like El Salvador
>France surrendering
Color me surprised
Like this guy
Pray I got a tan all that time on the beach and make believe I lost my voice.
>"hey guys"
>5 seconds later
>Who wants to date my fat white sister in America?
>watch them kill each other
>read post
>check flag
Checked and kek'd.
kek, if beaners are good at one thing it's fighting. You will have to do a little better than intro to kick boxing.
Wonder how fucking drunk I was to wind up in El Salvador
>Guy is just sitting there like he's half-asleep while watching Netflix.
>Other guy stabbing the shit out of him.
>The occasional "Ayy"
kek balls of steel that guy. Reminds me of this Mexican cartel execution with these two dudes tied up and one gets a chainsaw to the neck. While the other doesn't even flinch as some hooded guy cuts his head off with a shitty bait knife. Tough motherfuckers.
Thanks habibi, but appreciate my trips too
Another shit topic posted by a canadian retard.
chat with the hermanos. shouldnt be that diferent from my favela.
"Thank God, I'm back home in California."
This is not a movie you autistic fuck, you really dont fucking want to be in a latin american prison,being in the gulag on forced labor and freezing to death is much better.
Latin American jails are hell on earth, overcrowded, full of diseases and degeneracy, you think going trough the warp with your gellar field turned off is bad? think again youtube.com
*me teleporto detrĂ¡s de ellos*
Jej, nada personal... compadres
Violently murder all those manlets
Also, I'm just on vacation, pls no bully
>Going to mexico
Why would you WANT diarrhea?
wonder how I got into a jail cell after passing out
stupid leaf, it's Mexico, not Dubai
If you're drunk they'll put you in the drunk tank and kick you out in the morning
>stand up
>6'4 aryan
>now safe from manlets
I guarantee you not one of those "men" is over 5'8. I would befriend the other castizos in the prison then quickly and pretty easily dispose of all the shitskins
Bend over and spread cheeks
Relax, those people are brown, all brown people are good, I would apologise for oppressing them with my privilege.
Mmhmm sure you are, Malmo
Let them collectively use my white boipussy to show solidarity. Some of them are actually fuckable tho.
>french flag
They would probably kidnap you inside jail and ask your family ramson money, they tend to do that.
Try to be "gang" but fail miserably
Get my boipussy ravaged
As a white man they will worship me, i will become their leader
Your nation has no hope or dignity left, does it?
>tfw you'll never get rawdogged in a filthy 3rd world cell by a dozen sweaty cholos
>alright me buenos ee beanos, here the el eskapay plan, comprendoe?
tell them my last name
>implying I'm southern scum
Norrbotten for life.
shut up and mind my own business
if they havent touched me while i was sleeping ill take the gamble that they will not do anything to me while im awake if i dont provoke
but in reality im never going anywherenear mexico
It's down to cigarettes, cheese, and body odor. It's all that's left of the romance.
you dipshit they're drugged out of their minds they're not tough.
Try my hardest not to laugh because they're all five foot tall
Topkek. I always wondered how cartels are so powerful but now I think I understand it. As a small group of 5'4 brown men approach you trying to look tough, you can't help but laugh incontrollably until you pass out. They then proceed to cut your head off while you're unconscious
establish my dominance
remember that they are manlets
pick one, pekka
Mucho cervesa anoche amigos
Donde estoy?
make tattoo machines and make peace
>>go on a nice family vacation in mexico
Why would I ever go to Mexico? Why? People are beheaded, kidnapped, imprisoned, buried in mass graves...plus millions of people risk Life and limb to escape it.
Start redpilling them immediately. After about a week or so I will be "El Gringo Loco" and I will run that shithole.
Say hello and sit next to the door.
assuming nobody in there has a knife I think I can take them, the room is small so I'll be bottle necked enough to kill them one by one as they come at me
Say what you want about hispanics being short but a true alpha hispanic has hot blood and does not give up, so you can forget about your chances if you run into a tall alpha, and may i remind that one of the main reasons people dont like us is because we are "dirty" and will do whatever it takes to spill your blood.
Good for you. My father's family is from Lapland. My kids were Sami looking dark little shits with black hair. Moms side was from Vastergotland and Oland. Peasant farmers and fishermen mostly. Always wanted to see the motherland, but it's all Muslim now, so meh.
ask myself how the fuck I ended up in El Salvador
Eh gringo
Estas en una carcel y ahora, tu eres mi puta.
Chupa mi pene. cabron.
It's like I never left home
Hahahahahahahahahaha sorry hombre I can't hear you down there
be confused as fuck as how I teleported to El Salvador. and tell them who I am
id ask how you fellas even manage to sleep?
> t. Escobar
Your both part of the mongoloid race, same as mexicans.
How does that feel?
god Jul
It's weird how many of them are pretty aesthetic
Look, Juan, unlike in your country, spics are rare and exotic here. We just use them as disposable human dildos.
At least I'm not a leaf.
Also you should google what comprises Mongoloids, you dumb leaf.
I'm pretty sure these hicks could kill everyone in there.
Go on, what is the colour? Your countrys educational system seems to be flawed
Yfw supreme gentleman in top left bunk
what's your last name puto?
Inform them of my background in chem.e and offer to run a lab.
>take shit
>smear shit all over body
>foam at the mouth occasionally
>say I have AIDS
>throw up every once in awhile
>leave people alone, talk autisticly if asked
>on the next episode of Sup Forums, a shitposter takes over multiple mexican gangs and overthrows the government
San Pedro?
Im a bastard to a rather well known drug dealer (possibly el chapo himself), so i got that going for me.
pick one.
They aren't there tho
I don't go on vacations to the 3rd world.
Look at your skin my Suomenusko friend
>hurr durr im not a leaf
So you're poor and have low living standards
got it.
I'd pick leaf over Malay nigger any day, your people are literally shit swept over from india
I thought that was a van for a second there were so many beaners packed into it