> MUH family values n shit
> conservashits
MUH family values n shit
Other urls found in this thread:
The correct answer is niggers
The last line has literally been undone this election.
>Losing elections
Not anymore faggot
>keep losing elections
> because that's where the most black people are
>red states make up majority of the country
>why do they make up the majority of all these things????
Lib logic
>as if that's a bad thing
Divorce > domestic violence
Teen pregnancy > STDs
Porn subscription > rape
Obesity > lead poisoning
Self reported racism > delusions
Uninsured > scammed
Just saying
Red states often include a shit ton of black people. Think Atlanta in Georgia. They contribute massively to the awful problems listed yet only account for a relatively small part of Georgia's statewide population. Am I wrong?
>insurance denotes moral purity
go back to where you came from, the goyim aren't fooled
>implying obesity is immoral
I just... ugh, I can't even right now
The answer is simply niggers, but things are starting to change.
Morals are relative.
It's degenerate. Like volunteering to be a cuck
>i subscribe to the ideologies of varg and sam hyde the post
get a life ya fag
Do you think only Republicans live in red states? Blue states probably reclassify everything so feeling don't get hurt.
Thinking everyone needs to pay for someone else's insurance (or what some corporation calls health insurance) is moral?
>this thread yet again, right after the last one got pruned with like 9 replies, all saying to fuck off
>1417 results found.
>porn subscription rates
Uhm, what?
Staying married to someone you've come to despise is moral?
>>...and keep LOSING elections
I lol'd
Being fat is immoral?
>Keep losing elections
It's funny, isn't it
Posting in a troll thread.
I'll bet over 200 replies, since Sup Forums is so fucking retarded.
If you have kids, you do so for the sake of the sanctity of the family unit. Some things are far more important than your personal self. If she's a totally trash bag, just suicide her. It's all about protecting the family unit.
>because niggers!! teehee i hate niggers lol! dont you hate niggers OP??? when i was a little boy my mommy made me share my nintendo with the neighbor boy but the neighbor boy was a nigger so i smashed my nintendo to bits so i didnt have to share! because nigger!! haha! nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger xD
Where are most niggers and no not only your asshole.
>implying rates have anything to do with population size
>because my mummy divorced my dad so she could suck a BBC! I love the smell of shit everyday wafting to my house from niggers! I only eat watermelon and fried chicken because I love nigger culture!
I like how white nationalists put links to studies and statistics but libtards just make shit up.
>losing elections
>dems getting their shit pushed in and losing seats in congress, governorships, and the presidency despite having a sentient orange Julius as a GOO candidate
Stay mad, faggot
>no source material backing stance
You're wrong
and they will never not do that