How long until this contrarian board becomes ultra liberal?
How long until this contrarian board becomes ultra liberal?
when being a Nazi is mainstream.
If Trump fucks up in the exact right way, it can happen by this time next year.
this. If Trump jacks this up, it's over
>implying trump is going to come out anti white
The only way that trump can fuck up is if he lets Jared kushner assume direct control and overplay his hand by pulling implicitly Jewish neocon/neolib bullshit by starting wars and shit like that
Your sense of perception is not strong enough to warrant sharing your opinions on the thoughts of others.
It's happening already
never, enjoy 8 years of memes pushing your shit in
Probably a long time. The media has to embrace Trump before that happens
You mean if he reinstates segregation and pisses off the (((civic nationalist))) redditors who came here because "alt right" is so "punk and underground"
When liberalism stops being anti-white
It might be a while
F-fuck off s-stormfag
Wrong. Whenever trump fucks up (and by that I assume you mean compromises towards the center) Sup Forums gets angrier and demands he become more right wing while becoming increasingly radical
This is the only right answer. Sup Forums is the board for people who can't act out their politics irl. Once radical right is mainstream the lefties will be forced underground and have to post here. Meanwhile we won't care since we are having a blast irl.
only if every here suddenly abondones Sup Forums and liberal faggots move in
which won't happen
mainstream media will never embrace trump
thus it'll be impossible to be a liberal for contrarian reasons
Whrn all the poors and Autists with mental illnesses like transgenderism, being gay, etc, on this board realize they fucked themselves over by voting in trump. Can't fucking wait.
Meanwhile, a well off upper middle class white guy like me doesn't care what happens. Makes you fucking think about the retards on this board and in the USA in general.
Never once has this board dipped into being pro liberal.
Even in its infancy when it was /new/ before it got deleted twice.
Unless you count libertarian as a form of liberalism.
It would take a full pendulum swing back to early1900s conservatism before there was some push back on here.
Mainly because freedom of speech actually exists on here and you can't silence ideas.
If Trump fucks up, Liberals will rule the US until it ceases to exist as a country. Libs are mad as fuck, and rightfully so, that the electoral college system failed us and let Trumpf be president. When, not if, they get a hold of the house and senate, democrats will make sure the electoral college system is dismantled. From then on it'll be bye-bye GOP and hello to the eternal reign of the democrats.
>Never, not once has -
Sorry needed to retype that tired.
When trump starts to make great things happen, so you'll see the transition in a year or so
When being alt-right becomes the norm among the generation of the average Sup Forums user. Or they get out of college and into the real world for a few years.
>inb4 a bunch of college students claim en masse that they aren't in college
Honestly being a wannabe nazi is the new hipster back from 2008ish when hipsters were so radical and new. Now they're the norm, at least among < 30 year olds.
>Mainly because freedom of speech actually exists on here and you can't silence ideas.
Sup Forums is mainly an echo chamber like Tumblr is except for it's about 50% shit posting. If Sup Forums had a down vote system you'd have a reddit situation.
Trump will be a fuck-up and Sup Forums will go back to being lolbertarians, will probably still hate liberals though.
i can imagine quite a few of us coming back after the alt-right and/or natsoc becomes mainstream. mainly because most of Sup Forums goers are social outcasts anyways.
We're losers first, social/political contrarians second!
somewhere between 2 and 4 years
if things go our way
28 days
>How long until this contrarian board becomes ultra liberal?
probably in five years if trump is reelected. yolo
>Sup Forums is mainly an echo chamber like Tumblr is except for it's about 50% shit posting. If Sup Forums had a down vote system you'd have a reddit situation.
Some threads are echo chambers. The board is as much of an echo chamber as the person browsing it wants. Which isn't nearly as bad as having entire subforums dedicated to an ideology. You still will at least observe others with differing opinions.
We still wouldn't be Reddit or Tumblr levels of bad because of anonymity.
so in a week?
Every faggot comes here and says this.
This is how I can tell you are new as fuck.
Like I said I have been here since it was /new/ before deleted twice and there has always been a meat grinder of ideas.
Nothing is stopping from liberal ideas becoming the top thing here the reason they don't is because they are terrible.
What might seem like an echo chamber is just a sea of shitposting with the best arguments slowly floating to the surface. Much like there has been a constant war between atheism and Christianity threads. There is a lack of clear answers because there is no real answer so the shitposting about it goes on.
Niggers with low IQ is quickly backed up with overwhelming evidence so it becomes universal truth around here and is absorbed into the philosophy of most of the board.
There is very little you can do that can get you banned around here. Directly violating someones privacy, this is more out of the protection of Sup Forums itself because Moot and the new owner did not want to attract to much attention and get sued, and spamming porn.
The very irony of you posting this proves how little of an echo chamber this place is. Unless you are somehow stupid enough to take memes as an argument.
Implying Sup Forums isn't already the most progressive site on the internet.
>implying shrieking angry dissent is positive
why haven't you embraced the support of BLM user?
>The very irony of you posting this proves how little of an echo chamber this place is. Unless you are somehow stupid enough to take memes as an argument.
Two years.
Try complaining about mods.
>why haven't you embraced the support of BLM user?
I didn't say, nor did the image say, positive, but it is visibility. How seriously people take your beliefs is based off of how much the person wants to and also based off how good your ideas are.
It already is, there are people here who don't even think we should hang niggers and gas kikes.
This is out of the mods self preservation.
Some have legitimacy on certain issues and sometimes mods do get fired.
It's a rare occurrence and you usually doesn't happen.
It is partly why /q/, if im not mistaken, was formed. New ownership though and I still haven't gotten a feel if the new owner is more iron fisted or more tolerant then moot.
I have a feeling that shit Jew CTR mod got the can. The one where you can't say his name which I can't remember right now.
My boner
>Sup Forums is mainly an echo chamber
Wrong, newfag. Sup Forums throws shit on the wall and sees what sticks. Traditional values are what stick.
>wrinkles on forehead
>hair on chin
>greasy skin
>thick mustache
Disgusting filth. 2/10 would not bang
>idiots who think Sup Forums was liberal because we got pissy over soccer moms and out of touch oldfags trying to ban vidya
I sometimes wonder which party is dumber.
That's a cute redhead, post more. Also fuck you, will never happen