Black dick was made for white women. Prove me wrong

Black dick was made for white women. Prove me wrong.

Very nice fpbp

>t. emu

its true


The Vestal Virgins of our time :')

Classic Australia quality post

I don't have to prove you wrong, they prefer our hispanic cocks instead :^)

If they were made for white women. How come mixed black-white babies look so fucking disgusting ?

Because they produce these weird ass looking things

Of course they all look happy, but isn't that we all striving for? Isn't the pursuit of happiness a real thing? Let's all move on to bigger things, kids. I implore you all.



delete this


my god those women are so lucky

is she...... dare I say it, /our girl/?

www twitch tv/narcissawright

you people keep so many pictures of dicks on your computers what would your girlfirend say? makes me think there are like 90 percent cucks on Sup Forums

Very niceee!

White pussy was made for colombian cock.

Can't cause it's true
Sorry white boys black cock just feels better then white pencil dick :/

Other way around OP. Women have malleable expectations which can easily be shaped by mass media.

In here, this is no place for an Aryan

post pics of your white gf

>Of course they all look happy

They dont?
I know a lot of 30~ yo women adn every signle one of them regrets believing the slut jew and selling themselves cheap.
They literally cry themselves to sleep because they know they wasted their years chasing easy pleasures.
Thats the truth. The rest is denial.

Don't fall for the jew propaganda niggers have AIDS and murder white girls!