>see spic
>day ruined
See spic
>le 60% flag
>see white man
>day saved
>le 97% brown yet still 3rd world
>see nigger
>month ruined
Inbred fuck keep sucking kike cock
>see nigger
>wake up
wew there is no niggers here
you mean 55%
>see pajeet
>street ruined
>see spic
>day saved
>le 60% flag
That doesn't really work coming from an all brown country.
what a weak pathetic faggot
>see spic
>120 ping
Fuck off to your own servers.
>see spic
>order taco
that's not even that bad
until 400 it's still playable, your mind adapts
There are a lot of them that aren't total faggots, I'd stick my neck out for a red-pilled mestizo over a back-stabbing white liberal traitor any day...
What game do you play where 120 ping is bearable?
yes, that is called individualism, whites seem to have it more than other races
when we're gone, they'll miss us in the future race based gang wars over territory
Spics are pretty disgusting, especially the bottom of the barrel trash you send our way.
go eat your taco bell nigger
Certainly not quake or reflex
from mmorpgs to counter strike
you just have to git gud
Does he mouthfuck u hard
>whites have more individualism, said the trumpcuck hivemind alt rite fag
yes, just like that individualist country of mexico, viva la raza!
>No one speaks English anymore
>see white man
>instantly think about sucking his dick and getting pegged by his wife