Why are they trying to normalize this shit? I can't take National Geographic seriously anymore

Why are they trying to normalize this shit? I can't take National Geographic seriously anymore.

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Ask yourself who it may benefit in the long run

(((Them)))? So our society just crumbles under degenarancy or what? I can't see how this type of autism benefits anyone else.

Who really owns NG anyways?

>intersex nonbinary

Excerpt it isn't

Jewish women are falling for it harder than anyone and only having 1 or no kids

In the short term it benefits the Jewish community as it consolidates their wealth, but in the long term they are going extinct and their numbers are declining faster than whites

Rupert Murdock
an ausfag
can't handle their bants man
too much

Posted the wrong one

I lol'd

No female on the cover? Women go extinct?

>Mfw there is no "Female" to go with the Male.

Post the correct one ffs.

God help us all.
The propaganda machine is in fuller force than it was during the presidential campaign, though it's for a (((different))) reason.

I do wonder though. Who benefits from the outcome of a country wholly run by the regressive SJW, and how?


Look up Yuri and subversion on youtube. It's a few hours compulsory viewing. You'll get it once it's doner. Once you do though, no going back.

SJW isn't regressive. We are changing the world and that's why you fear us.

ITT: people overreact over a magazine whose pages are literally only used for grade school art projects

bait -1/10

>whose pages are literally only used for grade school art projects
That's what I'm worried about.

gr8 b8 m8

There is nothing to fear about you, only the long-term swaying of the collective consciousness.

You'd rather people read the pages instead of using them for papier mache?

The person making thndecisions on National Geographic's direction, their Editor in cheif and Editorial director is.....

...Susan (((Goldberg)))

I've had a subscription to NG since I was 6. My grandparents started it for me as a gift and paid for it until I graduated college. I've enjoyed that magazine my entire life and it pains me to see them pushing this shit so hard. I initially learned about the world through those pages and later went on to see with my own eyes the things I had read about. I won't cancel my subscription, but this issue will never leave the shelf of my collection again.


have they confused fashion trends for gender?

I cancelled my subscription aka "membership" because I realized they're just a bunch of SJWs.

Also the whole thing is just a thinly veiled for-profit enterprise by the Grosvenor family. Look into 'em.

Bunch of fucking butthurt ass blasted libcucks.


The Grosvenor family controls it.

Marrying a tranny is also the most redpilled thing you can do. Compared to a woman trannies are:
>Loyal to a fault, will never leave you, will never steal your money
>Pertain more to gender roles, they love cooking and cleaning.
>Are more often redpilled
>Have a mans brain so they can actually think logically and not emotionally
>No menopause or periods
>Can have real, intellectually stimulating conversations with them
>A sex drive to match your own
>They are better at raising smart children, women feminine your sons, but trannies know the difference in genders so will give you masculine sons.
>Not many men like trannies so they will see you as unreplacable

All you will need to figure out is getting a surrogate mother for your children. And your trap wife will do a great job taking care of them....

cuz the antichrist is supposed to rule over all


The issues from the 60's onward ('till today) always have some chocolate torpedo titties too.

Waiting for a yuppie, bolshy feminist to come in and say THIS COVER STUPID GENDER DOESN'T REAL

It is meant to rot a nation's core and destroy it so that it can be replaced.

You can't breed with a fucking tranny.
Now please kill yourself, you degenerate.

"female" is an endangered species.

the best you get is feminist brainwashed spoiled brat nowadays.

The best girls now are ironically (maybe that's not the right word, but NWM) illiterate, hard working, hot village girls. Those know what's what.

severe brain damage detected!

Here are more Himba women, the NatGeo Jews seem to put them into every issue.

They smear butter mixed with red clay or some shit on their bodies and in their hair, and also collect trinkets and cast-off clothing, which they wear or integrate into their elaborate hairdos. National Geographic has successfully forced the meme that they are The Beautiful People.

I think it's kinda cute but there's a reason these pics are in every issue.

Slippery slope and population control.

Liberal Jews are pushing for legal pedophilia next.

>A Sexual Revolution that Went too Far
>In his 1975 autobiographical book "Der Grosse Basar" (The Great Bazaar), Green Party politician Daniel Cohn-Bendit describes his experiences as a teacher in a Kinderladen in Frankfurt. When the children entrusted to his care opened his fly and began stroking his penis, he writes, "I was usually quite taken aback. My reactions varied, depending on the circumstances."

Surrogate mother you dip

They are beautiful people. Better than a fat American.

OP look up the names of the writers of these articles

This is the worst pasta I've ever tasted, I want a refund.

>Thinking a child growing up in a degenerate family will turn out well growing up with two faggot daddies


>They are beautiful people. Better than a fat American.

>Two dads

There was God, who is male; and Mary, who is female. That sounds like one man, one woman to me.

>I can give birth by hiring someone else to give birth and then taking the baby


Faggots are psychologically unwell and delirious in their reasoning.

Way to humanize god you heathen.

Guess who.


The fuck is an intersex non-binary?

Dafuq? That's clearly just a tomboy!

fuck this gay earth

the secret in your observation is one of the biggest redpills of all.

Have you figured it out? I can tell you if you're interested but it hits you more profound if you figure it out youtself.

>Transgender pussy

They are trying to normalize it because they made the horrible decision to cut off their penises and waged chemical war against their own bodies and if more people do the same and it becomes normal then they will not feel as bad about the choices they made in life.

Because people involved with this are possessed and satan is trying to make a mockery of God's creation by causing it to defile itself.

already cancelled my subscription the day after they came out with that gender shit

i honestly think it's just another jewish money making scheme
>tranny operation invented by a jew
>expensive psychology
>expensive drugs
>expensive surgery
>campaign for this to be normalized so it can be paid for by health insurance
>change dsm to reflect this scheme
>demoralize the goy a bit
the ama is pretty shifty, it was founded by a literal quack and they shill hard to keep their silly circumcision scheme going, along with a hundred other tricks

just mention fluoride and see their cousin shills from the ada pour out of the woodwork

wtf, man, it's Christmastime. why would you post that?

jews hate themselves?

Dont take anything seriously anymore. We need Hitler staches everywhere.

My christmas gift to you is helping you not finding yourself in that awkward situation where you knowingly get in a relationship with a tranny only to see this horror when you think you found an easy sex life.

>male - nigger
>transgender male - white

Oy goy!

It's because the previous month's issue's cover (December) was about the power of prayer, so they are doing this to balance it out. I'm sure all the lefty website bitched just as much last month as we are now.

Then you aren't helping. I understand having something that means so much like that, but the only way to counter this, is to hit them where its noticeable; their income. I bet you are thinking "someone else can do it, it wont matter if I cancel or not", but then you must realize that many people may be thinking along those lines.

I... want to say "and now I am gay" but... I don't know what if that is the proper response to this?...

Just don't support degenerate trannies. Both versions are putrid.


But can it become erect??

i think they have an air bladder that you pump up

At least this surgery adds functionality, fake vagoos take away and create a cavity to get infected.

>the grafted stump interface is somehow not going to get just as rotten

>flesh dildo

It's really funny that some women want to have a Frankenstein penis...

That's enough internet for today.

>explosive camel cavalry

Frankensteins monster's penis

would you prefer they DON'T document it so we end up repeating our mistakes 50 years from now?

That kid is ten years old. Look at his face. He has no idea what's going on, or who these people are. His parents dragged him along to their work to use him in their propaganda photoshoot, when all he wants to be doing is playing Xbox at home with his friends.

For once I'm okay with there being 6 shitskins to one white man on the cover


>be starving
>use all your resources on hair and beauty products
niggers are a jew's best friend

No matter how many times it's posted I'll never get used to tranny peen

Praying is just as cucked as being transgender desu

Don't cut yourself on that edge faglord

> implying people weren't doing the same shit 50 years ago
Remember that time Germany got redpilled? Now it's all gone. People forget easily

Jesus, fuck

I am objectively right

Not an argument

Look at them. They neither are every thin nor have these blown bellys. They seem to mage themselfs fairly well. Probably because they still live in their own little comunities instead of a shitty city slum

this is for american market right. LOL. your ocuntry is fucked. how can u be so marxist, i dont get it.

I dunno, I like them segregating normal males and females with transgender people. It's essentially them saying "you're not a real man, you're a tranny now. You'll never be anything more than a man with a mutilated penis.".

They need to wax all that hair off.

>gender revolution

you mean mental illness, right

Why do these tribal girls look totally healthy but you always see those starving Africans on the charity commercials?

it's funny since every single one of the writers for this issue is jewish.

National geographic were also going after fake news stories after someone photoshopped a shark on a picture.

leafposting again, aren't we? The day of rake is nigh