卐 - National Socialism General
Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, Alt-right and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.
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Inb4 degenerates
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Keep this post bumped
Bumped but what discussion to have my fellow goys
Anything related.
To start, I'm extremely concerned with the suicide rates of young white males.
like National Socialism, this thread is not sustainable. Let it die boys.
Just because there's no fash movement in blackistan doesn't mean the humans can't discuss it, pedro
Cry a river faggot!
Natsoc economic policies are nearly identical to the democratic party. I much prefer Nrx or NatLibertarian
Good starting point.
"No one talks about the tens of thousands who asphyxiate themselves each year out of desperation."
Suicide is something of an incurable societal ill. Nobody wants to talk about it and even fewer people want to believe anyone is serious about it. Even the successful among our race aren't immune from the feelings of isolation and exhaustion that lead to suicide - my boss hung himself at only 46 last year, and he was a millionaire. What more can be done though? Suicide hotlines with people willing to listen and talk someone suicidal down already exist, and clearly not all white men who kill themselves do so for lack of opportunity, so how do we spread the message that life (even in a world of degeneracy) is worth living?
Should be called Esoteric Hitlerism General, so people don't get confused by the socialism part.
Maybe, but you have to remember that Natsoc policies were written up in a 1930's world. The political and social landscape now is completely different. I wouldn't mind seeing ammendments made to current policies. Nothing drastic though.
You National Socialists have recognized the Alt-right? You're pathetic.
White is Right!
I don't understand this meme about Mosley, pls explain
I have lost two friends to suicide. One being my childhood best friend. I have another three friends that have attempted it and my own brother that is being treated for depression after my mother found a suicide note he had written.
This is a very real and sensitive issue for me and for millions like us around the world. Nothing angers me more then this issue being swept under the carpet in favour of gender equality, immigration, political correctness etc.
Suicide amongst young white males has never been so high.
Whether you want to admit this or not, we are a directionless demographic that is suffering from the fallout of systematic rasim and exclusion.
To put it bluntly, the biggest Taboo of the 21st century is to be European and proud of your heritage...
What's the problem Shlomo?
He was trying to start a British NatSoc revolution, but turned in to a meme on Sup Forums representing all the stereotypical "good goy" qualities of the English because of his appearance.
You got any reading material about him?
I'm interested to know more about English natsoc.
Well I guess people don't mind being bamboozled in these threads...
You niggers are the reason the Alt-Right nationalist movement is dead.
You understand 0 of what the movement was about since you keep pushing for white nationalism instead of just nationalism.
God fuck, I keep trying to help the cause of white genocide propaganda and PC culture by jewish marxists, but you faggots just come and ruin it all.
Maybe the white race just deserves to fucking die since it keeps playing games the wrong way, and discrediting movements that seek to protect it.
but I don't understand the
>eternal anglo meme
>drinking blood (refinery) meme
I'm not really an expert on English history or politics but there's a whole section in here devoted to it. The pastebin is actually a pretty damn good compilation of reading material; for once I'm convinced Sup Forums isn't packed to the brim with idiots.
Alt-Right nationalist movement? So they all had different ideas but loved their country? THAT'S WHAT AMERICA ALREADY IS YOU DUMBFUCK
Stay mad cuck.
Alt-Right is not on the left, so it does not relate to anything from Socialists. Alt-Right believes in a thing called privacy.
K. Bye.
The joke is that Hitler thought of the English as Aryans but they stabbed him in the back by siding with the Allies and killing millions of actual Aryans in Germany. Mosely is just the representation for this meme because of his beady-eyed, stereotypically English appearance. The irony is that he was probably the most respectable Englishman of all time from a NatSoc perspective.
Christ you leftys are retarded.
Keep trying though.
*Sage and hide
Buh bye kiddos
Thanks. I couldn't agree more!
Kikes, cucks, and non whites need not apply.
Post links or didn't happen.
There isn't much rhyme or reason to it, pol used to get baited by kikes who would divide europeans with anglo vs aryan (ww2) threads, are slavs/meds white threads, etc. and the anglo blood meme is a holdover from that
Mosly has excellent youtube interviews, one on british tv is excellent, he's in old age and still sharp and the kike running the show just virtue signals and makes snide non-arguments like cuckbert or current yearman today. Really makes you think, actually.
Individualism is the model of life now, people need a great cause to be able to not fall in depression and eventually commit suicide
A great cause was the trump electoral campain, a glance of true greateness, when he won i felt like it was a victory for us all
We need more events like that
You should eleborate on your point.
If you can't, please go back to Plebbit!
I agree. I felt a sense of belonging again. Something I haven't felt in a very long time....
Smart point. The tragic irony is that my dead boss always used to say that "the day you stop growing is the day you start dying". Hell, I probably would have killed myself a few times over by now if I didn't think that I had more to gain from preserving in life. The obvious "struggle" to focus the white man's attention on is the regaining of racial pride, but in today's multicult society it would seem difficult to shift the focus of politics back towards race/demographics and away from class/economics.
I'm pretty sure I've posted this in an NSG a few days ago, but I feel it's worth mentioning.
Seeing as how the socialist left (fuck, even social democrats) almost universally uses "The Internationale" as its anthem, I feel like the political right, as a whole, should start adopting this little number:
Also - this is by far my favorite version of the Horst-Wessel Song. Listen to those kettle drums in the back!
I see
>You niggers are the reason the Alt-Right nationalist movement is dead.
Good. It's all or nothing.
Why are these threads full of literal negros? Dont you understand that you are going to be shot first?
It's a forced meme by antifa, only caught on through sheer repetition.
Im concerned with the birth rate of whites
>by Antifa
Hahahah that is untrue.
These threads remind me of Brony threads.
Bunch of a white ass faggots posting faggotry.
You will never become a reality.
Why would they shoot people who agreed with them?
Made this comfy wallpaper from a picture taken from Neuschwanstein.
My ID has been tainted by the Jew
Hey Sup Forums, got a story to share with you today.
I'm on a bike trying to get to a crosswalk, there's a black crackhead bum in front of me on a bike with a small bag of aluminum cans swinging from his handlebars. He's moving real slow and the light is about to change, so in a friendly manner I say,
>You'll need to pedal if you want to make the light!
He starts swearing and spitting, so when he gets into the crosswalk, I go around quick and put some distance in.
Suddenly he rides up next to me and gives me the mean nigger scowl like it's going to frighten me. I hit my brakes and he moves in front of me and slows down, and starts blocking my way.
So at this point, I stop and he circles back around.
Dumb nigger says yeah, and comes in closer...
2) I pull out my Kimber Pepper Blaster and squeeze the two shots right at his face.
He howls and goes down for a moment. I'm on my bike already and riding away, he gets up and fucking follows me, shouting "I'ma follow you now!!!"
I know he's messing with me because I'm in work clothes and on my way somewhere inportant.
I look back, he's still following...
Well, I'm more of an ethnonationalist. I support other nationalistic groups regardless of race but the current problem is the demographic changes happening in Europe and the US. The historic white ethnostates deserve to remain and to be preserved.
...I'm a bit pissed the Kimber Pepper Blaster didn't work better, but at least now I know to carry something more powerful.
I look back again, and he's pedaling hard to catch up.
I stop, and jump off my bike, then when he rides up fast I quickly sidestep and shove him as hard as I can, he goes flying right out into the street in front of traffic, and faceplants on pavement, scraping his face and hands.
Now he has a face full of pepper spray and gravel, bloody hell looking.
I yell one last time,
>you follow or harass me in any manner, I'll send your black ass straight to the ER!!!
Nigger yells "I dindu nuffin, I'ma call po-lice!" but it's an empty threat.
I get back on my bike and ride away.
I look back, and dumb nigger is struggling to get on his bike and chase again...
At this point I'm almost laughing, he really picked the wrong guy to fuck with, and I'm sure his black pride was sore at being beaten by a smart enough white boy.
When I look back again, he's way back and struggling to ride after me on a busted up bicycle and he's torn up to shit.
If I ever see him again and he tries anything, I'll do what's necessary to protect myself.
He better cross the street if he ever sees me again. :)
Random question, but why do white people in major US cities let their neighborhoods go to shit?
I remember a time when crackheads, bums and hoodlum niggers were dealt with swiftly.
I wouldnt put one of my kids in this world with this sidewalk trash, how can you let your kids walk to school knowing that their life may be in danger every day?
I'm asking you to clean up your neighborhoods and be less tolerant.
Stop being Ameri-Cucks.
>Random question, but why do white people in major US cities let their neighborhoods go to shit?
afaik it was during the civil rights movement and hippie culture
>European Identity Movements
>posts hitler
hitler was not an european nationalists, or anything of that sort. he wanted to kill other non germanic white people to make room for his kind. its a disgrace.
Is she dare I say /our girl/?
Yeah, I've seen some of that, but even back in the 90's it wasn't this bad.
Now it's everywhere, it seems.
I remember in California the local Hells Angels and a small neighborhood skinhead gang kept the streets cleaner & safer than police could.
I haven't been there in years, but I'll bet the old neighborhood still has a good reputation.
I'll tell you one thing, when you make an honest effort to get your neighborhood straight, it gets noticed quick and police won't get in your way about it. The way they see it, you're doing them a favor and they look the other way or show up late.
>Yeah, I've seen some of that, but even back in the 90's it wasn't this bad.
9/11 happened
Then the leaning left and politicians try to defuse the entire situation and then the fuck up of Bush in Iraq/Afghanistan gave them easy target practice for them to go stronger while guilting the opposition.
because schlomo told me to be tolerant
>he fell for hitler shlomo meme
Me too.
And perhaps off topic, what the flying fuck is wrong with the majority here? Muh, I don't want kids, my genes don't matter, they will be strangers anyway after zillion years, I am just living for myself. Woman are sluts, I can just fuck around, then I am a real alpha male.
No, you dip shits, you won't be an alpha male that way, you will be a sad loser, who cannot sustain a relationship and is unable to care for his children.
Instead of taking the red pill, you better take no pills at all. Drugs are bad m'kay.
That kind is the death of the white race.